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Everything posted by Oudeis

  1. My friend is left-handed and she's mentioned a quote saying that yes, they are forced to be right-handed, and yes, it's damaging to them. It mostly comes up in private conversations and I trust her enough that I've never bothered asking for a source. I'll ask her if she knows where it came from... I feel like there was a questing in this past tour, or the one before, where someone asked a follow-up, like is anyone championing for the rights of left-handed women, and if memory serves his answer accepted the idea that some people are, in fact, left-handed. Good question!
  2. A lot of people take that quote to assume that there IS a way, he just hasn't figured it out yet. I haven't figured out how to turn my front door into a unicorn; that doesn't mean it's possible (realistically). I feel like he's said the matter/Investiture/energy thing before. I believe he's said Marsh is in Southern Scadrial. I could be wrong.
  3. That is... bizarre. So, once something crosses the threshold, it gets a new relative velocity unrelated to its prior one, and once it leaves the same thing happens. Because if you threw a cork over a train that had no time bubble, it wouldn't be dragged along by the train.
  4. She could even have left Scadrial pre-Catacendre. The Southern People existed for a thousand years, recall. Her ancestors might have fled the planet while both Gods were busy/trapped/insane. I wonder if Alendi wore a mask...
  5. Look at the portion you cut out in the middle of your quote. "If one were to strip the Aons from the language - which is possible, as all concepts and ideas conveyed by the Aons can also be written in the more rational common script-one is left with a language family that is far more similar to Duladen than one might otherwise think." You can write a sentence, and it doesn't matter if you use the "aon" for age or just spell out the word "age" (like the difference between kanji and hiragana in Japanese; the sounds that make up any kanji can be expressed through the syllables of hiragana) the meaning remains the same. You can draw the symbol that means "ire" on its own, or just the characters for the sounds "ee" "rr" "ay", and you end up with something that sounds a lot like Duladen. Ehe appeared on a coal, and you can tell by drawing an Aon whether it works or not... but how exactly do you think the Arelish would ever have figured out the natural "sounds" the Aons are supposed to make? Does wind sound like the word for "wind"? When you drop a bar of gold, does the sound it make sound like someone saying "deo"? Does the gurgling of a brook sound like the word "eno"?
  6. Except that they call themselves by the Arelish name. The Ars Arcanum of the 10th Anniversary edition makes it clear that the Aons have always been consistent, but the people who founded Arelon invented the sounds to match the writing. Since they call themselves "Ire", they came about since the founding of Arelon. No? If there's a cloud of noxious gas on my porch, saying, "I'll die if I leave the house" doesn't mean that people can cross my porch to enter my house perfectly fine. He was very clear and specific; the entire subastral is afflicted by a storm of raw power. The specific instance of "if you enter it through the pool" was the focus of the question, but it's not just the threshold of the pool that's the storm; it's the entire thing.
  7. That's not actually what happened... Syl didn't leave just before he saw Hoid because of "a bad feeling," she left quite a while ago, because Kaladin had just realized he was Radiant and that it was her fault, and he screamed at her and told her to go away. He's still in the lumberyard at the time, then he goes off by himself for a while, and only after walking some distance does he come across Hoid. She comes back right after Hoid leaves, and her explanation for not returning sooner is, "You seemed to be enjoying his story and I didn't want to interrupt." We can guess that she was lying (though we know how she feels about lies) and make the conscious decision to assume it was something more... but that seems out of character for her and very unlikely.
  8. As people have said, he is faster than literally every other author. If you cannot temper your excitement for the relatively short "long haul", then you're never going to find a new author to follow.Every single one of us would prefer the news that Oathbringer comes out tomorrow, but we all realize that deciding to give up on getting excited about books isn't the answer.
  9. It's from the Philly Signing, and I'm simply too exhausted to link right now, but I'll try to edit this post in the morning. Unless someone has done a better job of transcribing it than me, it's currently paraphrased, but it should give you a link to the audio and an idea of the time code so you can find it yourself. At base burning, Mr. Sanderson saw it roughly equivalent to doubling your physical might. At flaring, he saw it as tripling. Everyone gets better at burning metals they longer they do it, and Vin did burn a lot of pewter, so while she never became a savant her tricks should be somewhat beyond what a person at twice her strength should be able to do. And she did flare frequently. And, as has been commented on, she was always able to draw more power from metals than people expected her to be able to. From that first night she learned about her powers, I bet at a flare she was already noticeably stronger than 3x.
  10. Seems about that time, then. Right-o. I guess we'd better... you, know. Yes. I guess we'd better had.
  11. Yes, I am resigned to the fact that I won't see the second half until the tour is over. But honestly, I might try not to read it at all, if I can resist the urge.
  12. To be fair, "like a highstorm" was my phrase, though he did concur. My friend asked his question about the pool and the Hoed, and he turned to those of us standing around and asked, "What do you all think? Why is it dangerous to travel to Sel?" and a few of us piped up with the basic theory; Devotion and Dominion splintered, their raw power sloshes around in the Dor, etc. He confirmed that this is what happened, and that putting a Hoed into the pool (or, it seems, a Hoid) sends them to the Cognitive Realm, and he told us that traveling there unprepared can be VERY dangerous for obvious reasons.
  13. That was TitanArum's question, and the answer was an unequivocal "yes". The reading we got ended when Dalinar got back from his... stroll.
  14. Yeah, pretty much. I will not be able to see that scene anymore the same way. Poor Saolin... At least Karata's death is mostly clean.
  15. This was after the recording stopped, unfortunately, but yes, we got this confirmed in Philly. When you put a Hoed in the pool in the mountain, it sends the Elantrian into the Cognitive Realm. The Cognitive Realm is dangerous because the loose power of Devotion and Dominion rages around like a highstorm, and it rips the Hoed apart.
  16. Someone lemme know if someone starts a transcription doc.
  17. Oh That makes total sense. You are amazing.
  18. I looked for, but did not see, this thread yet. My apologies if I missed it in my search. How much stronger are you in Shardplate? Do we have any hard numbers from the books? Suggestions? Things from which we can extrapolate? I know Shardplate provides a number of benefits, but I'm looking at the moment specifically at might. I also think we should discount things we see Dalinar do; he's clearly an exception to the rule. I don't think anyone else could have Last Clapped a Chasmfiend. Does anyone know that it specifically says at some point, "the strength of ten men" or similar? Leaps are also curious; we know they weigh "100 stone" (1400 pounds) yet they feel light... is that part of the strength, or is it an ancillary effect, like the sensation of touch through the gloves?
  19. Audio has been linked to in the OP of this thread, as has the transcription-to-date.
  20. Lerasium: Someone asked a Lerasium question Saturday, and his answer strongly implied that it will come up again. Check 0:21:48 of the second half of the signing audio.
  21. THAT IS THE PERSON I'M STUCK ON. He asked first if the guy at the end of Bands of Mourning was (something) and I cannot for the LIFE of me hear what he's saying. You don't by ANY chance have any idea what he said, do you? It was something from Roshar, based on the follow-up, and from what I can determine it sounds like he's saying "piano man tablet". What red-eyed human thing from Stormlight Archive sounds like "piano man tablet"? Also, sounds like I'll be transcribing you next.
  22. Added the (incomplete) transcript and the audio to the OP. Please help transcribe! The transcription is a very rough one of the first part of the audio. My main concern was getting something up, and listening through until I got to the part Mr. Sanderson asked me to remove.
  23. Glad you did! Welcome! It was great seeing you, and we're super glad you hung out with us on our jaunt to Wawa.
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