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Status Replies posted by BitBitio

  1. moment when you realize you posted something twice :P

    1. BitBitio


      nno i didnt i dunno what you’re talking about

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. moment when you realize you posted something twice :P

    1. BitBitio


      nno i didnt i dunno what you’re talking about

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. I've always been Aon Rao and I don't know why people keep giving me weird looks... 

    1. BitBitio


      @Thaidakar the Ghostblood yeah you should’ve been there for the Philbrook incident or the EneNoa incident, both of which totally were not triggered by yours truly:ph34r::P

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. I've always been Aon Rao and I don't know why people keep giving me weird looks... 

    1. BitBitio


      Ah yes, a moderator and long time user named Aon Rao who is most well known for Always Being This Way. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. Some cool things! 

    - went to the American Fork library activity that was mentioned on here some time ago, and it was great. Got to meet @Ethan_sedai and chat wild theories, ran a bridge (and shot at said bridge) badly, handily lost a game of breakneck (don't gamble, kids), and won stickers and a gift card in a drawing. Pictures of various spoils attached below. 

    - my boss decided the way to get me into playing MTG is to just give me free cards, so now I guess I gotta play :P can't really argue with that! 

    - I bought a machete at Walmart but I didn't have ID, and honestly can't blame the clerk for being skeptical that I'm 19. Mom backed me up, though, so I got to buy the cheap machete B) 



    library stuff

    1. BitBitio


      a machete is a good idea though. i should buy one too:ph34r:

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. Some cool things! 

    - went to the American Fork library activity that was mentioned on here some time ago, and it was great. Got to meet @Ethan_sedai and chat wild theories, ran a bridge (and shot at said bridge) badly, handily lost a game of breakneck (don't gamble, kids), and won stickers and a gift card in a drawing. Pictures of various spoils attached below. 

    - my boss decided the way to get me into playing MTG is to just give me free cards, so now I guess I gotta play :P can't really argue with that! 

    - I bought a machete at Walmart but I didn't have ID, and honestly can't blame the clerk for being skeptical that I'm 19. Mom backed me up, though, so I got to buy the cheap machete B) 



    library stuff

    1. BitBitio


      funny tangentially related story

      me and a couple of friends (all still in high school:P) tried to adopt one of our other friends a short while back for fun since we had all just turned 18. we found out that you have to be at least 10 years older than the child you’re adopting so we opted to just go buy fish at the store instead :P but they didn’t believe that we were old enough either :P

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. 4,444 posts. :D

    1. BitBitio


      k now we just need everyone to spam upvote you till you hit 4444 reputation too

  8. Happy birthday, Bit! ^_^

    1. BitBitio


      This is a bit (lol) late, (ok you got me it's 2 months late) but thank you!

  9. Guys. Does anyone remember me?

  10. Guys. Does anyone remember me?

    1. BitBitio




      I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hope so.


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. *sup

    1. BitBitio



      I need to find time somewhere, I miss you guys a lot. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. did anyone else notice that Bit just up and died, and nobody commented on it at all

  13. did anyone else notice that Bit just up and died, and nobody commented on it at all

  14. Hey man...it’s no longer May...you know that? Right?

  15. Somehow, I'm back. The Shard isn't blocked for me now. This could change at any moment. Hello again, folks!

  16. Well, okay. I'm putting this on my profile as well.

    Hey everybody. As many of you may know, I know Ink IRL. So, this morning, he came up to me and told me that, well, basically, his already limited Shard access has gotten even more limited. In twenty words or less, he got grounded and now won't have access for anywhere from a couple of weeks to even months. He wants all of his RP characters to become NPCs for the foreseeable future, as well. I'm sorry I have to be the one to make this announcement. But this is addressed to Ink: You have my, and hopefully everyone else's support. I'm excited to see you back soon!

  17. So what's a patron?

    1. BitBitio


      Ohhh. Saw that news already. Thanks for letting me know!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Today is Kaf-Zayin Nissan. Yom Hashoah. יום השואה.

    Or, the Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    Normally I try to balance out negativity with positive, but to put a filter on the Holocaust is disrespectful.

    So I won’t.

    Someone once said that “one person’s death is a tragedy, six million is just a statistic.”

    What happened was horrible. Words can’t even describe completely.

    People try though, in their own ways. Because that’s what we do. We try to understand. Some attempts are more successful than others, but when all is said and done, that’s all they are, attempts.

    But what’s hardest for me personally is accepting this: If it weren’t for the Holocaust I wouldn’t exist. I wouldn’t be typing this. I wouldn’t be here.

    If it weren’t for the Holocaust, half my ancestors would never have left Europe. They wouldn’t have come to America. Wouldn’t have me.

    How many others are like me in this?

    Probably a lot.

    It’s impossible to condone something that almost destroyed a people. It would be wrong to.

    Because of that I take my existence as a sign of something else. Bad things will always happen. They’re inevitable. Some are worse than others even though all are horrible. Just know, at the end of the day, at the end of the era, good will return.

    Even if it’s not obvious.

    So, please, as the day comes to an end, take a minute. Really appreciate what you have.

    A home.

    A family.

    An identity.

    In the memory of those who had even that taken away from them.

  19. It's official now!

    1 year!

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