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Fuchsia Ostrich

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Everything posted by Fuchsia Ostrich

  1. Why are you asking for affirmation? Will your reply alter based on my confirmation? To answer you - No of course not. But the point was not that your opinion on Turquoise was simply inconclusive. It was that it was deliberately inconclusive. No, rather you simply made sure we'd focus more on Saffron rather than on Gorilla, then hope the heat on Gorilla would dissipate out. Which is why you fought tooth and nail to prevent Turquoise from flipping at all Yes, correct. 100% I believe you're the kind of player who is very diverse - one day you bus, another day you'll staunchly defend your teammate and then say "would I strongly defend my teammate this way, would I not bus?"
  2. I would be willing to give you some benefit of the doubt if it was only the events of last cycle but you have been setting this up since D2 with the ISOs setting up to show Iguana more suspicious than Gorilla. Particularly agree with Vulture who better explains the ISO on Gorilla here - D2 332 Charcoal Hyena ISO of Turquoise Gorilla. Thinks distribution speculation NAI. Doesn't know what to think about PM based reasoning. Leaning elim based on timing of Turquoise vote, posts updated vote count 2 hrs before rollover, unconcerned about leading lynch. Suspects soother. Doesn't see desire to solve game. Gut paranoid villager based on vote manipulation post. Overall confused N/A N/A Overall fairly inconclusive read - return to it if Gorilla flips, as feels like deliberately inconclusive. Contingent on Gorilla flip Equivocates on Turquoise Gorilla Feels deliberately inconclusive - exactly. Rollover timing is uncomfortable for me, with me being unavailable for the last 8 - 12 hours of the cycle depending on irl stuff. I haven't been in discussion at any EoCs, and all my final votes were around the same time [or earlier] as my Gorilla vote with the knowledge that they won't likely change. Try again. Also, the progression from - you piggybacking and using my suspicion on Onyx to make your own case opposite to Gorilla last cycle - to 'ALARM BELLS RINGING' because I'm voting accordingly to my time zone, especially when it was 3-3 and I voted opposite to Falcon, whom you are strongly trusting - doesn't track at all, the 180 is very weird to say the least.
  3. Okay so scratch everything I've said earlier about Scorpion because I've been thinking about something + something in Vulture's recent long-post caught my eye - N1 228 Amethyst Scorpion Included thread summary as the reasoning. Asks Saffron Iguana whether they think all three in the lynch were villagers, in which case the spiked needn't care, or whether Amethyst Scorpion was an elim trying to bus a teammate for villager points N/A N/A Third option - knew Turquoise Gorilla soothed, was creating future distancing? Could also be genuine Paranoia mild evil Engaging with Saffron iguana Okay so hold that there while I get back to it - D3: There is evidence off minimum 1 Riot. D2: Note that this particular Soothe is Iguana's and hence, the Riot seen in D3 is not seen here. D1: To the naked eye, it looks like 2 Soothe, one of which is accounted for [Iguana]. BUT, if we look at the pattern here - D3 - Elim involved in vote, Rioter involved in manipulation D2 - V/V vote, no involvement from the Rioter D1 - Elim involved in vote, ??? My theory is that the vote missing is not a simple Soothe from Gorilla but a Rioter shifting a vote from Gorilla onto Crocodile. The point is, as Vulture says, e!Scorpion would know that a vote would be moving and that they'd be relatively safe to vote on Gorilla, and if something unsafe does happen, they'd have the entire trust of the village. It definitely wasn't a reactive vote manipulation from the elims - Scorp's vote was 2 minutes before rollover, so they did not react to this vote, rather, they had already manipulated the vote at this point - with Swan, Ocho or Axl's vote as the shift target. Point about Scorpion's vote on Gorilla in D2 but there like literally zero pressure on Gorilla at that point, so because of all this I'll not even be soft-clearing Scorpion after all. This also has other implications - meaning one of the players on the Crocodile train is the Rioter... it's not me or Iguana, which leaves us Flamingo or Falcon - leaning towards Falcon here because in the last cycle, the Riot shift was TOWARDS Gorilla, rather than an attempt to save Gorilla by shifting it in the opposite direction i.e. shifting from Gorilla TOWARDS Falcon, which makes me believe that last cycle was indeed E/E with Falcon having the more important role i.e. Rioter.
