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Everything posted by TheGirlWhoLookedUp

  1. Wow, I love the way your trees look, especially the roots. What description in OB is it of?
  2. Granted, you get the pieces of a random guy named Reese. I wish my dog wasn’t so lazy.
  3. I came up with this one at around 12:00 A.M. last night. Still not sure what made me think of it...
  4. I wonder if you can soulcast allomantic metals, because if so, being an Elsecaller and a Mistborn would be SO useful.
  5. Both my parents and my friend had read Stormlight, and were always complaining about how long it was taking the third book to come out. They all suggested WOK to me and I decided to read it for a school book report. I loved it and finished reading it weeks before it was due. Fortunately, all that extra time was good, because summarizing the entire story, with three different characters each with their own plot, within six body paragraphs, is not easy.
  6. Hang a big banner over your bed that says “Unite Them!”
  7. I’ve always wondered about their teeth. Do the ones with crystal or metal bones go around with teeth to match? Seems a pretty obvious way to spot if a Kandra’s impersonating someone. Maybe they just stick normal teeth into the crystal skulls.
  8. Add lamps with colored lightbulbs, like blue or red or something, to make it look like spheres infused with stormlight.
  9. Granted, you go into the dentist’s office every day for three hours to make sure your teeth are still healthy. To keep them like that when you’re not at the dentist, you can’t eat anything normally, and have to be feed through a tube attached to your stomach through your bellybutton. But, you have no cavities. I wish for a pencil that never got dull, with an eraser that never wore down.
  10. Um... the sun is only eight light minutes away, but okay! Granted, you get a Reese’s chocolate. It’s the best and most amazing Reese’s chocolate you’ve ever seen. The smooth chocolate over the creamy peanut butter. You can’t eat it. I wish for a really cool cloak.
  11. Glory spren would be cutie oranges. Logic spren would be cotton candy. Hunger spren would be chocolate covered raisins.
  12. So does that mean Roshone is the good guy, by sending Tien to war? Or maybe he was influenced by Tien/Odium and it all a ruse to get Kaladin to join the army!
  13. Proof: Cultivation helped splinter Adonalsium. Lift is of Cultivation and loves Pancakes, therefor Cultivation must love them to. Since Adonalsium hates pancakes, Cultivation helped break him Theory: Jasnah has a secret sweet tooth for jam.
  14. Granted, you become an Elantrian, then a Hoed. Slowly and painfully. You get beheaded before Elantris is restored. I wish I could sing well.
  15. I would give Shallan a lighter. No more dealing with stubborn sticks.
  16. Granted, everyone else hears beautiful music whenever you play. You, however, only hear the screeching of nails on a blackboard. I wish to visit Urithiru.
  17. Has anyone done Tightrope yet, because I think I could do that one as Syl singing to Kaladin.
  18. Lift would spend her birthday stealing food from all the important people around Urithiru like the Highprinces and Jasnah, or Odium if she found time.
  19. Thanks, but I think I probably could have added a bit more detail to it.
  20. On the Nightwatcher’s birthday she wouldn’t give out any boons to people. She would demand they give something to her instead.
  21. From the album: Bored Doodles

    A sketch of the moon Mishim rising over Tsa’s towers in Wit’s story.
  22. For Hoid’s birthday, he’d want his flute back. He’d spend the day pestering Kaladin about it and sighing dramatically.
  23. Lopen would ask Jasnah for a bronze wall to go with his palace.
  24. Granted, however, the reason it’s pink and purple, is because some Rosharian greatshell sneezed on it. I want a plate of chouta.
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