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Everything posted by Oudeis

  1. Wow. You seriously just cited the MAG. I don't even know how to respond. EDIT: Just found this. So... are you just being deliberately provocative, now? It's not semantics. You're calling it "reverse compounding" because, as you say, it has to be a perfect analogue and follow the same path. That is patently false. Analogues do not need to be perfect, and for that matter, no one ever said the other kind of compounding has to be an analogue to compounding as we know it. Pewter and steel, allomantically, are both physical metals, they're both Pushing. One is Internal, one is External. Does that make them perfect analogues to each other? Of course not. One is one of the fastest-burning metals; the other isn't even extremely slow-burning, it's middle-of-the-road. There are a hundred other small differences. You wouldn't call pewter "reverse steel". 100% of your argument saying that our models cannot be the case is because you keep asserting that the two kinds of compounding must be perfect analogues; there is nothing but your own assumptions to back this up, and you're never going to change your mind because you think it's so obvious that anyone disagreeing with you is wrong by definition. You keep calling it "reverse" and then you insist that because you call it reverse, it has to work exactly the same as known compounding. That's why it's not semantics. If I referred to feruchemy as "hot allomancy" and then kept insisting that because I call it hot allomancy it only works when the metals are heated, that's not an issue of semantics. Also... seriously, look up the word analogue, if you're going to say something "isn't analogous by definition", whether or not you have a reason to assert that there's any reason we should believe it has to be analogous in any way. You may or may not believe you're remaining civil (you really aren't, by the way), but I would also like us to strive for ideals of academic and scholarly. But I didn't come here to start our same arguments over again; Warpsmith is new to the forum, and I just wanted him to be aware that however confident you were, you were absolutely not the unified voice of the wisdom of the Shard. Warp: In short, I believe if you burn a metal, for example steel, then you now have two traits within your body capable of being stored in a steelmind: "physical speed" or "allomantic steel". With a bendalloymind, you can choose whether to store nutrition or hydration. By the same mechanism, I expect you can choose whether to store physical speed, or the allomantic power of steel. Then it works like regular feruchemy. Later on you can draw out the trait, at any lesser or greater strength you wish. Very similar to your model. I hadn't considered your exact model before, and under such circumstances I would be perfectly willing to abandon mine if yours seemed more accurate. However, in this specific circumstance, I do not yet think so. I confess, in this instance the tie-breaker in my head is simply that I thought of mine and therefore I feel somewhat loyal to it.
  2. Oh. All this time, I thought it was just a joke on the phrase "autofail", meaning autocorrect did a lousy job, as in, you're trying to say you're a victim of Autofail, but autocorrect failed and wrote it as "autopwail"... Learn something new.
  3. I actually see Daredevil as hemalurgic; maybe tin spikes through his eyes, destroying his sight, but granting four constantly heightened senses he cannot turn off...
  4. Except that, even if all of Tindwyl's actual feruchemist children perished, she had scores of kids, and surely some of them were carriers even if they weren't actual feruchemists, and there must've been other carriers of the gene within the general pool, or else other feruchemists wouldn't have been born at the time of the Final Ascension. For the same reason they survived the Lord Ruler's Ascension, it's possible they survived the Catacendre; unless, of course, the genetics, weakened by the first culling, just weren't strong enough. Regardless, it's still a plausible option, and fits with the mention in Shadows of Self that there weren't any living Keepers at the time of the Catacendre, and certainly none who remembered Old Terris, explaining why the ones who did remember, wrote it all down.
  5. He altered plants, livestock, everything necessary to sustain the food chain vital to humankind. Also, yes, they are mentioned. Once, briefly (that I can recall). When Vin first Ascends, she accidentally destroys a village of fishermen when she spins the planet to save it from burning.
  6. Did not even need to open the spoiler to know what pic you were gonna reference.
  7. Wax does it to see TenSoon's spike; I do not recall whether or not he flared metal to do it.
  8. Weltall: ....Eh. OR, any of a hundred other things. Other systems magically hacking. Maybe someone can be unShaoded. Maybe... maybe any of a thousand possibilities. At the end of the day, we don't know what's 'standard' for Elantrians and what's a special case, and I hasten to suggest the point of data you mention is almost certainly a VERY special case.
  9. Actually, by the MAG, there is no difference in burn rate from actual pushing as opposed to simply burning it. Hrm. I wonder if there's a time in the books where someone is trying to detect steellines, and flares to do so better...The end of Final Empire and the end of Well of Ascension are two times when someone might have tried this trick that comes to mind...
  10. There's been a lot of speculation on this topic. First, you can clearly go as far as Teod, and still look just as Elantrian, even though your power is GREATLY diminished. Still, illusions are apparently remarkably low-power, since they worked totally fine before Raoden made AonDor function properly again. So, first of all, your "golden cage" is... like a continent. At least a very large country. While still technically restrictive, I take issue with the notion that it's enough to make calamity of too-long life. Second, what does happen if you leave? Do you turn Hoed without the Dor? Do you simply turn normal? Which of your changes are static, and which require power? Would you still glow if you were too far to access the Dor? Would your hair still be silver? Would you age while away? Would your age reverse when you got back, or would you still be that old? If Shaor had been taken when the Shaod was normal, would she have aged to maturity, or been a child forever? Do mature Elantrians still grow and change with age, even though they don't enter senescence? Also, if you're going to mention Warbreaker things, please put them behind a spoiler cut. Like this! Warbreaker
  11. Oudeis