  4. @Oxblood Beagle, I'll answer your question here - It's because I thought elim!Meerkat would like to look like village!Meerkat, and village!Meerkat will be pushing players and would not have been nonchalant between either options. If he was, it'd be suspicious too. Elim!Meerkat would be trying as much as possible to be his village self. Anyway, just answering your question here, these thoughts of mine are not so much relevant because I've changed my mind on Meerkat following the Gorilla flip.
  5. Alright going back to D1 because of the flip - ^ Albatross' vote to make it 3-3-3 here looks quite bad. I suppose it could have been worse if they would have put Crocodile to 4, but the knowledge of the vote manips could have allowed them to safely make it 3-3-3 and not be worried about Gorilla's death And Scorpion's vote here looks really really good, there's no reason you bus a teammate when two villager are right there with 4 votes. From last cycle, Swan was the first vote and Flamingo was the second on Gorilla (still confused about this because from D1 EoD, Flamingo - Gorilla team makes sense but Flamingo voted on them fairly early last cycle, so bus? or was 2nd vote deemed not to dangerous to back off later and then votes just piled up?). Feel like I'm a bit confident to start weaning off Meerkat paranoia with that 3rd vote on Gorilla. Between the second and third vote on Gorilla, there was second vote on Beagle [from Falcon] and a second vote and third vote on Falcon [by Chameleon and Rhino] so these can be marked for attempting to start a counter-wagon. Falcon was the closest to actually come up to match the vote tally of Gorilla which might have been an attempt to save Gorilla which they realized was futile and fell off. Bringing back my Charcoal Hyena theory that they attempted to paint Iguana more suspiciously than Gorilla during their respective ISOs during D2 to note here.
  6. Been busy for a while [still am] and could not go back through D2 like I thought I could and I'll probably not be back before EoD. Was thinking about my belief of a Flamingo - Gorilla team from D2, but uhh Flamingo is voting for Gorilla, so not sure about that anymore. But I want to contribute to the vote, and no one took up on Flamingo last cycle so Gorilla.
  7. Meerkat, I think you're wholly misunderstanding what I'm trying to tell here. This is me speculating, trying to do is figure out the Octo kill, so this is one of the scenarios. And no, it's not exactly like what you said in my head. It was more like - Tineye said they're taking advertisements for future AMs right? So I figure they've claimed to a few people that they're Tineye and that they could send them a message to be posted. One of the players the Tineye claimed to would happen to be the Seeker and Seeker would pass the information (however that may be). But yeah, it still requires less than optimum play from the Seeker. But that's more like how I imagined the scenario to be. Anyway, this is pure speculation from my part trying to figure out the Octo kill. I'm not the N2 scan target [or if I was, I have not been contacted yet by the Seeker]. I do not know who the Seeker or the N2 scan target was, and I wasn't implying that I was one. I am just paranoid of you. Just keep the AMs coming, and if we ever find and kill an evil Tineye and your AMs stop, then we'll know you're evil.
  8. It doesn't have to be atrocious village behavior, it can be something simple like the Seeker starting the chain of "hey someone passed a message to give to the Tineye". I'm not trying to make you look evil, I'm just trying to understand your motive here because this is too risky move to pull off for chaos and information, and very uncharacteristic of you. I just asked what the gambit was in the thread. I discussed the possibility in detail only in my PM with you. What was waffle-y about my last post? I could not have been clearer about where I stand.
