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Everything posted by rpggal

  1. I am currently on a wheel of time reread. Just finishes the dragon reborn.
  2. Who is your favourite couple in wot?
  3. Where do you want to stay in Randland?
  4. If you have to choose to be in an ajah, what will it be?
  5. I love the eye of the world. It is what brought me to read through the whole wheel of time series.
  6. My favourite characters: Nynaeve, Egwene, Mat, Perrin, Lan, Moiraine No least favourite characters!
  7. I think it will be really cool if Brandon is the God beyond. Wait. I think it will be really cool if Brandon is the God beyond. You get my point.
  8. I voted for storm it. Kind of like that phrase. Doesn't sound too vulgar.
  9. I came to know of Brandon Sanderson through his wheel of time books. Read Elantris next. Love them all.
  10. I always wonder if people who have multiple accounts need a break from the internet. I still wonder.
  11. I think the site is good, with or without downvotes.
  12. There are always some good books, besides sanderson. You just have to search really hard for them.
  13. I knew about him through the wheel of time series. Then, I read elantris and really like it.
  14. I am eagerly waiting for the companion. Wheel of time is my favourite series.
  15. You could try song of ice and fire.
  16. I have no preference to the gender of the author.
  17. I was a fan of wheel of time. So, I heard of brandon sanderson through it. I read elantris, love it and become his fan.
  18. I am currently half-way through towers of midnight. And I find myself enjoying TOM a lot. I like Brandon's pacing and his depiction of events. I enjoy his gathering storm and towers of midnight more than I enjoy most of RJ's books. Brandon brings life to a series I love dearly.
  19. Controlled Dream I am able to control what I do in a dream. And I am always in an adventure in my dream. And I have lots of dreams.
  20. Which do you prefer? E-books or paperbooks? For me, it is a draw. I love the convenience of ebooks and the feel of paper books.
  21. I am able to read and influence minds. I also have perfect memory.
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