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Vargo Seldon

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Everything posted by Vargo Seldon

  1. Aeodin nodded as Laonin handed out tasks. He felt as though everything they did was worthless, after all, everything would just be destroyed in the next war. According to Galvris, the next one would be huge, with the gods of the pantheon interfering. He had said something about the god of justice being with them... ----------- Kaladin looked down nervously as he realized that one of his characters mentioned him. No, he'd have to fix that... ----------- Aeodin had the god of justice inexplicably wiped from his mind. He transported himself to the site of this building and began repairs.
  2. No. I wish to stop the Mmmm-craze which has overtaken it.
  3. Galvris caught the sandwich and ate it. He then followed Aurell into the elevator, enjoying the music as they rode it. He then listened to the audio files. He didn't show any surprise that Aurell wasn't the real Aurell; stranger things had happened in the Alleyverse. But he did growl slightly at the death of justice. He sighed, yet another crime to add to Solac's list. He consulted the list of punishments he'd gathered from the families of Solace's victims, and shook his head at the ever-growing list. He took another sandwich from the fridge and ate slowly.
  4. Valdwen inconspicuously walked over to the cabinet and began nonchalantly rifling through it. He at last pulled out five or six copper spikes, and casually put them into a flask of blood to preserve them. He then slung it over his shoulder and waved to the others as he walked out. He hoped the others wouldn't notice, but they probably did. Well then, he hoped that they wouldn't miss five mental fortitude spikes. Once he was clear of the alley, he compounded steel and took off at a run. By combining allomancy and feruchemy, he was able to speed up his jumps and so the result was exceptionally fast travel.
  5. Wow. That is an accomplishment. I only got past the first few pages. You know, I was looking down the line of intro threads, and I saw that yours has only one reply, so I came over here to fix that. And to offer you a cookie. Take the cookie. Oh, yeah, welcome to the forums.
  6. As the god of justice I assert that it is both just and right to eat these influenced cookies because if a person died making those cookies, the least you can do is appreciate their work and eat it. Also, I can't figure out who you are @Ookla the [your choice]. And @Ashaman_Wade, welcome to the forums, and you should come on over to the alleyverse (things would make a lot more sense here if you did).
  7. A shimmering in the air... shimmered. Galvris stepped out, "I'm back!! Did ya miss me? And yes, I would love to take a sandwich. Sorry about your father," he added to Aurell. "So, are we going into this lab thingy? Thanks for inviting me."
  8. This is all super confusing. Also, quicke theory, the tranquiline halls is yolen.
  9. Definitely white. From what I've seen, I would never entangle myself in the black ajah, and white seems like the most logical one.
  10. "Thank you, it's partially a result of my allomantic and feruchemical strength that I escaped the inquisitors," Valdwen said. He then turned towards the one talking. "So you basically want to make yourself into a complete dakhor monk, bone ridges and all? I've never seen a kandra with that type of body. Might be interesting."
  11. Galvris walked in briskly, and addressed Laonin, "We both finished our respective projects. The powerful investiture made the work go quickly, though we were both up at least half the night. I regret to inform you that I'll be leaving today. The war between the ghostbloods has become so that I cannot ignore. And beyond that, the fourth wall has been shattered, and the alleyverse will soon be rocked by a war that will tear this land apart. You're services are indeed important, especially now that the city is about to be devastated. I will leave Aeodin to help you all, but the time may come when I will need him. Farewell to you all, and I hope that harm befalls none of you." With that, he channeled and made a kind of shimmering in the air. A portal to tel'aran'rhiod, the world of dreams. Traveling through the world of dreams was slower that traveling, but you also were less likely to hurt someone. He stepped into the portal and disappeared.
  12. You're quite correct. The endless cycle is amazing in every way. its also a great way to increase your post count, but that's totally not why I made it...
  13. Why thank you. I myself think that I would make a great god of justice. So now I need to make slowpoke with a spear.
  14. Valdwen sighed, but complied and climbed into the chamber.
  15. "Yes he is. Only a twinborn though. He also has the power of feruchemical zinc through hemalurgy."
  16. Ahh, its these tiny imperfections that make it all blend.
  17. Yes you are quite right... Great works of art often start in humble places.
  18. "No," Aeodin answered, "Valdwen is a terris man from scardrial. Where are you from? Scadrial also?"
  19. Really. I thought odium killed endowment. Maybe its the selish shards I'm thinking of.
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