  9. I - ughh, Meerkat I'm finding this whole thing confusing because a. I don't recall you ever pulling off such gambits or you telling me about them from your earlier days and b. I know how much you give importance to village trust forming over the early game and in this move.. you just destroyed every trust villagers had in you and caused confusion and paranoia so now I'm conflicted because either you're truthful or you have calmed yourself down, had a nice sleep, given yourself ample amount of time to cook a beautiful story, a story which I will now be trying see if there's any holes in to poke - Evidence that Meerkat is Truthful: Like Meerkat said, Seeker need to have scanned him N1, and found a village Tineye by N2 which is not mechanically possible All the code stuff Evidence that Meerkat is Lying: To counter in the first point of the previous case, Seeker would have to find the Tineye by some other means, i.e. PMing. I'll come back to this later If Octopus was, in fact, the Tineye who sent the messages, then Meerkat would have to construct a story, a very very compelling story to make his case as a Tineye, but if anyone could write a story, you guys know it's Meerkat. Use of hex codes is easier to manipulate because even the slightest adjustment in the color picking can alter the hex code drastically. For this point, I'd like to ask @Salmon Meerkat, why did you set the opacity of the first dot to 50% and the second one to 100%? This might be a stretch, but Meerkat was absolutely turned my paranoia dial to eleven. I'd say at this point I'd still believe Meerkat is telling the truth but there's one thing still bugging me - Why kill Octo? The Octopus kill makes absolute no sense from the elim perspective. No sense at all, especially comparing their N1 kill which was to go for a very low poster. So why change their MO in the second cycle? Which brings to the first point in the Lying case. That the Seeker somehow managed to contact Octopus and during the chain of PMs from Seeker to Octopus, it went through one of the elims. Which would give a perfect motivation for the Octopus kill, which would make the AM true, which would make Meerkat evil, which would make Meerkat fabricate a story to claim Octo's PMs. Not sure if anyone asked this but the best way to refute this is to ask if AMs come before deaths in OoA. @Elbereth, can a Tineye send out an anonymous message in the turn they die? tl;dr - Paranoid about Meerkat's claim, most probably telling the truth BUT octo kill very weird - could possibly link to Meerkat's claim which is making me side-eye the whole thing And what does this mean? You'd flip before Swan [if you hadn't said anything] and if you're village like you say you are, then why would I pursue that gambit angle on Swan?
  10. Nono lol that was me predicting who was likely to be Smoked ahead in preference to Meerkat, and the question mark is because I don't think anyone would have thought to scan you because like only me and... I think Falcon? were suspicious of you last cycle, so you'd prooooobably not be Smoked ahead of Salmon [hehe Smoked Salmon ] but it was in doubt, hence the question mark
  11. More trusted - [Swan, Penguin] More dangerous - [Hyena, Vulture] More likely scan target (due to vote and thread stuff) - [Gorilla, Chameleon, Albatross, Flamingo?]
  12. Anyway, moving on, we've got implications of the scan because IF the scan result is correct, we've got two scenarios - Elims do not have Smokers [in which case well we don't need to be bothered] OR Elims have a much more... trusted? more dangerous? more obvious scan target whom they are Smoking.... And if it is the second case, we've now got a baseline to guess who they are trying to hide more than Meerkat [who is, of course, not who we all think he is ]
  13. Sure, but it's still more likely you'd go for single Ocho kill [for whatever reason] than a double kill because there's no point in wasting 2 kills on someone you theorize elims know is a Thug. Numerical superiority wins the game of elims, so wasting kills on a Thug doesn't make sense. Anyway now, you're clearly trying to derail our discussion with not-so important issues and you're doing the "hey you missed this point" and then trying to give out alternate scenarios so I'll be not entertaining those, okay?
  14. stop if you thought ocho was a thug you'd avoid hitting them + they just survived an elimination, there'd be chance they'd be up for it again, so no the second kill wasn't from your end
  15. Okay see the Octopus is a weird option for both the elims and the Coinshot because - elims just proved the last cycle vote was v/v between Iguana and Octopus and... why would Coinshot even choose Octopus [for that record I'm looking at all voters of Octopus last cycle because from my perspective there was nothing incriminating about them]. Feel good about Salmon Meerkat more so because it is supported by the fact that the Octopus push was weird before backing off.
  16. Ah right, my bad, I interpreted that as suspicion on Octopus for going off the main train and hiding in side-trains. In that case, it would be irrelevant because when the side train became main train, their purpose of doing so to hide is lost. Hey Iguana, I wanted to say this in my previous post, but loving those puns! Keep 'em coming! (er, if we don't kill you this cycle, that is ) I didn't imply this anywhere, did I? Because I don't mean to, Meerkat would never do this. Anything I haven't explicitly explained, it's just a gut read.
