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Status Updates posted by Flying

  1. I learned a very valuable lesson this week. You should never use something from SpongeBob Squarepants as evidence in an essay for AP English.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tesh


      My friend used Harry Potter as evidence in an essay once for AP English...

      This is the only relevant comment I have.

    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      :(((( If I was your teacher I’d be overjoyed to read about Squidward 

    4. Starborn42


      I've used Skyward and I got a really good grade lmaoooooooooooo

  2. School starts in two days. It hasn't started yet. 


    Anyways, my English class made me read 1984 over the summer. I'm probably going to have to write a bunch of essays on it. But it was really good. I liked it a lot.

    It also gave me nightmares

    Ironically, the nightmares were all about writing essays. I've had multiple dreams where I was forced to write essays for the Party, and if I wrote something wrong, they arrested me. This might be a metaphor for my dread about the approaching English assignments, but that's just a guess. It's definitely not a sign of me going insane. Nope. 



    H E L P 

    WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. Since I'm already mentioning weird dreams, I had the weirdest dream a while ago. Basically, I went to a taco restaurant, and the main character of my fantasy novel (Vashkril) was over there too. He and his group of friends were eating at a table. Then they invited me to eat with them. Well, umm, the entire dream was just Vashkril becoming increasingly suspicious that I was the writer who wrote his tragic backstory. Every other character was oblivious. It was terrifying, though. He sat there eating a taco and glaring at me the whole time. He was trying to interrogate me like, "Are you sure I've never met you? You seem really familiar."

    So, yes. Treat your characters nicely. Otherwise they show up in your dreams and threaten you. 


    I also had a second dream a few weeks later where he saw this terrible picture I edited of him, and he went up to me like, "Why did you do this? I do not look like that." And then I woke up laughing super hard. This picture is iconic, though. It's hilarious to me now because Dream-Vashkril looked absolutely disgusted.




    Okay. That's it. This was all over the place. It was supposed to be only the first two lines about assignments, but then I got carried away. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      This is some quality content right here.

    3. Flying


      Glad you enjoyed. I wrote this yesterday while I was sleep deprived and going crazy :P

    4. AonEne


      That's hilarious, I'm so sorry you're being threatened by your character lol 

  3. I'm doing my science homework right now and...:ph34r:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mist


      Wait wait wait what class is that?

    3. Flying


      It's environmental science. So far it's just been a lot of learning about ecosystems and agriculture. 

    4. Mist


      Cool. I'm taking AP Environmental Science, so I was thinking that looked a little familiar :P

  4. Quick question. If one of the main characters in my fantasy story is named Calevar, would you pronounce it like Cal-uh-var (var sounds like far) or Kale-var. Or maybe something else?

    This has been bothering me for basically 5 years because I've asked my friends multiple times how they'd say it and have written his name on a piece of paper for them, but they've heard me say his name so much that they automatically respond with what they're used to. I need an outside opinion because I've been getting tripped up over words like calendar and Caleb sounding completely different. 

    Sincerely, someone who is up at 12:30 AM, trying to fall asleep, but instead is staring at the ceiling and having a crisis over the name of an imaginary swordsman/field medic/superhero.. thing. Honestly, he's also having a crisis right now so this is pretty fitting. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vapor
    3. Flying


      Thanks. I've changed his name so many times to fit pronunciation and it looks like I can keep it as Calevar. You have no idea how many times this poor dude's name has changed. 

    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Hehe. No, I really don’t. ;)

  5. I haven't been as active on the Shard because it's Christmas break and I'm using this opportunity to read and write as much as I can. I have a few things I need to talk about because I'm excited and have no one else to share these things with :P (Also this might be really long, so you don't have to read all of it. I'm mostly rambling)

    First, I am finally conquering my fear of Wheel of Time and have started reading Eye of the World. I'm like 50 pages in and I'm already daunted by the fact that there's so many books. This series is probably the one series that intimidates me more than any other... so this should be an interesting experience. 