    Classic Trell

    Yeah, I went with Classic Trell over Classical Trell mostly because the phrasing amused me. The Onion once posted a television line-up with blurbs about shows that night: "Tonight, on 'That's So Raven', Raven Baxter behaves in a manner entirely in keeping with the type of person she is."
  12. Do you have a source for this? I ask because, "do you burn through steel faster when you push on something" is a question in my personal list of questions. The answer would fascinate me.
  13. So, you think it's reasonable to assume that Sazed looked at a person who had done this to himself, and assumed, "that person wants this process reversed," but looked at someone else in constant pain who isn't even human anymore by some definitions who had it done to him very much against his will, and said, "that person likely wants to stay as he is"? Or are you assuming he changed Spook without his knowledge or permission, but stopped and asked Marsh, first? Also, you can't exactly use feruchemical gold to heal, if what you're trying to heal is, "I have feruchemical gold due to this spike in my body stuffed with a murder victim's soul and I don't want it anymore."
  14. I've long wondered why you call this "reverse compounding." The reverse of compounding as we know it would be if you took a feruchemical attribute, modified it into an allomantic power, and shot that power at Preservation. Which is not what 'the other kind of compounding' is, if you'd take a moment and think about it logically. It would help the rest of us a lot if you stopped asserting your own assumptions as fact, especially when they're based on a clearly flawed premise.
  15. But recall what Vin says; people change all the time. She suspected Ham because he wasn't posing his philosophical conundra as often; turns out, he was just somber in the face of impending doom. The fact that someone changed in two and a half decades is... honestly, neither reason to think they are or are not replaced by a kandra.
  16. No, as I've said about a dozen times, which you've read, and since your reply is always, "well they just seem different to me," we do not know that the latter follows the former. As I have said, over and over, and been ignored by you over and over, feruchemy changes the metal because feruchemy has the power to change the metal. Allomancy does not. Allomancy has the power to change the person, so it follows logically that when you do the other kind of compounding, you don't look for places/ways to change the metal, you look for places/ways to change the person, exactly like Warpsmith is suggesting. You don't have to agree that it's the actual case. But it would help a lot if you would stop insisting that your speculation is the only valid interpretation. Warpsmith: For the record, I still think my model is the correct one. But yours is valid.
  17. Already mentioned this. If you have personal experience either constructing soundwaves by hand or genetically modifying organisms by hand, please share it. Otherwise, the fact that you think one should be simpler than the other doesn't mean much.
  18. Oh. I thought you just meant, "widely considered useless."
  19. I like the cut of your jib, and I like your proposed theory. Just to be clear, this is an assumption Voidus is making, not something we actually know.
  20. Aren't there ceramics and thick-woven textiles that would protect him just as well?
  21. I heard somewhere that he tries to avoid it for several very good reasons, but Peter is here a LOT. He even speaks up sometimes, especially when his name is spoken, and then we shower him with upvotes. And lo, the great circle of Team Dragonsteel is complete once more.
  22. ...at ENORMOUS expense. I'm not talking Bendalloy here; do you know what it costs to raise a child to adulthood? Food, clothes. The idea apparently is that they get trained to obedience. So you'd need to have people already loyal enough to grow old and die in a year so they can sit in a bendalloy bubble brainwashing a child to be loyal to you. And never being able to move more than five feet in any direction. The Set might be 'quite solvent' from the business ventures they took over from Tekiel, but trying to raise literally generations of a clan within the space of a few years would cost many orders of magnitude more money than they could possibly have; not to mention, however fertile Elendel basin might be, it's unlikely that they produce enough food to feed that group of people at the rate of consumption you're talking about. Unless you're suggesting even more bendalloy bubbles to raise crops and cattle... who would NOT survive in a five foot bubble, so you'd need a few hundred Sliders burning expensive metals all the time... I don't see this idea as feasible.
  23. Can they? Sazed says that he knows he can move a planet, but not where to move it to make life habitable. Just because he can rub air molecules together, does not mean he automatically knows how to do so and simulate actual sounds that could be accurately interpreted. Maybe it takes more than three hundred years of rubbing air molecules together before you figure out EXACTLY how to do it and be understood. Shadows of Self spoilers
  24. I mean, I can think of how ANY immortality could get exhausting... I've read enough fantasy to be familiar with the lament of the immortal. I wonder why Elantrians are worse than usual... Kids might be part of it, but, Warbreaker spoiler: EDIT: Turns out spoiler tags work better when you actually put them in...
  25. Yes; however, it's not proof that Eshonai has to be a Releaser or Willshaper. For all we know she'll be another Windrunner, because clearly our viewpoint characters are not a match to the ten orders, whether or not the books are.
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