  17. Okay I totally checked out of the game after my 2 posts and only came back to check the results, but now I'm caught up and this is basically my jumbled thoughts on everything till now - First off, why is everyone praising Ja Rule? Eminem dissed his career off way back in 2006 Okok, jumbled thoughts, here we go - Penguin is village. Accumulation of all posts + attention to detail wrt Hyena ("why would you say you pre-wrote the posts even if you did?") Heron very village wrt last post. Particularly the Flamingo part, because I was about to bring Onyx to notice myself. In addition to Heron's points, after Onyx's vote, Mauve responds giving reasons/explanations to Onyx's suspicions but Onyx does not react to that at all, even though they post after that. If they believed the explanation was insufficient, they would have told so and firmed their vote. But the fact that they didn't do this reads to me like they are trying to make sure their vote goes unseen and does not raise too much noise. They ignore Onyx's defense, make sure their vote stays and Mauve dies. Note that at this point the score was 3-2-2 [Gorilla, Croc, Iguana] and Onyx puts Croc on level terms with Gorilla. Possible Gorilla/Flamingo team here. Not entertaining a vote on Octopus as of now, leaning village primarily with accumulation of posts + gut, will re-read in iso-mode later to prove or disprove this read. Not entirely sure about Meerkat here, A* for game solving but some pushes have been weird ["if e mentions e teammate as e read why won't they follow through" argument with.. Pearl? Or Iguana? I don't seem to recall correctly but my opinion is obviously trying to look good if your e teammate flips without particularly endangering them by voting. This has now become too large to justify the use of square brackets but I'll continue on anyway. The other time I felt weird was their push on Octopus this cycle. They basically say Octopus moved from Chameleon (alignment unknown) to Gorilla (alignment unknown) to put Swan in the lead (again, alignment unknown). Stresses on the fact Octopus put Gorilla on the side-train but that doesn't matter now, does it? Because Gorilla ended up being one of the main trains and Octopus ended staying on Gorilla train. That push felt weird. I'm still leaning mildly village towards Meerkat, all these are... things that are wrong in that villageriness. Not leaning either way on Hyena, my main point of disagreement - their conclusion that Iguana feels more evil than Gorilla whereas I feel like they're equally evil. Someone mentioned this but when it was 3-3-3 and Gorilla voted for Iguana, Iguana did not self-pres vote back at Gorilla but voted for Crocodile instead [whoever mentioned this please let me know and link that post, I need to give you village points ] . To explain this a bit further, at 3-3-3 Gorilla has to choice between voting for Crocodile or Iguana, and they choose Iguana citing Croc as their top village trust [I need to check if they mention it before but if they did, then they'd want to keep it consistent and voting for Croc would change that. In case Iguana was their evil teammate, then they'd know there's a vote manip on its way and voting on them would be fine]. This post here, Iguana asks for a compromise from Gorilla and a vote on Croc, which is weird because Gorilla's just mentioned that Croc is their highest trust read. 4-4-3 is the score and [if they're evil] they know that with evil vote manip, Mauve dies. That's when Scorpion votes for Gorilla so I'm not quite understanding where the vote cancel on Gorilla came from? You know what, the more I think about it the more it seems waaaay too elaborate and it's making my head hurt. I'll take a break from these two and come back to them later, but basically they're in conversation for today's vote for me. Need to re-read in iso-mode later. Coming back to Hyena, I felt like there was a difference in the way they approached the two ISOs, biased towards Iguana, making the conclusion seem like they are more evil than Gorilla. Don't have any evidence to back this, but just the feel I got reading the ISOs. Albatross Argument meh, was evil reading them based on posts, now not leaning any particular way after getting Shot, could be evil Thug but that'll be more evident as the game goes on and we figure out evil team composition. They are right though, they haven't explicitly mentioned they were new anywhere, we just saw one post and ran with it. Were they overplaying this or just letting us assume? Albatross PM'ers, can you answer this? Swan, I think they're village. Nothing particular stood out about them for me in my readthrough. Perhaps, that should be concerning eh? Need closer look. That "I donno who PM'd me" bit was odd from Falcon but other than that I think they've been good Vulture with their typical tabular column analysis, remember both agreeing and disagreeing with conclusions drawn from post so no alignment indication about them [I think I disagreed about them finding stuff about Octopus evil]. A D1 vote would have given a better idea about them. OH WAIT I'VE JUST NOTICED AMBER VULTURE PFP IN DETAIL, WHO IS THAT PERSON WHO MADE THAT? ARE YOU A HUGE FRINGE FAN?? BECAUSE THAT VULTURE IS TRAPPED IN THE AMBER-LIKE SUBSTANCE FROM FRINGE!!! I'm a huge fan of the show lol, anyway bifurcating - Good - Penguin, Swan, Scorpion (revisit IF Iguana is evil WITHOUT Gorilla), Falcon, Heron, Meerkat, Octopus, Axolotl ???? - Vulture, Mouse, Hyena, Dragonfly, Albatross, Chameleon, Rhino, Zebra, Elephant, Toucan Bad - Dingo, Flamingo, Beagle, Iguana, Gorilla I realized I haven't spoken about Chameleon. Stuff from Chameleon, Iguana and Swan are all jumbled in my head so again, marking it for revisit. Voting for Flamingo until I figure out Gorilla/Iguana stuff, which is conditional, and trying to figure out their EoD ended up confusing me. More sure of Flamingo's shadiness at EoD. Positions of anyone else I have not explained is basically gut.
