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Posts posted by Nerd3.14159265358979

  1. 15 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Yeah, I was thinking about going back and adding a comment like that in my original post.

    In the long run, it doesn't really matter what order you read the books in-all those connections about the Cosmere are made eventually. I usually recommend reading SA after everything else though because there are so many connections to other books in the series. It just makes it easier to understand if you can recognize those things you've already read. 

    That makes sense, and I can respect that.

  2. 6 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

    I'd honestly recommend reading the rest of the Cosmere books before going past WoK. You definitely need to read Warbreaker, at least, before continuing past WoK.

    I actually disagree to an extent. While the different reading order changes how you experience the books, I don't think different orders are necessarily better or worse. The discoveries and connections are just made at different times. That being said, within series, books should obviously be read in order...No skipping books in the same series!  Again, though, that's obvious.

  3. Luckily there had been 500 Sparkle Balloons, though so one of them popping left them with 499, and Veil had stolen the instructions and materials to make them. The chaos that followed was that of the one popping balloon popping 4 more, leaving her with 495 (luckily those 4 didn't pop more as well) and everyone/everything in a 500 foot radius getting covered in sparkles that wouldn't come out for months, if ever.

  4. 3 hours ago, Apollyon said:

    Saaaaaaaaaame. It’s fine for me though, since all my friends are at least an 8 on a 1-10 scale. Nothing compared to my 14/10...

    Most of my friends are either Sanderfans or are being pushed to it by me and/or my other friends, so we're good there, and any non Sanderfan friends are huge geeks, so I'm pretty solid there as well.

  5. "Eh. It's irrelevant" he said. And so, with the fourth wall again broken with the cement truck gone, He walked through it and went on a journey to find one of the narrators. When he did, he yelled at them: "I'VE FORGOTTEN YOUR NAME, BUT GIVE ME A NEW TIME MACHINE NOW!!!! i NEED TO RETURN TO MY OWN TIME! OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!"

  6. 5 minutes ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

    You know you're a Mormon Sanderfan when you wonder if Kaladin ever said: And I, Kaladin, being young, nevertheless was large in stature.

    Ha! Yes. The dance I was speaking of was actually a regional dance.

    4 minutes ago, Reckless Reader said:

    I do this anyway. Regardless of costume.

    I have as well, but the costume made me happy.

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