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Posts posted by MonsterMetroid

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

    in addition, on the single planet left remaining even if Ruin had killed the other five and there wasn’t an aspect there, Autonomy just places an aspect during the Day and wins.

    Haha yeah I made that point in the spec doc too. Actually throughout the sepc doc a couple of us said it seemed too easy for autonomy to pull it off compared to the others but at teh same time HH did take full advantage of the ruin panic and remained ignored whihc I think the point of this game is to never ignore a shard ( whic when there is eleven of them hurts your brain)

    I think seonid said it though that it looks like the shardic individual win cons might need some balancing but overall the flavors of the shards felt fun and satisfying and I dont think Autonomy will win next shard game to say the least after this one haha.

  2. Hey guys I am sorry for my inactivity but due to some real life stuff that has come up I no longer have the time necessary to keep up with this game in a fashion that feels respectable. I know that the mods are currently looking for a pinch hitter. Sorry to everyone.

    In the meantime though I will be on bare minimally (AKA I don't have time to do proper analysis on everything posted over the weekend) but I noticed that I did have a vote on me, so let me know if you have any questions for me in particular by tagging me in a post and I will try to get to them. 

  3. On 3/23/2018 at 7:45 PM, Elbereth said:

    I want to point out the contrast between this and your post from yesterday, which outlined 5 possibilities if he survived (or two, if you prefer to put investiture under a single heading). One of which was that he was telling the truth. 

    Why, then, do you suddenly state so strongly that you trust Pyro? What reason do you have for believing that he didn't use Preservation? 

    Also, side note and not directly related to this post in particular, but am getting a strange read from you this cycle. I'll point it out more carefully later if I remember, but will be watching regardless. 

    I didn't say that I strongly believed, just that I believed him. I think that last cycle I may have tunneled a bit too hard onto Pyro because there was too many things that he said that didn't make sense to me. Now that I have reevaluated things a bit I feel like I am getting a clearer picture of things. the post Pyro made here really resonated with me

    specifically where he says


    Because I want to be nice.  Also because it isn't that important.  I admit I am not playing this game optimally.  I am having fun.

    A lot of the time I assume that teh reason peopel are making posts is to play optimally and thats a bad assumption on my part. That being said While I believe now that he is survival I do acknowledge the possibility that he could have used preservation.... my gut is just saying that he didn't though. I don't know if that makes sense but I will contine to revaluate and whecther he is survival or something else I dont really trust him not to betray the village either way.

    As for the strange read for me I don't really know what to say to that besides I did rush my posts a bit yesterday for the blue reason I stated in thread and today I have been hanging out with my brother in town which is why I haven't been as active as usual. Thanks for the tag though as I forgot that I really need to participate more but since it is nearly midnight I will have to find time to catch up tomorrow :'(

    If you need me to respond or would like my thoughts please tag me otherwise I will try to catch up and vote before cycle end tomorrow.

  4. RP time like i said this was supposed to be posted last night but yeah RL... anyways have patience with me haha


    Willie had been cleaning the containment room all day and the room was beginning to show it. The room was by no means sparkling clean, the burn marks from the various tools ensured that wouldn’t be the case without some paint, but it at least didn’t look like a highstorm had been through here now. All 11 of the containment chambers were polished to perfection again, though 8 did have big breaches of the crystal clear aluminum shards sticking out at the points of failure. The other 3 unbreached ones glowed with their shardic power in the fading light creating far more sense of awe and wonder than the best mood lighting in the cosmere could. It was entrancing to watch and it took real effort to draw his gaze away. To stop thinking of what it would be like to be a holder of one… well willie considered himself a good man but that was impossible to stop daydreaming about.

    Willie was gathering the last of the metal fragments strewn about the ground when he noticed through the hole outside it was dusk and there were people lounging about with black hoods under their arms. "Willie shoods hae knoon they woods be back." He didn't let that deter him though he set up as best as he could. He put a wet floor sign near the hole entrance emptied the garbage cans and placed strategic "No littering" signs around the room. Lastly in what he was sure was a vain attempt he taped "No touching" on the three remaining containment fields. Willie dusted off his hands "It will hae tae dae". Willy finished cleaning up, gathered his supplies and left waving goodbye to the guards that he knew wouldn’t be there in a few hours. Why didn’t they guard it during the night. Were they being bribed or otherwise affected? It didn’t really matter to Willie.

  5. 34 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

    Almost all of the Investiture actions that target other players require someone to be on the same world as their target. On night 0, I took a charge of Investiture, then went to Roshar day 1 to trade it in, and then since no one else was on Roshar with me I went to Taldain yesterday to be sure that I wouldn't waste my only charge of Investiture.

    Endowment, if you are a villager, please Return Steeldancer/today's lynch victim if they are 17th Shard tonight. @Seonid, is there a time limit for Endowment's Shardic ability? How long can a player be dead before they can no longer be Returned?