    I'm also trying to write more fantasy and I've been attempting to focus more on the characters I haven't written about as much, and it's also been a very interesting experience. The character I've been developing the most is named Deceit and he's probably the most chaotic character I've ever created. He's immortal but got banished to the mortal realm literally because he's too witty and somehow managed to insult all of the other gods. He's so fun to write, but he's also incredibly distracting and thinking about him makes me burst out laughing at the worst times. I'll be with family or something, sitting on the couch doing nothing, and then start randomly laughing because I'm imagining Deceit doing something stupid.

    Here is a list of some of the "stupid" in question:




    • He has just discovered that the end of the world may possibly be arriving, and his immediate reaction is to raid a bakery. He then proceeds to give a monologue about how good muffins are while the other characters are panicking in the background. (Honestly, this would be an amazing epilogue. I'm very tempted to have the epilogue just be him talking about muffins while the more interesting stuff for the next book is vaguely described in the background. It'll be like, "Oh, look at that. The palace is now on fire. And it looks like Vashkril just got severely wounded. Anyways, this muffin is delicious." I'd be so frustrated if I were reading that, but the mental image is beautiful and I now need to write it.)
    • He gets a job as a storyteller and gets invited to a child's birthday party, except he picks stories that are too dark and ends up traumatizing a group of children. He gets dragged out of the room while dramatically shouting insulting jokes. He never gets invited to a birthday party ever again. (The mental image of this is also beautiful and I now need to write it.)

    I'm sorry. This was very long and random. Please don't hurt me. But seriously, Deceit is the best character and I'm having the time of my life just imagining all the dumb scenarios that I could write him getting into. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Thanks for Sharing! I love that! It sounds great so far! :)

    3. Condensation


      Why can't I give any more rep?!

    4. Flying


      To be honest, I was really bored and randomly decided to write this. Glad you guys liked it though :D

  6. Well. My first ever D&D session had to be postponed because of a crazy person running around with a knife. At least, I think that's what happened. It's a long story. 

    I wrote some updates as this whole thing was happening. It was intended to be like a diary entry, I guess. But what I wrote feels very sarcastic, and it's kind of entertaining now that the situation is over. (The situation itself wasn't entertaining, though.) But here's everything I wrote while trapped in a classroom: 


    Uhh. Class was supposed to have ended five minutes ago, but now we are apparently "sheltering in place." And there's police outside the school. What a fun day. (12:20 PM)

    I am going to be writing updates as this happens because it's kind of interesting. There’s also going to be timestamps because why not.

    Update 1 - My teacher is trying to play something on the TV. This is probably a bad idea because I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be hiding, but whatever. He asked if we wanted to watch Encanto, but now we are sitting in silence. (Which I’m kind of happy about because I don’t want to be hiding while Camilo is screaming "SEVEN FOOT FRAME” in the background) (12:30 PM)

    Update 2 - I am filling out things for a D&D character sheet. I was supposed to play D&D for the first time in like 30 minutes. But now that’s probably not happening today, so I’m writing some snazzy backstory stuff for my character (12:33 PM)

    Update 3 - The class next to us is blasting Michael Jackson songs super loud and singing. I can hear everything through the walls. Billie Jean could potentially be the soundtrack to someone's death. (12:40 PM)

    Update 4 - The police just sent the teachers emails telling us what is going on. There’s a suspect hiding in the park right next to the school. We have been notified that we could be stuck in here for hours (12:43 PM)

    Update 5 - There’s starting to be confirmation that the suspect has either a gun or a knife. The plot thickens. There are also kids walking outside my classroom door right now and I’m just like “WHY?? What are you doing??” I would never want to be in a survival situation with these people. (12:50 PM)

    Then everything sort of ended at 1:20. The police were still outside, though. And then, because it's Spirit Week, we came out of the classrooms and just went to our event/rally as if nothing had happened. Like, how are we supposed to be enthusiastic for a school event after being nervous for over an hour? School is weird.

