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Posts posted by Nerd3.14159265358979

  1. 9 hours ago, MountainKing said:

    Finally another trollhunters fan, how did you like the ending?

    And yeah they're basically all(All of the blades weapons) like shardblades, a full body slice and  your dead, if it slices a limb, it'sstill there, you just can't use it(it turned to stone.)

    I loved the ending!  What did you think of it?

    Also, there are three or four swords that coalesce out of mist and are summoned at will like shardblades, and Jim's armour does the same, like I suspect shardplate does for a full Radiant.

  2. It also hurt Rock's mind in every tense. But that was Ham's secret challenge: Make Rock and Odium think through all of the tenses, and then measure how successful they were, how fast they were, and how much their brains hurt at the end. (And in which tenses.) They were almost tied, but Odium, being a Shard and having much more mental capacity than Rock, didn't have a headache, so he won.

  3. Odium said it was a world where what he said went, and Rock said that it was a world where everyone like soup, and since neither of those made sense, he almost said that they both lost: therefore they both won, creating a paradox which they had to solve for the point. Then he decided otherwise (he now had no faith in their intellectual capacity to even begin exploring a paradox) and chose Rock, since he liked soup.

  4. I think there's a little more on it too, but we'd have to comb through the entire thread...also, part of the fun of ghanderflaffles is not knowing what they look like, so people can imagine what they want to and so it can continue to be added to as the story goes on. I doubt the drawing would stay accurate for very long, either.

    Anyway: The ghanderflaffle contorted itself into a doughnut shape and started rolling through a nearby town trying to make people scream like it thought it's master wanted. Also, the ghanderflaffle had a name.

  5. 1 hour ago, Life&Death said:

    I will be there with some friends as well. Unfortunately they stubbornly have not read any Sanderson Book, despite years of me trying to force them.

    That does suck. My plan with my friends involves quite a few people, so we'll probably be dragging a few non-Sanderfans along with us for our large Sanderson-themed cosplay.

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