  18. Me about to guess Charcoal Hyena is Fifth only to find to Fifth is IMing... Anyway, my interactions will be limited for a couple of days, irl stuff, hoping it'll get better as game goes along. Have skimmed through and got gut reads - Freddieeee, what are we doing heree?? We're here to find bad guys, Bane. And eat them? No, Bane. We're going to uncover the and write about it in our newspaper. And then eat them? *sigh* Fine, maaaaybe and then eat them. Now, shush, I've found a guy who's seems like a decent guy. "Hey, @Coral Swan, why do you have Mauve Crocodile as your top village read? I'm gut reading them as evil and I can't pinpoint exactly what it is, but something feels off about their posts. I don't like their first vote on Chameleon either." Fredddiee, can we eat Crocodile? Shhh, Bane, no! We aren't sure if he's a bad guy yet. What about that guy over there? Octopus? I actually think he's one of the good ones. And no, Bane. I know they have like, 9 brains but you cannot eat them. *grumble grumble* Fine *grumble grumble*
  19. Freddieeeeee, I'm hungryyyyy! Where can we find some brainsssssss? Shhhh, shut up Bane! We have to blend in! Fredddyyyy, I'll let you blend in once we eat some bad guys, I need brainsssss Freddyyyy! How about you shut up, and I'll find your some sheep to eat later? WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU FREDDIEE? SHEEP BRAINSS DON'T TASTE AS GOOOOOD AS *SSSSSLURP* HUMAN BRAINSSS You want me to just ration you to chocolate? No! Freddie, alright I'll go in, I'll be good. Just, find me the good stuff quick, Freddie! *sigh*" What was I thinking, having another living being inside me? That it would be easy??? Symbiote? This thing is always annoying me, where's the symbiosis???" Hahahahahahaha, I love you too Freddie! Iguana, LG74 was an exception rather than the norm for Tyrian Falls meta. Each game is unique but more so because it had a different GM than the ones who run AG always, and the GMs always try to mix it up and keep us guessing and entertained. 5,6,7 doesn't matter - infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier With reference to notable stuff in posts so far, some very obvious stuff about Coinshot by Pearl Chameleon.
  20. To the person that had this account before me: I did not appreciate logging in to 83 notifications because you followed the SE forum. The PMs were interesting, though. Apparently, this anon is the former Vessel of Odium. @Steeldancer, does a used gemstone count as a gemstone for the purposes of nimbleform? If you enter mateform, take another form, and go back to mateform, do you get another PM? Do accusations have to be framed as "I accuse" for the purposes of meditationform? What counts as an action? Mateform seems the superior initial form as its effect is permanent. Warform seems a good option to take but not use until the late game. Artform, while good for conveying information, seems somewhat useless before that point. Scholarform is quite good when gemstone reserves run low. Nimbleform is only useful when the action economy becomes scarce, which I don't see a reason for. Workform seems a bit selfish. Meditationform seems valuable, particularly since someone surviving the lynch tends to give the prosecutor tunnel vision. No roles allow for scanning of the role itself (merely the action), so I plan to act in a manner that implies the potential existence of any role in future cycles. Echelon trudged along, trying to find the Rhythms. Dullform was thick and slow, and the Rhythms seemed so far away. They had brought gems, but he couldn't use one until they got far enough from Odium. There were enemies nearby. They had been followed. Nowhere was safe. Even worse, Mavset-Im could conquer a body. No one could be trusted. No one was safe. But they would be free. That was worth it. Any price was worth the chance. Even death. Especially death. In death, they would be free. In life, they would be hunted. There is always a way out.
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