    The whole day feels like a weird dream, to be honest. 

    I'm still not even sure what happened. I think people were saying that the suspect had a knife? They had a weapon of some sort, at least. No one was hurt but it was still such a strange few hours.

    Anyway, that was my day. How are all of you doing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JesterLavorre


      That is scary. I’m glad you’re okay, though! Too bad about the d&d.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      whoa! that is an interesting day, it really does sound like a dream, that also seems scary at the same time.

    4. Flying


      Yeah... It was a very weird day.

      I got to play D&D yesterday, though. It was extremely chaotic, which made it extra fun

  7. It is midnight and I just changed my profile picture to a flying fish.

    I will come back in the morning and see if I regret this decision. (Also please tell me if this was a good idea. I'm so tired I can barely think right now)

    Basically I should have gone to sleep fifteen minutes ago but instead I looked at pictures of fish

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomstick
    3. Flying


      Huh. They do kind of remind me of skyeels. Kind of

    4. Frustration


      *Sounds of Approval*

  8. So my teacher told us we could leave the online class once we finished our assignment, but apparently we had to message him saying we were done before we could leave. He wanted to check our work so he could give us approval to exit the class, but I just left the class without asking because I didn't know... And then he personally sent me an email being like, "Please never do that again", and I can't decide between being terrified and laughing.

    This was like ten minutes ago and I'm laughing so hard, but I can also imagine the anger/annoyance on his face when he saw I left the class. What makes it even funnier is that I was writing a fantasy story while I didn't know I was supposed to still be in class, and I was just writing and saw this random message pop up that was like: "Next time, please ask me before leaving the call." 

    Anyways, that's been my last few minutes. I almost panicked, but it's honestly kind of hilarious that he messaged me about it and I was completely clueless. 

    1. Emi


      I feel you. I often leave my lessons too early as well. 

    2. Flying


      I'm totally not that person who sometimes misunderstands and accidentally leaves the class when the teacher's instructions were to just turn off the camera :ph34r:

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      That happens to me all the time. :P 

  9. So I'm a pretty slow reader and today I finally got to Part 4 of RoW... Normally I'd be happy that I'm making progress and getting closer to the Sanderlanche, but by my estimation I'll probably be reading Part 5 during finals week. That is not good. That is very not good. Help :(


    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Ahhhhh. Glad you made it. :)

      Hmmmm. That’s tough. Maybe. . . Put off Part five until you’re done? I know, I know, it’ll be hard but it’ll definitely be less distracting. 

    2. Flying


      Honestly I could try to do that, but I'll probably fail and end up reading it anyways. I already procrastinated on my essays due this week while I was reading Part 3, so I don't know if trying to not read it will work out that well :P

    3. Bearer of all agonies
  10. Is it just me or has anybody else not been getting status update notifications since the website updated? I can't tell if people are just unusually silent right now or if I'm just not getting notifications 😅

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      The update got rid of SU notifications. It’s annoying, but the mods said that they can’t really do anything about it.

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Yeah, we just have to use streams now.

      There's been a lot of confusion lately.

    3. Flying


      Okay, thanks. That makes sense.

  11. Here's a bunch of life updates because I haven't posted here in forever.


    For my final project I had to interview a professional scientist. It was in a Zoom meeting and was with a marine biologist. This normally would be something fun and exciting. The problem is...I'M STORMING AWKWARD. I ran out of questions within five minutes and had no idea how to carry on the conversation. He was really nice about it though, but I'm looking over the video recordings and there's multiple parts that make me facepalm. I can already tell this is going to be something that haunts me for the next few weeks.


    A few days ago I posted a draft of a prologue I wrote to a writing feedback subreddit. I was kind of dared to do it by my friend, but I was like "Eh, whatever. Most posts don't get read unless they blow up; I'll just do this and see what happens." Anyways, it kind of became one of the top posts on the subreddit for a few days. That still meant that only 150 people read it, but... that seems like a lot. Especially because most posts only get 10 to 30 upvotes.