    Ok I lied about not posting I guess but I really want to know why do you want Steeldancer or someone else returned tonight? I figure it might be best to let the people in the dead doc collect knowledge from each other then return. 

    Also just curious what charge did you use? most of the investiture that targets other people isn't exactly villager friendly, maybe I am still carrying over suspicions last game but you definitely seem suspicious devotary.

  6. 5 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

    After two days of failed lynches, I’m of a mind not to use this cycle’s lynch on Pyro.

    Yeah definitely agree with this. I apoligize for bringing up and pushing the Pyro lynch so far yesterday. I do think we learned some valuable info from it namely that I believe Pyro is indeed who he said he was, and Odium doesnt seem super interested in splintering survival... at least right away. Granted there is a possibility that pyro used preservation to survive but thats not the feeling I get now but the possibility shouldnt be discarded.

    In other news I had an awesome RP post (at least I liked it) for last night... that didnt get posted due to some issues but I will be posting it soon so just pretend I did so before turnover haha.

    I want to reevaluate a lot of things before I post a vote especially I want to take a look at Straw and HH myself since a lot of people were pushing that way.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Arinian said:

    No! Not Straw lynch! Not again! I've seen enough of this lynches. Yes straw makes many weird, suspicious things but he is he, fire also hurts if you will try to jump head forward in campfire.

    Haha I find this funny considering how I defended you in that last QF with a similar statement haha. Thats why I dont really have a strong elim read on straw but it will be interesting to see what orlok has to say to.

    That being said Arinian why do you think mage is Odium? I missed that

    12 minutes ago, randuir said:

    You make a good point about him taking from Odium though, as it doesn't make sense. It would serve his win-con for both Odium and Ruin to remain contained, so why risk breaking any of the two free?

    Yeah this is what particularly bugged me because that combination makes sense for a lot of roles but survival isnt one of them unless he is lying about his win con... in either case something smells fishy between this and the other points i made earlier

  8. 2 hours ago, Elbereth said:

    I think it's interesting, and would be a good play for an evil team. I'm also fairly certain that even if evil, he'll be able to survive the lynch, and am not sure there's a particularly good way to resolve his alignment except for being lynched and then hit by either Odium/Ruin (which seems unlikely if they're not village, though Odium might be pleased that we're doing his work for him, which is not particularly useful either). Basically, I think it's worth consideration, but would rather lynch others who are more likely to actually die for at least this cycle. If he turns out to be Survival, we'll have wasted at least a cycle, and I think the first few cycles particularly ought to be about gaining as much information as we can. 


    16 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

    Also, would you justify your claim that lynching him is a good basis for information?

    For one it will tell us if he is lying or not. If he dies then we get information, if he lives then we know

    1. he is survival or
    2. he does have investiture (which he claims not to right now)

    Now if he does survive you may say well how can we tell which it is 

    well if he has investiture then it is one of four possibilities

    1. he is village and took from preservation night 0 and lied to us ( I dont see this as likely but it is possible)
    2. He is khriss took from preservation and another shard night 0 instead of converting
    3. He is hoid ( I dont think this is likely as I will explain below)
    4. he was village (then converted) and took from preservation night 0.

    Now I will explain why I strongly doubt that Pyro was hoid when questioned by orlok what he did the previous night he promptly responded with


    I took investiture from Autonomy, for the scans, and Odium, to protect myself.

    And no, I did not get either shard. I can't, because I am already a Vessel

    If he was hoid I doubt he would have so quickly came up with two shards that he would have chosen so these two ring true to me so I think he has to be khriss or survival. But why would Survival need a charge of odium to protect himself? Wouldn't preservation or ruin be better protection?

    In any case even if he was survival we couldn't know that he actually told us his actual win condition. His actual win condition could be "be the last one alive" for example

    Overall there are too many things that don't add up and whether he survives a lynch or not will dramatically  narrow down the possibilities with ruin or odium probably ensuring that he actually does die if he survives.

  9. The Main issue I have voting for the sand lord this early is that this could become a perpetual vote sink allowing the elim's to better position themselves each time we use the lynch against an aspect. Every turn we lynch an aspect we are not lynching an elim. I agree that we shouldn't let autonomy gain too much power but I also think we desperately need information that can be obtained from a real lynch right now. If autonomy creates another aspect this turn then we can lynch one next turn IMO assuming ruin doesn't destroy one in a planet destruction anyways.

  10. 5 minutes ago, randuir said:

    There's two possible outcomes to lynching pyro as far as I can see. Either he dies, proving that he's not Surival, or he lives. Living doesn't prove anything, however, as Hoid started the game with a charge of preservation, and Khriss could have stolen a charge turn 1 (unless, @Seonid, there's  difference in write-up between survival's extra life and one gained from preservation's investiture). I'm not wholly opposed to lynching him to check, but if he's not survival, there's a decent chance he's got some of preservation's investiture to keep him alive anyway.

