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Senor Feesh

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Everything posted by Senor Feesh

  1. Yeah, they're just the most fun to think up uses for Also having a bugger of a time coming up with anything for any other powers.
  2. Sorry for the slight necrothread, but did anyone ever ask Brandon if Galladon's father studying Fjordell geography was significant? And if not, does anyone know when the next AMA is?
  3. It's written in his book of Hemalurgy somewhere. Marasi muses on it, and how disturbing it is because it's so reasonably thought-out. Basically take people who are already terminal and spike them so you don't lose the power forever when they die. I forget which scene - it might have been at the gravedigging?
  4. Ok, so we have WoB on the glowing. Make of that what you will, I guess, but it does seem to confirm that we're seeing Investiture through the Cognitive Realm there. Where that Investiture IS is still up for debate of course, but I'd still lean towards it being in the Spiritual. EDIT: Further down, he actually says this: So it seems raw Investiture is indeed a Spiritual thing. I'm gonna go on thinking then that the Investiture in the soul is part of your Spiritual aspect, and that's what Kelsier can see while romping around "Scadesmar" (nicked that from another thread; can't remember which user or I'd credit).
  5. No, there's nothing significant in Elantris which you need to know, nor any spoilers for it in Emperor's Soul. There are a few little nods to the larger world for colour, but they aren't plot relevant. Enjoy!
  6. Some people are just bad people. Or ill. Or have other complex motivations for what they do. Not everything needs to be cosmerically significant.
  7. Thanks, I'll give that a try. Not sure it'll work though as the UK Kindle store doesn't seem to have the 10th anniversary edition AT ALL (haven't checked the US one though so maybe it's the same everywhere) :/ maybe I can get them to make it available full stop.
  8. I think era 1 will always just be Final Empire.
  9. Well, I forget his name but the Leecher was an Array. Pretty sure they're just math/statistics terms. Can't blame Brandon for alliteration in existing language. Edit: His name is Irich.
  10. VenDell actually does stipulate that they have a problem using another's spike IF they don't have both of their own already. I'll dig out the quote later. EDIT: Kindle location 969, p.73
  11. I thought there was a tomb for the Lord Mistborn? Isn't that mentioned in SoS somewhere?
  12. Spook having a very pragmatic outlook. Very logical. Very (Stormlight spoiler)
  13. Or, perhaps, something about the method or the participants of the Shattering determined the Intents. Or perhaps the Intent of each Shard was clear post-Shattering, and they all had some time afterwards to discuss it, and Rayse took one look at Odium and said "That one." There's a few ways that could be interpreted.
  14. AoL also had these - the first batch of Hazekiller rounds included heavy loads to use against Pewterarms. I assumed CopperKeep knew that when posting and was being ironic.
  15. I love this. Assuming I ever role-play a Lurcher in Alloy era, I am totally getting roller skates made. Adding to that, I did have an idea for something useful - custom Lurcher grappling-bullets. It's easy for a Coinshot to get air, they just drop anything metal and take off - a Lurcher needs a solid anchor ABOVE them to use. How about a round that embeds deeply into a surface then mushrooms out (or has actual teeny grapples, if it could be built strongly enough not to be deformed by firing and impact). Ok, you still need a tall enough surface to target and a steady aim, but viola - instant anchor.
  16. It's probably ok, but maybe this should be spoilered? There might be people who read SH before BoM.
  17. Two Spikes is the minimum needed for Harmony to control a Kandra. It's suggested in BoM that
  18. While those are useful, they also seem generically useful. Any thoughts on metalborn specific tech? I'm drawing a blank myself, but I'm not really an ideas person, I'm better at iterating on existing concepts.
  19. It was a great comedy scene, and put me in mind of nothing so much as a group of Player Characters in a typical tabletop RPG
  20. I actually prefer the Gollancz covers anyway, but that discussion had been had elsewhere on the site.
  21. So, the new grapple devices are pretty cool, but there's obvious room for improvement. My immediate thought is to include a spring-driven winch inside the ball. It would be primed every time Wax Pushes the ball while holding the line, and could be attached to the same switch mechanism as the hooks, so when the hooks are deployed the winch is locked. What improvements would you make? Or what entirely new tech to support Metalborn can you think of?
  22. Is that explicitly known to be the purview of the Spiritual Realm then? I don't remember it in-text, but I was too busy having my mind repeatedly blown Also, does that preclude heavily Invested sources being represented a certain way in the Cognitive? Physical objects have a reflection in the Cognitive (as we see with all the buildings and everything being represented), and it makes sense to me that things which exist more strongly in the Spiritual would have a different representation. Also it seems only metals still IN the Physical are represented as light (as Nazh'z knife shows up fine). Some others have suggested this is because of the metal's non-Scadrian source instead, but I don't buy that (yet).
  23. So, sorry if someone else already made this connection. I noticed while starting over on BoM that Now I've never really bought the idea that Scadrian metals are themselves special, I see no reason why any metal from any planet shouldn't work the same way. But then I'm stumped as to why metal glows when viewed from the Cognitive Realm. Kelsier also reflects on this in SH, where he notices that metals, minds and souls are all the same thing. Now, I had a theory that what's happening is that when Kelsier is seeing the glow, he's actually seeing into the Spiritual Realm and seeing pure Investiture. But that would mean that the metals ARE Invested. I'd like to hear an alternative theory as to why the glow, if you have them, or just general thoughts on whether a Cognitive Shadow could still see into the Spiritual. Remember, Leras told him his link to the Physical was severed, but he should still have an intact Spiritual aspect.
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