    I wasn't expecting anything, but somehow I ended up with private messages from people telling me they enjoyed it and wanted more. I feel slightly bad because it was a random decision and I know I could've put more work into it, but I didn't actually think anyone would read it in the first place. So now I learned that there's an audience of people out there who want the rest of the story. I'm excited but also slightly terrified because most of my writing is just me being a weirdo and having absolutely no idea what I'm doing.


    Uhh. My AP Lang test is tomorrow. I'm going to have to hand write three essays in two hours. Pray for my poor left hand because during the mock exam it was in PAIN 

    1. FriarFritz


      Finger pushups are your friend! Just put your fingertips on the desk and go up and down

    2. Flying


      Hmm. I might try that actually

    3. Tesh


      1. Cool! My chemistry teacher is a marine biologist and has been to Antarctica. He's literally the worst teacher I've ever had.

      2. Oooh, that's really neat! Congrats! And if you want to post more, I'd say go for it. Don't feel obligated to, but if you wanted to... 

      3. GOOD LUCK. YOU'VE GOT THIS. *screams internally at reminder of upcoming AP world test*

  12. I don't try to make these long on purpose. I just get really excited about writing and end up writing the longest status updates ever. It was actually longer but then I accidentally deleted all of it halfway through writing it... Sorry again though :P (I put it in spoilers because it's pretty long, but it also explains why my display name changed, in case you're wondering.) 



    So I've been wanting to change my display name for a while... I originally had Warbreaker_Weiss but then changed it to weiss_kwispies, and I've never actually really liked having my display name just be weird puns based off of my last name. I know what I'll change it to, but I wanted to give some context for the new one. 

    Anyways, I've had this one story/book idea for years but have never actually had enough motivation to start it. I kind of wanted to write more stories in the world I created, so Christmas break I've been writing one of the chapters that sticks out to me the most when I think about the books I eventually want to write. Right now I'm writing it as a standalone chapter/short story because I haven't written the rest of the book. I didn't really feel like waiting for other chapters to be written chronologically because I was too excited to write this one. I'm currently a little over 3,000 words in, and I'm not exactly sure how long it's going to end up being, but I'm having fun and writing it is really comforting. 

    It's basically a chapter about an in-world children's(?) story, and the fable is honestly kind of similar to stories like Fleet and The Girl Who Looked Up. It also has a ton of stuff that's important for my two protagonists' character arcs, and I just really love it in general. It's called Falling, Fleeing, Flying because there's three characters in the children's story that have those names respectively. They each kind of represent different ideas and reactions to pain/hardship, but Flying's character in particular means a lot to me (and also to my main characters).

    I've decided that I love this chapter so much that I'm going to change my display name to Flying. Maybe I'll eventually let people read the actual story when I'm done writing it, but I'm not exactly sure if people will like it at all. It just means a lot to me personally and I felt the need to write it for myself, even if it's kind of boring and my writing style is honestly really bad. Also I don't know if it's just me being emotional, but some of the paragraphs in it legit make me cry. I'm scared to release it upon the world in case it ends up being a tearjerker (or even worse, fails to cause any emotion at all), but I'm determined to finish writing this thing. 



    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Woohoo! I like it! And the part about your name! :)

  13. Wow.. umm, that's a lot of birthdays. It took me a second to realize that I was looking at the birthday list instead of the "who's online" list. A lot of them are probably bots or fake birthdays, but I was so confused at first and I love how chaotic this looks. 




    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yeah. Poor mods. 
      Storm curse this upvote limit!

  14. I almost always write in third person, but I also have this one story that requires first person. Today I found a few pages of the story from 2017, and it kind of inspired me to rewrite part of it. I sent the rewritten version to my friend while I was writing it, so it didn't yet have the last few paragraphs where it says the main character's name. I failed to mention to her that this was the opening to a storyand for the first few paragraphs she thought the narrator of this was me. My friend stopped reading about halfway through and texted me, "Are you okay? You sound really strange in this." She thought I wrote this for one of those "About Me" projects at school... I'm not sure whether to be flattered that someone thought I could pass as Thomas Current, or really embarrassed because I could pass as Thomas Current. 

