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Everything posted by Doomstick

  1. oh, I forgot to say, my nose randomly decided to bleed in the middle of the fourth movement of the last piece I played yesterday. I blame the horns

  2. when you're getting a numbered Cytonic, but are sad because you won't be able to read it release day.
  3. life update:

    my first concert with my youth orchestra has concluded.

    1. danex
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Awesome! Mine's coming up in a month and im nervous hah

  4. pineapple is good on pizza only if it is small. kili jelo li lili, kili jelo li pona e mulapisu.
  5. *teleports a stack of books in* https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/98592-book-recommendations/?do=findComment&comment=1256419 *laughs in rulebreaker*
  6. I continue my immense amount of status updates to advertise the toki pona thread I made for all who are interested in it.

    mi awen e sona sin mute mi. mi toki tawa sina mute e ni: mi pali e kulupu tawa jan pi toki pona pona tawa ona.


    1. Tesh


      Ahhhh I still need to get around to that. 

  7. toki! mi jan Palisa. tan pi tomo ni li toki pona. tenpo ni la mi ala toki e toki pona kin pona. taso, toki pona li pona tawa mi. sina mute wile la, sina mute li ken toki kepeken toki tomo ante lon ni. taso, tomo ni pali tawa toki pona. mi kama sona e toki pona kepeken mute suno pi sona pi toki pona pi jan Misali*. sina ala toki kepeken toki Inli lon lipu lili la sina o pana e sitelen pi toki Inli tan pona sina. translation:
  8. In tlpw v. tlt (the first), Iirc tlpw got ahead for a few days, but was put back where it belongs, this was years ago, however.
  9. Dune in 3D: good!

    spoilers for what was changed from book to movie (no plot or anything spoilers though)


    the lack of Feyd-Rautha mad me sad, and the fact that Piter wasn't named.
    Drax Rabban was the only Harkonnen person whose first name was mentioned. wow.

    tiny minor plot spoiler


    I also found a plot hole: when Piter, the Baron, and some rando Bene Gesserit are talking about their plan and the Hs are asking for imperial support or something (the cone of silence scene), the Bene Gesserit refers to Jessica as Leto's wife. (this is not just a change from source material, Leto still has his "I should have married you" line).



  10. obligatory I have 90 followers SU, I guess

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      whoa cool, I only have 19 I think

  11. Dune: good!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ashwastaken


      *claps slowly whilst nodding seriously*

      the movies soundtrack laps, from what I’ve heard.

    3. JesterLavorre


      The visuals and audio of the movie are both excellent, though the audio occasionally makes it harder to hear the people talking.

    4. Doomstick


      *agrees with Jessie*

  12. Should I start a thread I SG,C&G? I have no dog tpbm has defenestrated
  13. mi toki e toki pona lili TBPM wants to learn toki pona
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