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little wheel

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Everything posted by little wheel

  1. Silas ate some guacamole AND salsa, WITH A SIDE OF eggnog.
  2. "Well, how does DIDGERIDOO sound? I guess I'll see you there?" Silas asked. @Badadah
  3. "Vamos! From what I've heard, I want see your father pounded too," Silas answered.
  4. "Well, I'm going to get some food, but I'll be there in a bit." Silas walked towards the refreshment table, then swore. "STORMS!" His glove had fallen off. And the Dakhor bone growths were completely visible.
  5. "Food would be nice," Silas responded as The Steves played Careless Whisper.
  6. Silas looked over his shoulder. "Hey Steve... do the thing!" All of a sudden, Steve came back to life. "Do I have any song requests?" Steve asked as a band formed solely of clones of Steve appeared behind Steve.
  7. But what do you mean by matter maipulation?
  8. Silas grimaced. "Yeah. He was one of my good friends, and he served directly under me, but he's a bit foolish sometimes."
  9. Just as Silas was explaining why he could not choose a favorite food, he saw Walker approach. "OH FRICK WHAT HAPPENED TO STEVE!" Silas gasped.
  10. "Well, I understand. I have only recently learned how to dance," Silas consoled.
  11. "So, Ambrosia," Silas said as he held out his arm for Ambrosia, a slow waltz playing in the background, "May I have this dance?" Silas nodded at Walker. "Thank's for the shock. I probably wouldn't be doing so well if it weren't for you."
  12. "A dance would be great," Silas answered, checking to make sure the glove on his right hand was still properly affixed. @Ark1002
  13. There should be wild tribes of mimes!
  14. "Y'know, I am feeling a lot better, but I have a question? How does dinner [after the party happens] sound?" Silas asked as he placed a card and stylus on the bedside table.
  15. Floating islands would be awesome.
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