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Vargo Seldon

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Everything posted by Vargo Seldon

  1. Aeodin felt almost healed, but not quite. It was like he got injured, and wound stopped bleeding but never fully closed. Except this time the wound was his soul. He looked down at himself, and realized his skin had lost some of its shine. More like silver that nobody polished and left sitting on the shelf until it eventually tarnished. As Laonin pulled the knife out, he watched with horror as his skin lost its color completely, becoming pale and sickly with dark splotches. Laonin quickly treated the wound, stitching it up, but it would never heal as long as he remained that way. So it was my connection to the Dor, he thought. Figures. Fortunately there was an easy fix. He weakly grabbed for the knife that Laonin had pulled out, but Laonin didn't understand. He finally got his hand on the spike. He picked it up, pointed it at himself, and, to Laonin's horror, plunged it into his heart up to the hilt. It hurt, yes, but the results were well worth it. His skin regained its former luster, and the wound in his abdomen closed. The wound in his soul, however, would not be so easy to fix. At least he had regained the piece of soul he had lost.
  2. Aeodin, from the depth of his subconcious, felt a small bit of warmth on his chest. The warmth increased, and kept increasing to the point of being paunful. He realized that it wasn't just on his chest, but spreading throughout his body under his skin. Most of the warmth began concentrating itself in his gut, and there it increased to painful levels. Aeodin slowly fought his way toward consciousness, and as soon as he was awake enough to feel, he groaned and arched his back from the pain. Healing Aon, he thought, never a pleasant feeling. He suddenly felt a spike of fear as he remembered his wound. What had that hemalurgic spike taken from him? Hopefully not his connection to the Dor. He fell back as the Aon did its work and relaxed.
  3. There are many, many differing views on this. Without diving in to religion, I can tell you that ideals are the bases for human goodness. Like Dalinar said, let a few cracks through, and suddenly your entire belief system is compromised. I will say that morals and ideals also have a practical value, and contribute to the betterment of society.
  4. It is definitely a great read. Gotta tell you, I like the whole Hoid versus Kelseir thing. Those two make great enemies. Now if we could just get Kaladin to fight Kelsier... welcome to the forums, and I can definitely recommend the cookies. The DA is famous for them.
  5. Valdwen, realizing he had nothing left to accomplish, quickly left via the nearest door. He hoped that he had not interfered with the expirement too much, it had seemed important.
  6. Those ideals, despite being fictional, actually have value. This is how it was explained: everyone ends up in the same place, wether it be a paupers graveyard or a kings crypt. What matters is what you do along the way. Since the destination is the same for all men (and women), then you must make the most of the journey. I may have slightly misquoted that. So the point of life is to better your society and make sure that future generations live a better life than you, no matter how good your life may have been. Serving only yourself doesn't accomplish anything, proves to tear down society, and harms others in the process. See, there is a point to life. I like optimistic philosophizing.
  7. Life is irrelevant. What is life but to pass on your legacy?
  8. Galvris instinctively pulled out a gemstone to use as a focus for channeling. He then used it to eavesdrop on the spanreed conversation that Althea was having. He raised one eyebrow when Max embrassed Althea, the inconspicuously turned the other way to offer some semblance of privacy. Who was the mysterious "she" that Althea seemed to care so much about? Who was this spy? These questions were important, but an issue for later.
  9. Aeodin heard voices dimly. He realized that Ishek had started to treat the wound, but it was too late. The knife was a hemalurgic spike made by the DA, designed to kill and preserve the power. Aeodin had a healing Aon, but it was in the deep folds of his robes, and he'd be dead by the time Ishek found it. With shaking pale fingers, he reached into the hidden pocket, and brought out the Aon. He wouldn't be able to use it, as he didn't have a strong enough connection to the Dor right now. He held it up in weak arms, gesturing to Laonin to take it. His arm fell back, weakened from blood loss, and the Aon rolled free of his fingers. It was his only hope for survival, he needed... Everything faded to black. @Ookla the Ookspren, @Ookla the Ring
  10. Valdwen looked towards the woman who seemed to be in charge. "Ahh, of course. I will soon leave. However, you might suggest to me a place where I could gather some mental fortitude. For expiramental purposes, of course."
  11. Aeodin appeared in a flash of light. He stumbled towards the two men, oddly uncoordinated for an Elantrian. It soon became clear. He had a knife embedded in his gut. He collapsed in front of the two men and muttered, "You fool!" @Ookla the Ring @Ookla the Ookspren
  12. I don't know. It feels a little like mixing magic, which is something that Brandon rarely does, and even then with something like Hoid. I do see where you're taking this, and can easily imagine some allomantic armor that grants specific abilities.
  13. Maybe. If you say your old username I'll probably recognize it
  14. Galvris only listened with half an ear. The conversation was interesting, but was more of a family affair. He had an ulterior motive. For some reason, he kept looking towards the door, never really taking his eyes away. Ever time he looked away, his eyes would inevitability be drawn back. "I believe no man is past redemption, but Solace is definitely a special case. Still, I think we should at least try to recover him," he said, interjecting his thoughts into the conversation.
  15. I apologize. I was referring to the shard of justice. I was also referencing Hellbent, but I wasn't in any way connecting him to a shard. I realize how this could have been misinterpreted, and I apologize again.
  16. "Then we have a consensus? To stop Solace from getting a shard? Here's the question, do you respond in character, or just tell him to not? He did make this move in character, shutting it down from the outside is a little anti-climatic. However, we do have this problem with Hellbent, so should you just shut down the shard thing?"
  17. Valdwen addressed Fred, "I hope you don't mind me taking a few spikes. Just some copper ones full of mental fortitude. Now, I would make my own, but I really don't know anyone with great mental fortitude, as we're all a little insane down here in the alleyverse."
  18. "We're not here to argue about how deadly a Kaiju is. That is one point that is undisputed. We are here to discuss the shard of justice and how valid this stuff is. I myself think that possessing the shard of justice is a bit too much for an alleyverse character. I'm a little new to all of this, but an entire shard seems big. Too big for one of our characters."
  19. Other than archer, I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar with most TUBA members. Looks like you just lost another cause though.
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