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Posts posted by Cracknut

  1. Ah, Goradel. You will be missed.

    Yup :( 

    Another not so obvious one imho is OreSeur. Yes he's allegiances were bought by Kelsier, he had default Kandra personality as far as we know, but he was one of the most important parts of the revolution. He just got offed so wrongly and no one cared about it :\

  2. I remember someone trying to get some message to Vin from Sazed and getting killed off by Inquisitor(maybe Marsh)

    If anyone remembers his name, please share it with me :D Nothing special but liked the guy and he's death was so bad-time-bad-place it kinda made him special for me(not many characters dying like that in Sanderson's books).

  3. Just marathoned both seasons. First half of season one, not so good but nowhere near bad either. Then I couldn't stop watching it :D :D Overall quality of the show is astounding. Are they even making any profit out of it? It just looks too good to be a 22 episode show and it's not that popular or well liked(7.5 rating on imdb was one of the reasons I didn't watch it sooner).

    Looks aside, stories are so well put together and good compared to other 22 episode shows I've seen(especially comic book based ones) it's unbelievable. At last someone doing more story in 22 episode seasons instead of just stretching out a story that should be done in 12 episodes and filling it with fillers. And it fits so nicely with MCU!


    Characters were one of the other reasons I wasn't interested in AoS at first, but they've come so far after season one. OMG! I CAN'T EVEN!! :D :D I want season 3 RIGHT NOW! and season 4 and season 5 and and and...

  4. There is an updated version of General Zoi's pony creator which lets you "turn" the characters a little bit. Don't know if that's any help to you but... it exists. Slight downside is that some of the more... "show" mane styles and tails ahd to be removed.


    ...Oh, right, my name!


    Ahem. "My name is Oliver Queen, and after five years on an Island-"

    "-I have failed this city?" :D :D

  5. Metalic Arts, Awakening and Forgery are some of the best magic-systems ever imho.

    Malazan has it's ups and downs but still up there as well.

    Brent Weeks is doing fine as well, especially in Lightbringer.

    One that I can't see in this topic is Patrick Rothfuss and even if his magic-systems aren't as unique, the way they are executed and put into the world is phenomenal(yes I used that word :D).

    Powder Mage Trilogy has good stuff as well.

    I'm forgetting something here... :(

  6. Has it been stated Hoid will be playing a major role in SA? Currently, he is a very, very, very minor character. A popular one, yes, but I would not even rate him as a secondary character. I have always assumed his role would remain peripheral in this series, just as I think Zahel will be.

    Well I doubt Zahel will get as much attention as secondary characters but that doesn't means he can't be important.

    Sanderson can and will pull off Nightblood in SA without making Warbreaker a must-read. All I'm saying "what if" he could pull of same thing with Zahel? Would you still be disappointed?

    Roshar is different from other worlds we've seen. It has much more magical possibilities that would make sense than any others. It is possible that BS could explain Awakening without going into Warbreaker and without making it feel out of place. That's all I'm saying.

    What if there's a Surge that resembles Awakening? What if one of the Orders can give commands to inanimate object that aren't limited by transformation?

    What if Nightwatcher is linked to Endowment instead of Cultivation? Even if not, Nightwatchers restrictions and limitations don't fit our normal magic-system formula. "Zahel's different because Old Magic. End of discussion" is very much possible right now.

    Just saying that at this point in the series, nothing's impossible.

  7. If Wit/Hoid can play an important role in SA there's no reason why Vasher couldn't. Problem with Vasher using Awakening "maybe ruining SA for fans who don't like crossovers or just WB" is nothing compared to what Hoid can do. Thing is, BS will pull this off so well that everyone will love it anyway so there's nothing to worry about ;) Obviously, if he decides to do it and I personally think that Zahel isn't just a small cameo that won't be doing anything important. But I'm sure he won't be getting as much attention as most of the side characters have been getting so far.

  8. I wouldn't define any of those shows as sitcoms. A sitcom (by definition, a "situational comedy") is more like Friends, New Girl, and Arrested Development. Those types of shows aren't dark. The TV world would classify shows like The Mentalist, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, etc, as dramas, and dramas often delve into dark places. Daredevil is a drama.


