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Everything posted by recneps

  1. I read WoT before reading any Sanderson Originals, as did you.. Except I wouldn't have chosen to read any of his other works based on that alone. Mat was clunky, and that letter should have had proper grammar! Later, though, I decided to read Mistborn which I found in my brothers' room. I got hooked on Kelsier, but had to finish even after he died. Decided to read the rest of the Cosmere books as I had nothing better to read.. And they were good.
  2. Huh. Maybe the perfect counter to the odour, but what about to the pair of Fused guarding it?
  3. I don't believe that it was a long-term plan, but neither do I believe it was so simple as them deciding to abandon their oaths. I believe it was their realization that they're not fulfilling their oaths, and they never have been. The Oaths are things of perception, and this can be seen in their various forms even within the same order. If a Knight Radiant realized that they're not fulfilling their oaths, this undoubtedly would lead to the death of their Spren as it did for Syl when Kaladin broke his Oaths. We've never before seen what happens to a Sprenblade at the moment when the Spren dies, as Kaladin had not yet wielded Syl when he slew her. It seems possible they'd materialize.. And that could easily lead to the event we've seen as the Recreance - a bunch of Lost Radiants yielding their Shards, upon realization that they'd slain their spren.
  4. The problem is this: If you play chess against someone playing checkers, it's basically impossible for either of you to win.
  5. The ending of HoA differs from the Stormlight and previous Mistborn book endings in one major thing: It's an ending. It's intended to provide serious closure on the world for a long duration of time.. It's not written to be a climatic moment to set the stage for the next books.. But an overall, actual ending. It closes the plot arcs and provides a decent amount of closure for most of the characters, and gives you an idea of what the world will be like when we next return to it. Except the endings for Stormlight and previous Mistborn books were climaxes in the middle of story arcs. True closure is always much less exciting and strong than a climactic ending.. It's supposed to end and satisfy, not excite.
  6. Yeah.. With WoT, the story did develop as it went along, but foreshadowing is still highly present. There's even a character who is basically dedicated for foreshadowing. His foreshadowing is very subtle, though, so if you want to truly see all of it you'd have to go back over lots of it and compare to later events. The main problem people have with WoT - among people who read it - is that the writing style is very much show-don't-tell. Everything is shown. The soldiers didn't walk into the room.. The Character witnesses as a small band of armed men in blue surcoats emblazoned with the symbol of House Housington entered the room, eyes roaming to search for threats. Their helmets were hard. Of course, this also lends itself to some of my favourite scenes in writing, where you actually make the exact same mistakes in perception that the characters do, when you could have avoided it by paying a bit more attention..
  7. So, in Oathbringer, we found out that Humans were the original Voidbringers. We also found out that modren Voidbringers are led by the Fused -- Ancient spirits of past Singers given great power by Odium taking control of a modren Parsh body. We know that the Oathpact was formed to keep the Parshspren imprisoned on Braize.. This means that the history of the Desolations is as such: Humans came with Odium to Roshar. They are given Shinovar to inhabit. --Girl Who Looked Up-- Humans have begun to spread beyond the bounds of Shinovar, and are violently taking land. The First of Desolations. --Odium offers some deceased Singers great power, and they accepted-- The Parsh have begun to side with Odium, as opposed to Honour and Cultivation. --Oathpact formed with Honour and the Ten Heralds-- Humans have now sided with Honour, and the cycle of Desolations has begun. Somewhere in here, Spren begin to mimic the Honourblades and bond with Humans -- It is unknown how Binding worked before this. --Aharietiam happens-- The Heralds, all but Talenel, have given up. The Oathpact is being maintained by a single Herald. The Knights Radiant stand guard over Humanity, and protect it from the False Desolation. --The Knights Radiant trap Ba-Ado-Mishram, ending the Forms of the Singers. The Recreance happens-- Many years later, Words of Radiance happens. The True Desolation has begun.
  8. Some people are devoted enough to their work to do some research. Some people's friends are so supportive they even give away many evenings to help their aspiring author friends do that research.
  9. Hmm.. Not sure I've read any of Hugh Sanderson's books. What are they like?
  10. I would highly suggest that you do read the Wheel of Time.. If you want to avoid reading unfinished works, this definitely meets your needs, and will keep you sated until some other series are more finished.
  11. Severe Mind and Body -- As a Realmatically aware Templar, I would create a sword to destroy things in both the Physical and Cognitive realms. The visualization for this Command is simply the sword passing through an object - in either the Cognitive or Physical realm - and destroying the Physical and Cognitive aspects of it.
  12. I enjoyed the story, but as others have mentioned, it feels a little clunky and awkward at times.
  13. Hey, hey, hey! Them WoT covers are good!
  14. I think that it probably would, but I'm not sure. It seems like a Duralumin-enhanced Lashing could be incredibly potent.
  15. This all is well and good, except it feels as though there are very few times when this would be within the Oaths and there wouldn't be Bindings on the other side.
  16. My signature thus far is only a ketek about the Dark Templar rejecting the Khala.
  17. Additionally, a sword is basically the most efficient shape for a weapon which can cut with no resistance. Kaladin's spear is nice, except everything which can be done with it can be done with a sword.. In addition to fatal sweeps, not just stabs.
  18. I decided not to even look at any of the forums until I had finished Oathbringer.. I wanted to be as Cosmere aware as possible before I came into communication with those who are more.
  19. I hadn't thought of the connection to Allomancy before, but it does seem decently likely.. Send out a slight wave of Investiture - which they have access to as Spren - and it'll be received by the others.
  20. I'm quite a fan of Syladin, except I think it is unlikely.
  21. My preferred weapon is a Macuahuitl. It allows for decently typical swordfighting techniques, while also having some catching ability and being immune to Ironpushing and Steelpulling. In terms of armour, we're entirely outclassed. They're faster than us, stronger than us, and can heal faster than us. For this reason, I prefer stealth. They have the edge over us in senses, it is true, except this makes them cocky and unlikely to notice when those senses fail.. My stealth is supreme, and their observation skills cannot detect me. I would like to request a rank within the Hazekillers.
  22. The Bondsmiths as an Order could've betrayed the Oaths.. But did the Knight Bondsmith betray them? It could be that (s)he had some Squires Bondsmith and they, but not the Knight Bondsmith, betrayed the Oaths and slew the Knight Bondsmith.. I find it highly unlikely that a Greaterspren could be turned into a Deadeyes like that, but I suppose they could be similar to an intermediate between Intact and Deadeyes.
  23. Yeah, I do believe the Oathgates were told not to by Tanavast. The Sibling being Urithiru is corroborated by the gem-records - I believe it was them at least - which talked about the Sibling being upset making things weird.
  24. Imagine the conversation if Dalinar proves Adonalsium's existence: So, there is a larger, more true god.. But it's dead too? ..Yeah.
  25. Oh, Akinah is on Aimia? Hmm.. That does raise more potential for conflict, if the Knights Radiant found out about any Voidbringer plot to take Aimia. Except it seems unlikely that the Aimians would come forward with knowledge about that. They've been maintaining secrecy for a very long time, and have been murdering to maintain it. I doubt they'd reveal the secrets and allow the Knights Radiant to come invade, even if it were for the defense of the island.
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