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Everything posted by Feruchemist

  1. Yes, I have both DLCs. I have finished most of the DLC content, but haven't yet finished the Trials of the Sword.\ Hmm... I've never played any of the other games you mentioned.
  2. I would be one of the following: Ingenuity. Genius. Prudence. Instigation.
  3. What would an Honor+Odium Dishard be called? Rightous Fury? Vengefulness? Fanatic Hatred? Fervency? Xenophobia?
  4. I'm finishing off the last dregs of content in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild.
  5. "Hello there Reader, now that you've read this, there's no turning back. Are you sure you want to continue?"
  6. Unless, of course, Ashravan took a path similar to that of Kelsier, trapping himself in the Cognitive Realm... But that seems highly unlikely.
  7. Shadows, collapsing past darkness; darkness past collapsing shadows.
  8. My username may make this somewhat obvious, but I would definitely choose Feruchemy.
  9. Harry Potter Septology Game of Thrones Alloy of Law
  10. Thank you @WeiryWriter, I should have recognized this.
  11. According to Arcanum Unbounded, Taldain is a tidally locked planet that does not rotate significantly. Thus, it has one dark side and one light side. How can this be? Is this physically possible?
  12. Steelheart Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell The Rithmatist
  13. I imagine that the strange liquid the Ire are shown to be drinking in Secret History might be able to prevent the decay of the physical form and spiritweb.
  14. When you chuckle at the mention of "Lift" in any physics-related book you read... When you find it difficult to read other series because their magic systems don't "make sense"...
  15. Interesting examination, I had forgotten that part of the Mistborn Era Two quartet (currently a trilogy)-- time to re-read it!
  16. True, very true, but... "The only thing that never dies is hate!"- Future Mraize quote.
  17. True, and some elements of the Cosmere are inspired by real-world religions. However, I don't think that sulfur is connected to evil (basically Odium) in the setting.
  18. Hmm, has long-range order been given definition in the Cosmere?
  19. Ah yes, there is certainly a prevalence of deceased brothers in the Cosmere.
  20. Ah, I am still not sure that the people of the Cosmere have organized the elements by atomic density and electron/proton/neutron placement, but I know that they have the same elements as we do. My post may not have made it clear, but I agree with you. Sulfur likely has no significance in the Cosmere. My "nebulous ideas" were idle speculations that even I found ridiculous.
  21. I suppose it may be possible, but I think that the divine aspect of 16 in the Cosmere probably relates more to its mathematical qualities. Furthermore, I don't think that the denizens of the Cosmere have the same periodic table that we do. However, possibilities for Sulfur in the Cosmere could be very interesting; here are a few nebulous ideas that I had: 1. Compounding Sulfur could be affected by Shardic Investiture to a greater extent than other types of compounding. 2. Sulfur-metal materials could have greater Hemalurgic potential.
  22. I'm not quite sure where I last saw it, but I remember a confirmation that we would see FTL (faster than light travel) in the Cosmere at some point, but I suppose the starships could have traveled through the Cognitive realm as well.
  23. Congratulations, I reached this conclusion on my own just a few months back. I absolutely support the theory.
  24. When you hunger for metals instead of coffee... When you see an incredibly bright light and think "what a waste of Stormlight"... When you visit the pet store, see birds, and pity the imprisoned Aviar...
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