    In terms of darkness, I don't think comparing Daredevil to other TV dramas is the right way to go about things anyway, since there are viewers who don't make a habit of watching dramas like Breaking Bad or Dexter. But most viewers who are watching Daredevil have probably seen Agents of SHIELD and watched at least a few Marvel movies. They're familiar with the MCU. That's what should be used as a basis for dark comparison, and Daredevil is significantly darker than anything out in the MCU right now.


    To be honest, I was shocked at how dark it was. That's probably because I'd watched it after marathoning Agents of SHIELD, and even at it's most violent (which is weak violence), SHIELD makes sure to throw in comedy right and left and change scenes so that way it's not focused on anything dark for too long. Daredevil doesn't do that. It goes from torturing someone for information to beating a person to death and doesn't bat an eye. I wish I'd known that was the case before watching it. Not that it would've stopped me, but I would've at least been mentally prepared.


    I would still describe Mentalist as a sitcom. Yes there are 3-4 episodes of drama in a season, but then there are 20 episodes of situational comedy as well. I didn't mean others as sitcoms though. 


    DD can't be compared to anything except MCU or other comic based shows when nobody watching it watches anything that can be actually compared to DD. I mean, it has much more in common with some of the shows I listed than any of comic book based shows right now. Agent's of Shield has nothing to do with it except that they "share" same world. Some people are watching it because MCU, some are comic book fans and others just don't care about those things and are still watching. Compared to Agents of Shield it's most violent thing that has ever happened. Compared to everything else on TV it has average violence.


    *Spoilers are mixed in from here on out, so if you haven't watched the show and don't wish to be spoiled, stop reading. :)

    Just to make something clear, I'm fine with violence. Blood and gore doesn't usually affect me, unless it adds sound to that--the cracking of the bones and other bloody, violent sounds. Real sounds. Most shows/movies don't do that--at least not on a consistent basis. Daredevil did, and I have a feeling it focused on the audio aspect of the violent scenes because Matt is blind, and if that's true, it was a brilliant move on the part of everyone involved with that decision. But it was also very disturbing. I couldn't stay in the room during the scene with Fisk and Anatoli. I bolted the second Fisk started in on him because I knew it would get worse. I knew Fisk was going to kill him, and it would be brutal. Yet even though I couldn't see what was going on, I could sure still hear it, and that was almost worse.


    This isn't to say that I disliked the show. On the contrary, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plot was fantastic and the character development of all the characters was just as fantastic. Even that scene where Fisk kills Anatoli added a ton of character development for Fisk, and it wouldn't have been able to do that nearly as well if the violence had been toned down there. It didn't matter how sympathetic he seemed a little later as I learned more about him, I couldn't feel any sympathy at all for him. "I don't like violence for violence's sake" (that's not an exact quote, but he said something very similar to that), and all I'm thinking is "You decapitated a man with a car door because he humiliated you. In front of a woman who you'd gone on one half-date with! How is that not liking violence for violence's sake?!" It was fantastic that the worst scene in terms of violence came from the first time we saw Fisk in action. The entire show was similarly brilliant, and despite my shock at the violence, the show needed that grit.

    I'll definitely watch the second season when it comes out, and I'm definitely recommending the show to people who like the MCU, but I'm doing so with a clear "This show is very violent" warning.

    I kinda understand Fisks actions there. I was irritated by Anatolis actions. He was the smarter, more in control of himself, balanced brother and then he acted like an idiot. Even if it didn't involve Vanessa. He walked in there assuming whatever business he had with Wilson was more important than whatever Wilson was doing at that time. He "deserved" death because he acted disrespectfully, not because he humiliated him. IMHO Fisk wasn't really humiliated, he was inconvenienced by it. I've known kids who have done as much on the streets because they were humiliated. It's pretty normal in darker parts of society. But killing someone because he just mistakenly inconvenienced you while trying to please you(Again, idiot Anatoli), that's what makes Fisk more terrifying than others.

  9. I watched the whole thing over the course of a week and really enjoyed it. I liked the duality that Matt had going for him as a public defender by day and a vigilante by night. The exploration of the consequences of the Battle of New York was also interesting for me, and something I haven't seen explored before. I also really liked just about every part of Fisk. He arguably made the show for me. I thought he was brilliantly characterized and that his backstory was fascinating. His date scenes with Vanessa were great, definitely gave him a lot of character that villains don't always get.




    I wouldn't say that I had a week stomach but there were some scenes of violence that really seemed quite brutal to me.


