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little wheel

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Everything posted by little wheel

  1. "The residents of 7, the temporal manipulation world, are far more powerful than any of us combined. Their leader is a Returned of the Tenth Heightening who is also an Elantrian," Silas answered. "There would be no way we would simply take stuff without giving."
  2. "Temporal manipulation, artificial spren, tons of amazing things!" Silas responded.
  3. "Jonas? Robert? You two in?" Silas finally asked. @MacThorstenson @BitBitio
  4. "Absolutely nothing is wrong with me! I am majorly offend!" Silas answered in mock indignation. "Also, I need to take a boat to a Boundless World that has existed since the dawn of the Alleyverse and is in a place without time. Anyone want to go? I hear they have some cool artificial Investitures and some amazing anti-aging stuff."
  5. Silas re-appeared from the void that is inactivity. He was hidden, far back in the cave, and he was drawing a map in the dirt. He had awoken one day to find that map chiseled into his spike. There were some numbers along with that map: 8-17, 3:57. A date and a time by which he had to get to the destination. He began walking out of the back of the cave, and took out his double-walled insulated hip flask full of hot chocolate. He greeted Jonas with a quiet "Nice spike in your hand."
  6. "I am lonely. Not much more to it. Also, my mom doesn't want me to leave the house, so that means I can't continue my reign of vengeance. Any ideas?" Silas asked.
  7. "Today, I am become goat, destroyer of worlds." (The Enchantress) "'Cause I'm having a goat time." (Don't Stop Me Now)
  8. Silas had just gotten an odd ball-thing from a tear in reality itself. He decided to rub it. @Gancho Libre
  9. Don't post until tomorrow, PLEASE.

  10. Excited to get hitched soon?

    1. AonEne
    2. little wheel

      little wheel

      All the upvotes from me are wedding gifts, BTW.

    3. AonEne
  11. Silas, following the bad example of his mother, climbed into the chicken kitchen through a window, grabbed a bar of chocolate, and left behind a large wad of cash from his totally legal mass-murdering of criminals.
  12. Silas, acting as usual, was playing Maple Leaf Rag in the background.
  13. I see no reason why not. They could be hemalurgic constructs. I'm being serious about this.
  14. Silas, breaking rules, was sad. "What about me?" Silas decided not to be lazy and volunteer his services to play the piano in the foyer of the Waystop. It was a good way to pick up on gossip.
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