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twenty second of the sun

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Everything posted by twenty second of the sun

  1. Honestly that's what I was imagining when I saw this thread but I don't think that would be realmatically possible.
  2. what would be the difference between Honor + Dominion and Devotion + Dominion ? then and if you say reign then I will have to disagree.
  3. I don't think Devotion and Dominion would necessarily be called the shard of Nobility , We have seen on multiple occasions that nobility is rarely associated with a devotion the the people they govern . I would say that dominion and devotion would be the shard Benevolence
  4. The question isn't whats most painful what I meant was what is the worst set of plausible circumstances that could come about in the cosmere .
  5. That may be what she asked or but it wasn't what she received it, was neither her boon nor her curse
  6. Even better then that Hoid x Rayse with or without the shard odium.
  7. I am talking about how I've never seen anything like it in the cosmere ,along with it apparently requiring less than one breath to do.
  8. In Warbreaker Vasher is shown to be able to remove memories through self awakening ? What ?
  9. I also like the idea of each bondsmith forming bonds with people in different ways. Maybe the Sibling bondsmith will help draw people in and form a community in urithiru.
  10. MMMMMmmmmm. I really like that theory of having to request a bond with the nightwatcher .
  11. Since that is true I would think that is a given that manipulation metals in a drab is easier , what we don't know is by how much.
  12. I think the relationship between Sylphrena and Kaladin has the most potential to grow and become canon ,compared to other fan ships people have proposed . I personally don't believe their has to be a physical relationship between Syl and Kaladin for it to be a loving romantic relationship. I also don't understand why others have qualms with the ship becoming canon if there is no "physical" part of it .( meaning I don"t understand the person saying the ship was comparable to man x tapeworm , and not only because of the fact that tapeworms don't grant awesome abilities )
  13. not the origins of the Aimians the origins of the Natanatans.
  14. I have no prior experience with owls of the giant variety , however I do know they look far more terrifying then they actually are ,while still being incredibly dangerous birds with razor sharp talons.
  15. How long does it take to shatter a shard the way odium does compared to the slow strangulation used by ruin against preservation ? Why is the shatter method perceived as being so quick if honor had time to create the stormfather and rant and rave about the knights radiant destroying the world with their surgebinding.
  16. That much for everything cosmere is obvious . What I don't understand is why people don't understand that what the Knights radiants are being told that they have done is enough to make them quit in fear of doing it again.
  17. Honestly that is most likely what happened
  18. Could some shard that went to Sel just stuff the wild investiture back into the spiritual realm ?
  19. where did you learn about the sel cognitive realm ?
  20. I think seeing moash's corpse in one of the pits would make working there all the better.
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