    Anyways, here's the "author's note" to Thomas Current Writes the Universe. I have no idea if I'll ever write the other parts of this, but my friend's confused/concerned reaction was amazing. And just because of that I need to show it to people. (Also, I wrote this in like twenty minutes. It probably needs some editing, but I hope it's still funny. If you're curious, the original version of this was Thomas monologuing about his love of magic systems for two whole pages, and I'll have you know that I'm saving those hilarious paragraphs for later chapters. They don't fit here, and they need to be shortened a lot, but I'll find a way to use them somehow.)


    An Author's Note

    Some tell me that I live more in the world of fantasy than in my own reality. This, ultimately, is wrong. I definitely live in the real world; I just don’t pay any attention to it. But I suppose that’s fitting, considering I’m a writer. Most of my days I spend locked in my room. The other days I spend hissing like a vampire because I have been forced to enter a place filled with lights other than the ones coming from my glowing computer screen. The outdoors are especially guilty of being full of bright, annoying lights, and somehow I always find myself dragged out into the unforgiving wilderness of my horrid neighborhood. Everything outside is disgusting. For example, plants: disgusting. Dirt: disgusting. My neighbor’s two-year-old son: doubly disgusting. At least, that’s what I think. Apparently I’m not normal, though.

    Sometimes I wish I could be normal. I’d be able to find joy in the simple things in life. Perhaps I’d be able to watch golf without being bored out of my mind. Actually, I’ve heard most people think golf is boring. I wouldn’t know, though. I am a majestic creature who creates worlds full of imagination, and my thoughts cannot be understood by mere mortals. Unfortunately, most of the time I also do not understand my own thoughts. 

    Up until this point, I’ve mostly been joking, and now I need to set some things straight. First off, I am not immortal. I am merely a mortal who is weirder than the other mortals. Second, I do not think plants are disgusting. They’re quite fascinating, really. And third: Timmy, you are not doubly disgusting. You are triply disgusting.

    Now that those things are out of the way, I can finally introduce myself. You probably already know, however. My name is probably in big letters on the cover of the book you’re holding. I haven’t published it yet, but I hope I’m right. I want my name to be in the largest font imaginable. I don’t care if that is too distracting and takes away from the beautiful art on the cover. You’ll all have to deal with it. I want people to know that I wrote this. No one else did. Nope; definitely not anyone else. The only person who could have possibly written this is me. And I am Thomas Current, your unbelievably charming and handsome narrator. 

    For now, all you need to know is that I am extremely charming and handsome. These are the facts that will be most relevant throughout the story, and I will do my best to remind you as much as possible that they are true. Despite what the other people in this account may say about the subject, do not believe them. My looks are equally as impressive as the brilliant mind I possess, and I’m sure that by now you are also in awe of the way I masterfully weave words together. 

    And while these are the relevant facts, I suppose it’s time I told you, dear reader, what exactly you’re reading. Behold, what lies ahead is the tragic and dramatic tale of a fantasy writer who was forced, against his will, to write a sci-fi novel.


    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad


      I definitely live in the real world; I just don’t pay any attention to it.

      I love this :lol:

      Good luck with the rest of it! It sounds awesome!

  15. Thanks for following me, Facepalm :P

  16.  I don't use Snapchat, but earlier today my sister was on her phone using the potato filter and it made me think of that one Reckoners quote about the potato in a minefield. Literally all day long I've been thinking about this. Please help me. I've been trying to finish my homework but I keep getting distracted because my brain keeps imagining Megan looking at David like: 

    I'm A Potato TikTok Meme Meaning, Original Potato Challenge on TikTok  Filter Explained

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