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Everything posted by TheGirlWhoLookedUp

  1. I put Nutella on one waffle, strawberry or raspberry jam on another, then sandwich the two together. (It works with peanut butter too, instead of Nutella, but that’s boring.)
  2. Me to. I have to be careful not to spoil anything, because he literally remembers everything I say.
  3. *sits quietly in a corner, humming and waiting for this conversation to finish*
  4. Yeah, Talanel’s great. I’m glad you are liking The Stormlight Archives. It was the first one I read as well, and I had to take notes on it for an English class. That definitely helped me understand it better. Anyway, welcome to the Shard! What are some non fantasy books that you’ve read?
  5. Okay, so I’ve never actually made a mistcloak, but I was planning to once and did some searching for good materials. What I found, from others, is that felt works really well. It’s light and doesn’t fray. That way you don’t have to hem every single tassel.
  6. Szeth-Son-Son-Vallano Truthless of Shinovar wore green on the day he was to support mental health awareness.
  7. Since this topic was started nine days ago, the progress bar has moved up 6%! We have 87% left. If it continues to go up at that rate, it means only 130ish days until the rough draft is done! I think anyway... percentages aren’t always my strong point.
  8. Hmm... I think he’ll mock you because you’re screaming.
  9. That beaver looks like he’s plotting my death.
  10. If you haven’t already, you could try Mistborn Secret History, or Edgedancer. They both offer more insight to Mistborn and The Stormlight Archives. If you have, then I would definitely suggest Elantris. It’s my personal favorite and one of the reasons is because it’s only one book. I don’t have to wait forever for the main conflict to be resolved.
  11. Granted, you know everything about anything Brandon Sanderson will ever write, however it’s impossible for you to tell anyone anything in any way. You hear all the different theories people come up with and want so badly to tell them what really happens. Eventually you are driven to insanity from all the knowledge trapped in your head with no outlet. I wish for a lucky hat.
  12. I don’t know, I feel as if Brandon Sanderson has taught me a lot about what a good story is, and I can’t go back to simply reading most YA anymore. When I do come across another great book, I can actually pinpoint what’s so good about it rather than just blindly reading it and saying it’s good. There are so many good books out there and Brandon Sanderson has made me appreciate them more. I still can’t read most YA books of course, but who needs them.
  13. I would save Moash’s Grandparents before they got arrested. That way, I’d also save Moash from becoming how he is now and let him have a normal life.
  14. Or when you walk by his section in the library, not to check anything out, but just because.
  15. Have you read the second Mistborn series, Wax and Wayne? If you haven’t, you might want to before reading Secret History. It’s not big, but it just spoils a plot twist near the end.
  16. It’s so boring though. There’s no expression of yourself or color. I’m an artist and to me it’s boring. I know people like it, and have no problem with that. I just couldn’t live there.
  17. Trapped anywhere in Idris. That place would drive me nuts. Not that it’s bad or anything thing, I just couldn’t live there for the rest of my life.
  18. *salutes back* Hello, and welcome. Who’s your favorite character and if you could have any animals from Roshar, what would it be? I personally would have a trained Chasmfiend.
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