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Status Updates posted by Jaywalk

  1. I wrote another poem! It's the first draft, and will certainly go through many edits, but I thought I'd share it anyway.



    "The Falcon"

    To be human is not to fly. To be human is not to glide over magnificent mountains and vibrant valleys, to be carried to our destinations on the winds.

    To be human is to beat our wings against oppressive gusts. To be human is to give it our all, only for our prey to slip away. To be human is to cry out, calling for aid. To be human is to lash out our talons in retaliation, then to run away ashamed.

    To try to glide is an exercise in futility.

    To be human is to be relentless, to push against the winds. To be human is to try again, to dive harder, faster, stronger. To be human is to fold into the wings of another in our times of need. And to be human is to forgive, to make amends, to heal.

    And most of all… to be human is to be united.

    To open our wings to one another… in strength… kindness…

                  And love.

    1. AonEne


      I really like this! 

  2. Not sure where to drop this... but I wrote a poem and thought I’d share it.



    A friend, I call you.

    But what makes a friend?

    I see you in snapshots and flybys.

    I piece together a figure.

    A puzzle left unfinished.

    Once, I thought I knew you...

    But once is no longer enough.

  3. Hey, Falchion! Just wanted to say, it’s always a joy to read one of your posts. I’m consistently impressed by how much thought you put into them! Keep up the good work!

  4. Ene, why...

    Why must Chaos’s face be your profile picture?

    1. AonEne


      Because I didn't have my regular one on hand and I was looking for something original to use instead of the smiley face in between and I mean...this is original... 

  5. Happy Birthday!

    1. Kidpen
    2. Archer


      Happy really late birthday sneak attack because I kind of forgot but still want to celebrate the fact that you got older???

    3. Kidpen


      Here's an even later thanks to your happy birthday sneak attack!

  6. Star, what in the world is your new profile picture?

  7. Hey man, it’s been a while.

  8. Wait, you've read Seven Realms? That's one of my favorite series!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rebecca


      No, not yet. I’ve been waiting for them all to come out so I can read them all at once, instead of having to wait. Have you read them?

    3. Jaywalk


      Yep. I like them a lot, but the first series I like a bit more. The last book comes out March 5th, so you'll be able to read them soon!

    4. Rebecca


      Oh, really!? That’s exciting! I can’t wait for it now!

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