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Everything posted by rpggal

  1. For me, favourite will be last three books. Followed by first three books. Then book 6, then book 4, then book 5. Don''t like the rest.
  2. Do you read non-cosmere works? For me, beside WOT, I tend not to read non-cosmere works by Brandon Sanderson. What about you?
  3. It is not as bad as some of the fans say it is. I rather enjoy it, even though I read the books numerous times! Better than GOT, which has too much sex in my opinion.
  4. I used to prefer Robert Jordan than Brandon Sanderson, when it comes to WOT. Now, on my third rereading, it is the opposite. Like the first three books, still by Robert, but prefer the last three books by Brandon. Don't like the in-betweens on my rereading. What about you?
  5. I am new to cosmere as well. Currently still reading Elantris.
  6. I prefer live-action, though I am all right with animation as well.
  7. Chongjasmine is simply a combination of my surname and the name I took for myself when I became a christian.
  8. Any of you are into cryptocurrencies? I know of one website that lists some faucets that offer free crypto. I am really into cryptocurrencies. I think they will replace dollars and cents in the future. I am into nfts as well, played a few nft games like alienworld, centurytrain etc. What do you generally think is the future of cryptocurrencies?
  9. I mean classics like Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy. As for me, I like Bram Stoker's Dracula.
  10. I wonder if any of you are lover of SFF short stories? If so, where do you read them? I am a current reader of beneath ceaseless skies.
  11. I was intrigued by the dragon reborn's cover and title. The rest is history.
  12. Where do you go to read river of souls? I thought AMOL was the last wot book?
  13. I like the wheel of time because of its characters. It is my all time favorite series.
  14. Any of you read classics? If so, what is your favourite classics? I mean classics like Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy.
  15. Anybody read sherlock holmes? What is your favourite story?
  16. For me, as a christian, my God means a lot to me. When I mess up, I know He forgives me and will help me solve the mess one way or another. I am not a very good person, I did things that were wrong at times. Without a good God to guide me through my life, I will hate my father and mother. But after I know God, I came to love them. God's presence is felt by me many times in my life, and miracles happen, sometimes, in answer to my prayers. Jesus is my best friend, so is the Holy Spirit, and Abba Father is my papa who I love dearly. Yes, I can be confused sometimes by what it means to be three persons and yet one God, still God helps me at every stage of my life. I am thankful to God that He saves me from being a completely evil person, and looks forward to spending eternity with Him. It is my prayers that those who are not christians will come to find hope in the Christian God as well.
  17. I enjoy the first book on flitz as well. Will continue reading the rest after after I finish brandon's cosmere.
  18. Bought the dark magazine issue 17 and 19 on kobo. Epub version.
  19. Detective Conan is my favourite anime. I highly recommend it.
  20. I agree that this is a wonderful online community.
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