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Everything posted by rpggal

  1. Wow, there are actually brandon's fan. I thought I was the only one.
  2. I happen to be a girl, but don't like romance books and prefer fantasy. More like a tom-boy, I guess.
  3. I wonder if anyone here loves to read short stories? I like fantasy short stories by beneath ceaseless skies!
  4. Just started reading elantris, and among the three characters, I like Raoden the best.
  5. I like the part where she healed Logain. I think it is one of the better scene.
  6. My favourite ajah will be brown.
  7. Preferably in the order of publication.
  8. Can you give me a list of all cosmere works, whether long or short?
  9. Do you believe in God? If so, what God?
  10. Finished Dragon reborn, Am reading new spring.
  11. Mine is Lan and Nynaeve, though I find perrin and faile more relistic.
  12. I will suggest reading new spring first Only during a reread. For first time reader, I recommend reading after Fires of heavens,
  13. When will the show actually begins?
  14. Perrin and Faile's romance is one of the more developed romance in the series. Perrin begins, by not liking Faile/ Then, He sometimes quarrel with her. I find their relationship the most realistic of all!
  15. I really dislike the seanchan. How can they enslave women simply because they can channel? And Tuon is a hypocrite! She can channel and still she enslaves others who can channel and make no move to get rid of damane. The seanchans are nuts!
  16. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9565165/1/Lucifer-God-s-beloved-son Check up my story, lucifer, god's beloved son. It is about lucifer and how an encounter with a child led him to think of his past.
  17. Rate the wot books from favourite to least favourite!
  18. I am a wheel of time fan. I read wheel of time since I was 15 years old. Now, I am 37. After Jordan passed away, I was sad. Then, I heard about brandon and this is how I find up about him.
  19. What brandon sanderson books, besides wheel of time, will you recommend me to read?
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