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Everything posted by SwordNimiForPresident

  1. I can’t see any reason a Fullborn would ever need to heal from a Shardblade hit, given that they have nearly unlimited F-steel. A radiant wouldn’t even have time to summon their blade. The Fullborn could tap steel, iron and pewter and then touch the radiant with A-chromium. Drain all of their Stormlight and deliver a slap with the force of a freight train. This would all happen faster than human eyes are even capable seeing.
  2. It just occurred to me that I’m putting non powered combat in a box of sword and spear style fighting. The truth is that Waxillium would kill all these swordmasters by the dozen with his pistol skills. Combat is combat, and your weapon of choice matters. Don’t bring a rock to a grenade fight.
  3. In a powered fight I vote Elantrian all day. Their power set is super OP. In a non powered fight I vote Dalinar. Dalinar fought Szeth without powers and held his own while Szeth was using an honor blade. Even Adolin was blown away by the display. I’d say he is the top of the line excluding possibly some of the immortals that have trained for hundreds of years (which imo falls into the category of powers). Without powers every Cosmere character loses to the baddest mofo ever written, Lan Mandragoran. He didn’t come here to win, he came here to kill you.
  4. Kelsier could have easily regrown his own body if Spook made a medallion for F-gold and held it against one of Kelsier’s bones. We saw in BoM that you can tap gold while you’re dead when Wax went on his walk with Harmony. Since Kelsier is stuck in the CR he presumably could come back from any injury other than the total annihilation of his body including the bone, so long as someone holds a goldmind against his corpse/remains.
  5. If you store you sense of touch, and then later tap it while you are engaging in sexual activity, I expect there would be some pretty interesting results. Also you would be tapping it while you were tapping it, just sayin.
  6. The fact that he chose to be a pure authoritarian rather than the first among equals belies his stupidity. When faced with the decision between and world where no one wants for anything (Fullborn would be able to survive on Scadrial even if it was completely uninhabitable for normal humans), and a world where everyone is a worm under his boot, ultimately leading to his death, he chose the latter. He is selfish and stupid. He did what he did for stupid reasons. Therefore, IMO, he’s stupid. All of the “I know when you’re lying” stuff is just him using Allomancy and Feruchemy, not any latent intellect.
  7. My biggest grievance with him was how stupid he was really. He could have given the nine Lerasium beads to female Feruchemists and started making babies. Scadrial would be populated with Fullborn and it wouldn’t matter what the climate looked like. Every thousand years they could have used the Well to spruce the place up a little.
  8. I always got a spoiled brat vide from Rashek. He’s only intimidating because of his powers. At the end of the day he’s lazy and stupid. Anyone else with the same powers would be more intimidating imo.
  9. I always got a spoiled brat vide from Rashek. He’s only intimidating because of his powers. At the end of the day he’s lazy and stupid. Anyone else with the same powers would be more intimidating imo.
  10. In terms of pure intimidation I think an Inquisitor wins. The spikes through the eyes would be very unnerving. Scary in terms of what they’ve done, probably Rashek. The way he managed to ruin a pretty straight forward situation is terrifying. There were a million better ways but he opted for the most sadistic one he could come up with. Scary in terms of potential, Dalinar ties with the Ire. Dalinar because he’s a Demi-Shard and the entire world hinges on his choices. The Ire because who wouldn’t be scared of an amoral splinter group of Elantrians.
  11. I’m surprised his Spren isn’t on there.
  12. What you can take depends on what the spike is made of. You would also need a bind point that grants the power you stole. I don’t know if humans would have one that is compatible with a Seon’s abilities.
  13. He had been practicing for weeks and was also unusually gifted. I’ll grant it is possible that a young child could learn Aons, but I think it would be uncommon. Any child with the discipline to learn such an advanced skill would probably be trustworthy enough to use it.
  14. He had been practicing for weeks and was also unusually gifted. I’ll grant it is possible that a young child could learn Aons, but I think it would be uncommon. Any child with the discipline to learn such an advanced skill would probably be trustworthy enough to use it.
  15. I like this idea. @Oltux72 I imagine the child would either be boarded at a school in Elantris, or would live with their family there. I also don't think a young Elantrian would pose much of a threat with Aons because of the large amount of precision required to make them. It's a bit like giving a baby an iPad and worrying that they're going to hack the Pentagon.
  16. Honestly, at the rate the CGI is improving, we probably only need to wait 10 years for a "live action" version of the Cosmere that doesn't even require real actors. All they need is Andy Serkis in a mocap suit playing all of the characters himself. On the animated front, I've never liked Japanese animation. Something about it just doesn't work for me. If they wanted to try something like the Batman animated movies, I would be on board (though I would still prefer live), but I don't wanna see Vin with little hearts floating out of her eyes when she looks at Elend.
  17. Imagine trying to play online games with that connection. Everyone would be running with a few minutes to a few hours of lag depending on how far away the star is from the planet or space station.
  18. I think the biggest problem with these commands is how general they are, and how difficult it would be to conceptualize what they do. For the computer you would be better off connecting a piece of metal to input and output buses with extremely high bandwidths. Then command the metal piece to "Do Math" while imagining the logical processes involved in semiconductor processors, except at a much higher speed like yotahertz or something. This should get you a logic processor that doesn't get hot and operates several orders of magnitude faster than a standard semiconductor processor. The infinite wifi would be very tough. You can't actually visualize what needs to happen, because the radio waves in question aren't capable of carrying the signal that far. This means that the signal would need to be regenerated from multiple points that do not originate at the type IV. You could probably set up a transmitter and receiver that communicate through the Cognitive realm though. It's flat nature would eliminate the problem of line of sight created by the spherical shape of planets. edit: grammar
  19. Well that muddies the water. So it’s entirely possible that 16% of north Scadrians have Allomantic potential still, but only 1/1000 express it. edit: Or, it could mean that 100% of Scadrians have Allomantic potential and the Mists only snapped 16% of them as a clue. Wish there was a more straight forward answer.
  20. Thanks for pointing that out. I went back a read the relevant part of BoM. It seems that the Mists weren’t actually snapping people at all in era 1. They were actually turning normal people into Allomancers.
  21. This point has never really been clear to me I guess. Were the people that got snapped by the Mists already metalborn that simply needed to be snapped, or where they normal people who gained metalborn powers from the Mists. I've never been quite sure so any WoBs would be appreciated.
  22. A breeding program would seem slightly redundant given that the Set has access to Hemalurgy. I assumed that the women that had been kidnapped were killed for their metalborn abilities. It might also not be all that effective. Obviously metalborn abilities are genetic, but unless Harmony changed it since era 1, exactly 16% of north Scadrians are mistings or Mistborn. That would make it really difficult to saturate a very small and specific number of people with metalborn abilities, because of how many are already out there. A quick google says that four babies are born on Earth per second. Obviously Scadrial doesn't have our population, but if it did that would mean a misting being born about every six seconds. I think it would be hard to shift that without a global eugenics program (like TFE). edit: I'm wrong, it would be every 1.5 seconds with our birth rate.
  23. Thanks for the response, I was just curious about why you had grouped them that way. Seems perfectly plausible. I think I will still group them my way in my head, but maybe Brandon will prove me wrong. Either way it is an interesting theory, and a very detailed explanation.
  24. Calling this a guide to the Cosmere is more than misleading. At best it is a theory, though in reality it is just a statement of opinion.
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