    Daredevil full season Spoilers

    The bowling alley scene comes to mind. Smashing one man's head in and twisting another's badly broken arm was pretty grotesque. I also thought when Anatoli's head got smashed in by the car door was pretty violent. Especially for something set in the MCU. There's not been a whole lot of up close and personal brutal injuries in the films, which I do think made this seem darker by comparison.


    I am interested in what sort of sitcoms you've seen that are darker than this though. It's not every TV show that has a young boy smash his father's head in with a hammer.

    Well, for me what makes show dark isn't about how much gore is shown. What makes show dark is story of it.

    It doesn't makes much difference for me if it's just said that kid killed his father with a hammer or they show it. For an example, crime scene's in True Detective make me more sick than anything shown in Daredevil even though they never show the "process". Mentalist, pretty much a sitcom detective, has had much more disturbing moments that in my opinion are darker than anything shown in DD so far. Of course, Dexter and Hannibal are up there as well. And Daredevil got nothing on Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, when we're talking dark.

    Even if I were to go with up-close-violence=dark there would still be much "darker" shows like Walking Dead, Spartacus, Boardwalk Empire, Banshee and Sons of Anarchy.


    A lot of these shows have much more up close violence as well as "my kind" of darkness at the same time. And these are shows I have seen(except Hannibal), so there most likely are more.

    Have to mention AHS as well which is downright disgusting.

    Edit: Oh and I forgot Vikings. Just remember Ragnar executing what's-his-name dude.


    Just to name a few examples I believe are darker then a mobsters head getting crushed(no spoilers but caution is advised):

    Pregnant woman heating whatever-drug-needs-heating over an oven in a dirty house.

    Daughter being burned in front of his fathers eyes.

    Guy calling a serial killer pathetic on TV, coming home to find his wife and daughter butchered and a smiley face painted on the wall... with their blood.

    And we never see that woman actually take drugs, we never see that girls melting flesh and we never even see bodies of that guys wife and daughter.

  10. This is so true but, I personally prefer it this way. At least most of the times. Why?
    1. Could he pull off that kind of stuff right now on the same level he has everything else? Maybe if he has been secretly writing some sexy stories all this time but that doesn't seems likely.

    2. I'm not looking for it when I'm reading his stuff and I don't want stuff I'm looking for to be gimped or cut because of it.
    3. Is there a lack of sexual content in industry? No. Is there a lack of quality fantasy books? Yes.

    P.S I'm not referring only to adult only graphical sexual content but everything Sanderson's books are lacking when it comes to intimate relationships.

    P.P.S And I would be totally down for it if he pulled it off without harming other parts of his books.

  11. It's not just slow, it's...

    Season 4 finale: Tyrion is sent to free cities most likely to meet/interact with Daenarys.

    Season 5 is here, after 4 episodes he's still nowhere close to her. OK, well she's far far away. We get it. Lets enjoy this... journey! What did we get out of it so far? Tyrion started restraining himself from you know what AND he has been kidnapped. That's it. Fun fact: Tyrion not having sex with professionals anymore is a bigger thing than him being kidnapped because he is STILL going where he was going before being kidnapped and only purpose for that kidnapping was to stretch this whole journey for a little more and then when they at last arrive where they're going Tyrion will get some additional problems because of it... Basically something I personally was promised in previous season, I will be getting in NEXT season.
    And it's not like he didn't get enough screen time to have anything interesting happen in his storyline. It's just taking several seasons for anything to happen.

    And this isn't true only for Tyrion.

    Has it been this slow before? 

    Don't get me wrong I'm not a fan and I'm not a hater but no other TV Show would be able to pull off such a bad start and there's nothing good about it being slow. I don't care about books, I don't like Martin's writing style and I just couldn't read it but I like TV Show and I'm down for changes. But being slow was one of the most annoying parts for me when I was trying to get into the books and now it's becoming a norm for TV Show as well so yeah... I'm a bit displeased :P

  12. "Cosmere copycats..." ya know, I don't think I like that term, any more than I like the term "Tolkien copycats" for the writers of epic fantasy in general. Brandon Sanderson's work has the potential to revolutionize the field of fantasy just as much as Tolkien did. There's a whole generation of future writers growing up right now with copies of Mistborn and Stormlight clutched in their hands; some of them might even be on this very forum. They're going to be inspired by Brandon Sanderson as much as the Bandersnatch himself was inspired by Tolkien or Robert Jordan. If they someday write an epic fantasy series set on many different planets all with unique magic systems, are they copycats, implying lack of creativity, or are they simply rowing their figurative boats down the vast river of ideas that is fantasy?

