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Posts posted by Nerd3.14159265358979

  1. I chose my name because I'm a nerd (as are many on this site-I'm also a geek, (as are most on this site) but I won't go into that or the difference between them). Anyway, that made the Nerd portion of my name easy. I also enjoy math (yes, I said enjoy) and for a while I was obsessed with pi, so I used as many digits as I knew at the time (I know more now, but I decided to just leave it.)

    I know this isn't strictly relevant to the thread, but the profile picture was because pi=circle and Brandon Sanderson books+circles=rithmatic circles.I decided to go with the Basic Easton Defense-though I couldn't fit it completely onto my profile picture.

  2. And I now have a third thread up and a Coppermind.

    When your little brother starts sleeping in and your parents are getting frustrated (cause school) and can't figure out why, and you know why but aren't going to tell them because the reason is that he's staying up late reading Mistborn for the first time.

  3. 10 hours ago, The Thinking Herald said:

    When you have a pedantic debate with other sharders about semantics and how they affect the viability of non-canon shard names and combinations.


    10 hours ago, Kidpen said:

    When you were participating in this conversation.

    When you were also participation in this conversation, and had a lot of fun in said pedantic debate.

    When pedantic arguments have the potential to reveal large pieces of plot in the fandom you're a part of.

    When you discuss or come up with the "non-canon shard names and combinations" mentioned by Th Thinking Herald.


    Also, I feel like this thread is more of a "You Know You're a Sanderfreak" thread. So:

    When being a Sanderfreak is a good thing.

  4. Actually, but was crying because he had just eaten an Apple phone, and had only then realized that it was a phone and not an apple. Also, it hurt going down. But that's irrelevant, as everyone thought it was at the music.

    Also, look at this! (Screenshots of the top and the bottom of the page.)


    Screenshot 2018-05-12 at 10.04.40.png

    Screenshot 2018-05-12 at 10.03.51.png

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