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Everything posted by bmcclure7

  1. Let's see a armed and deadly twinborn versus a mad fisherman. Not much of a fight Wax wins. Next Miles hundred lives vs bleeder with Feruchemical Steel. Takes place in the auction room that we see in the beginning of Shadows of self.
  2. Could you expound upon this? Has there been word of Brandon on how the scadrians Are going to develop FTL . I always assumed that there ships would be going In-and-out of the Cognitive realm and used that to travel between planets They could be scadrians but i also Can see them been surge binders.
  3. I haven't read his night angel series yet but I really like his portrayal of religion and religious figures, unbelievers and believers in lightbringer
  4. We have seen Alimum be used as an Ant-Investure weapon in the form of Hazekiller rounds. Once someone finds out how to mass produce it, could we see more Alimum weapons? Alimum swords and armor to counter shard blades? Perhaps some kind of vehicle with Alimum armored, how about Alimum spaceship in Mistborn space ages?
  5. lol Sorry, I read Warbreak I'd like to keep my vast collection breaths but I'll happily take the free cookie your offering.
  6. I would like to be Awakener or a full Terrisman.
  7. Hi I've been a read things on the 17th shard and the coppermind for a while now but I have only become a member recently.
  8. If That is so is it possible you think for Silence to bond her grandmother? If so she might gain magical abilities the same way the knights radiant gain abilities. This could be the start of a hole new magic system for one Sanderson future books.
  9. Aondoor and Hemalurgy perhaps But Im pretty sure that it Awakening isn't as versatil as the surges
  10. True however Most of the commands found so far are pretty basic hold, defend, attack. Additionally all those are variations of the same ability(awakening) Just like Turning things to smoke and turning things to stone are 2 variations of the same ability(soulcasting). Also unless you have a 1000 breaths just sitting around some place You're gonna be limited to controlling objects organic in nature. Make no mistake there is still a lot you can do with awakening I'm not saying that it's not diverse just not divers when compared to some of the other magic system such as the sprin.
  11. True but a the moment the number if different what you can do with the comands is less then the things you can do with the mental arts or the powers of the knights radiant.
  12. Awakening is the least versital of all these systems. You really only have one power. It is also (at least in my opinion) the least suited for combat. It is also most accessible and (in my opinion) the most interesting of the above systems.
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