    Truth! If anyone can pull of something like this, as long as they do it in their own way there's nothing wrong with it. I would love if we had more of this kind of stuff.

    (For personal examples... one of my magic systems is suspiciously similar to Emperors Soul, but I actually had the idea before I knew about Brandon; it was based on my OCD. Or a different idea I had during my university years, for a trilogy where each book was hundreds of years apart, going from epic fantasy to space opera...which is kind of what Brandon is doing with the Misrbirn trilogy.)

    I got an idea about color based magic system after reading Mistborn. Then I read Warbreaker and even though there wasn't much in common between two(except colors being an important part of them) stupid me didn't follow it any further... Then I got my hands on Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks (facepalm) :D :D :D
  13. Best TV show in a genre hands down. Only other comic-book based show that comes anywhere close is Gotham.

    As a fan of both Boardwalk Empire and True Blood I was very happy about main cast. They didn't disappoint me and I'm expecting great things from them in the future but Vincent D'Onofrio just stole the show. Kingpin has turned into one of my favorite villains :D


    I was a little bit disappointed with red costume. Nothing big but it didn't feel like an upgrade after 12 episodes of sickest superhero outfit I've ever seen. Obviously it also affected stuntman's movement as action scenes while wearing it weren't as good as in first costume. Also headpiece... But as I said nothing big, just hoping they will take this in consideration and do something about it in future.


    They had nice nods though very few of it being set in the Marvel universe. Nothing concrete on connecting it to Avengers but they easily could do so if S2 is made and they add some time in story wise.


    It is set in MCU and takes place after Battle of New York. It is referenced a lot actually. Characters mention it, you can see it on newspapers, etc.

    They will be doing TV shows for Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist and finally Defenders so there will be much more MCU going in here. Looks like Marvel decided it's time for DC to take a backseat on TV as well :D Haven't been this excited about TV shows in long time, just hoping they will keep doing individual shows for these characters and won't cancel them after Defenders starts happening. Season 2 for DD or we riot!! :D :D

  14. He's in them?

    I've not read them and I always have to will myself not to click on spoilers readers put up on Malazan Board also. I want to click so bad. Must resist

    Yes but they're changing a lot of stuff so it's different. That's pretty much only reason why I watch it. Overall comics has much better pacing and more badassery but most of the changes in 4-5 seasons were for better storywise :3 

  15. NO! Don't take Shardblade guys its a trap! 

    Why take weapon that requires skill, knowledge and experience to be of any use. And don't forget about possibility of injuring yourself with it and losing limbs or life. Oh and almost every person(who would benefit from having it) on the planet with power to kill you and steal it from you is out to kill you and steal it from you!

    Even with powerful allies it would be dangerous enough and not worth the risks. Giving it to someone who can actually use it would be best decision but can you trust them with it? 

    Shardplate on the other hand requires much less skill, knowledge and experience. Basic movement skills, coordination, balance, endurance and stamina combined with knowledge of Shardplate's abilities and limitations would be enough. Just spend weak or two wearing it and you're good to go. Obviously you wouldn't be an mvp but you would take out any Shardbearer(blade only) that has no magical abilities and isn't on master swordsman/Shardbearer level.

    Not to mention that you wouldn't have that many people out for you. About time it takes to equip Shardplate, help needed and weight. Those are some problems that can be solved just by possessing Shardplate. Getting a job that pays well would be easy when you have Shardplate > finding people to help you with it, drag it around for you and even offer some additional protection would be easy with that money.

    So in the end:
    Shardblade = More risk, less efficiency(if you aren't going to sell/trade it the second you get your hands on it of course).

    Shardplate = Less risk, more efficiency(AND fun! think about it, Shardblade lets you cut stuff clean and kill people. Shardplate lets you jump higher, run faster, faceplant into earth from scary heights and walk away unscathed!)


  16. Has anyone read TWD comics here? If so:

    Am I only one who thinks that Morgan will "replace" Ezekiel? or maybe even Jesus(Daryl might be aiming for that spot though)? 

    This season has been the best so far imo. Breath of fresh air after 4 seasons of being stupidly good people and whining about same stuff over and over. Happy to see Morgan, comics didn't do him justice.


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