    This is a good point... I didn't consider how easy it would be for him to live through a lynch, I thought for some reason that the lynch bypassed his extra lives but I guess it is just his shardic one it does, and I never considered that preservation could be used to survive the lynch I thought it was for kill protection.  A elsecaller lynch wouldn't be much better than a no lynch besides that we could see if he gets attacked by ruin or odium or not... I do want to consider though that he might not be survival and any shards that might be thinking about passing him your shard might want to be careful. I also think that discussion on this topic is important too as it is something that we will have to determine sooner or later and sooner is probably better. If Odium is village he could scan him and let us know if he is survival though if he could do it through an intermediary that would be ideal.

    @Orlok Tsubodai @Arinian what are your thoughts?

  11. 3 hours ago, Magestar said:

    I haven't actually seen MMs defense of me, though I suppose I should go look for it.

    I don't remember doing this :unsure:

    2 hours ago, Elbereth said:
    3 hours ago, Magestar said:

    Quick question;  I may have missed this reading through the thread, but do we have any solid or even semi-solid proof that Pyro is survival?

    Also, even if they are survival, what's the problem with killing them?  So far they haven't really offered any reason that I should trust them.  If they are survival, I'm not sure I want them to have the shard, as their actions seem to be primarily leaning towards the Elim side of things.

    We don’t have proof, no. No one’s counterclaimed, which is potentially telling, but there are possible reasons Survival wouldn’t counterclaim. Mostly it’s just that the way he said his claim seemed honest. We don’t know that it is, but it’s a decent guess. 

    And we haven’t yet discussed killing him, just because it’s be sort of annoying to do - particularly with Braize gone. Though we could certainly be more certain of his role if he survived the lynch. 

    This is a good point and reminded me of something I wanted to bring up and thats Pyromancer Night 0 (this game)


    Does everyone want to reveal what they were last time?  I actually WAS Survival, which makes me really sad that we restarted.


    Now I can hold that hostage over the world!  Muhahaha!  Actually, since I'm new (unless I'm Alv), I'll tell the win con if I know it and whether I was assigned it from the start to anyone who PMs me.

    Yeah, that was why it was a tough choice whether to restart or not for me.


    For anyone who doesn't know what we are talking about, read the Taladain Arcanium Unbounded entry.

    Kelsier was getting impatient.  He had just gotten Survival and-  What was he thinking?  He felt a ... Presence leave him.  Kelsier waited at the clothing shop.  If this was going to take this long, he was going to burn Cadmium. @Hemalurgic Headshot


    I was Survival last game, so I know that yes, Survival is corrupted from the beginning.  His win con is to survive the game and be the vessel of survival at the end of the game.  Also, anyone who PM's me will be offered an honest, no-holds-barred yes or no question in exchange for them answering one of mine.

    These posts were all from night zero and seemed very convincing to me that he was indeed survival the first game and he wasn't anymore. He even revealed to us Survivals win con (which at the time I thought wasn't really fair to the present survival)  and seemed he was trying to be very helpful to the village. He then started to mention khriss in several posts and then Drake made this post


    But after consideration, I place my vote on Pyromancer. I have two reasons to do so:

    1. I am wary of letting the last game inform this one too much, but Pyromancer is treating Khriss a lot like they treated Survival before the reboot. This is the best lead I can discern with the current information.

    2. Pyromancer said they would be explaining their vote on Magestar soon, and this is partially a poke of encouragement to do so. I do not in principle disagree with the vote; I would just like to better understand it.

    After this Pyro gets really defensive starts deflecting suspicion everywhere, and in general acts more suspicious until he eventually does pull out his "trump card" source


    Ok.  Here Goes.

    I'm Survival.

    Other notable quotes from pyro


    We can make do without Culty, I just don't think we should.  I want to keep Cultivation alive for another reason that I cannot say in-thread.  I believe that the "Eliminators" in this game are actually less of a threat then the Shards.  No, just because I said this doesn't mean I'm bad.



    Now I don't want to lynch you...

    No Lynch

    5th Scholar.

    Followed by


    Please!  VOTE ON 5TH SCHOLAR!  He wants to be voted on!

    Which kind of just shows that the first statement was really just a statement.


    TLDR After rereading night zero and day one I believe that Pyromancer is not survival but he either is Khriss or was converted night zero, as the votes were piling up against him he got assistance from the doc for a plan to survive which was to claim to be survival, as I don't see the current survival revealing their win con so easily.

    I would like others opinions on this though. If there is one thing Pyromancer gave us it is rope to hang himself with in post counts and I want to make sure I am not missing something.

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