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Everything posted by Mulk

  1. Assuming Dalinar's boon was to forget the pain - what if marriage to Navani relieves some of the pain of losing Evi and thus suspends at least a portion of her memory from the Nightwatcher's curse as it is no longer applicable? I say this for this reason: I've a friend who lost his long time wife a while ago, and he misses her terribly, longs to see her again. He called me a couple of nights ago and told me there is a possible new woman in his life. I hadn't heard him laugh like that since before his wife passed. He's finally starting to act and behave like a man who isn't bereft of much of his life. He's young enough he still has a couple of decades or so to live most likely and...well, the connection made sense to me.
  2. Regarding Mraize's bird In any case, Shallan recognizes it as a kind of weird chicken, "a stranger kind" as she says. It doesn't resemble to me anyway a bird from another world, though I suppose it might be a parrot instead of a chicken. Regardless, I'm going to take her word on it that it resembles a Rosharan bird enough that she knows what she's talking about for the time being.
  3. Over, unless I have a cat who likes unrolling the toilet paper. I had one for several years that ANY TP in the over position was fully unrolled the next time our back was turned, so it was under until she was gone.
  4. Mraize and Ialai is about as expected, for me anyway. Adolin and Ialai...that went better than I thought. I'm still curious about where this is going and how the reveal is eventually going to work out - it has to come out eventually. I'm also still curious as to whether the darkness in Urithiru is a direct result to the murder or just coincidentally timed - meaning the difference between whether the darkness was already there and the murder possibly gave it shape and direction, or it wasn't there and the darkness gave it a gateway in. Amaram showing up again...that could get right weird. Or he could end up dead relatively shortly, as Mraize has been after him for some time. Where the hell is Taln in all this? Kaladin...well, I'm not sure what he hopes to accomplish with this. Talking with a voidspren...that was an interesting little scene. I think the voidspren suspects him of Radiance but cannot yet prove it. Taravangian is one hell of an actor. I'm pretty sure that if he wasn't reasonably intelligent (not overly smart or overly stupid) on this day they'd have backed out of coming saying he was sick or some such. Having a Dustbringer in tow...wow. Did not see that coming. Really want a pov from her now. Dalinar is becoming more and more perceptive politically, as in he is better able to see what others see and discern from his actions as opposed to what he is actually trying to accomplish. And now he sees the rock his oath places him upon - a potential way forward to obey his oath to unite would be to act as the Blackthorn and force others to submit. It's not what he wants...but I wonder if his hand will be forced into it if things get bad quickly.
  5. nice link, thanks. I know I have all of the lands referenced and I recognize several others from decks I used to run. None of them have been out of a box in...10 years or more I think. I...may be sitting on a lot of value there. I'll have to have a look at it.
  6. Warframe Elder Scrolls Online WoW Stand alone games, not much. The games I really want to try out (Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War) are so bloody I can't play them around my kids, which limits play time to after 9 pm and given when I have to get up... sigh
  7. sheesh I haven't played this in so long I didn't know MTG was still a thing... Seriously. The bulk of my cards are from the unlimited printing and some of the xpacs that came out around it.
  8. It keeps way longer than unfrozen chicken does, plus you can get it dirt cheap compared with what fresh chicken costs. I'm not going to say it's top of the line or anything, but it's real chicken meat and when you're poor (and we were VERY poor at the time) you go with what you can get.
  9. if any of you folks are like me and in need something simple to make that is tasty... one can of chicken or else one (more likely half given how much meat is in a lot of packages) small package of chicken breasts, tenders or boneless thighs that you cut up into small pieces one family sized bag of rice Italian dressing spices to taste Marinate the chicken in the dressing with some salt and pepper to taste. Boil the water for the rice. Once it's at a boil, drain off the excess dressing from the chicken and stir fry it with olive oil and just about any other spices you care to try. I've done it with just the salt and pepper and it's fine, also works with sage, oregano, and a slew of other things. By the time the rice is done boiling, the chicken should be about done. Mix together and serve. Credit goes to my wife on this one. I was unemployed for most of a year and we had very little to pick from in the pantry at times. She tried all kinds of stuff, this was by far the best - deliciously tangy and because of the rice very filling. I've cooked it on retreat with teenaged boys and they eat it like locusts devouring crops. It scales up well, for each can add another bag of rice.
  10. Nah. I'm fully aware he didn't invent it. He made it timely and relevant and cool though. His work was the first time I ever read a book and believed (and WISHED) it could be true. I've never forgotten that. And I still get chills when the horns of Rohan blow at sunrise, more than 30 years after I first read it.
  11. old scifi should probably be called space fantasy for the most part. Bad space fantasy. And old fantasy movies...good grief. I read the Hobbit when I was...I guess six or so. Ate it up, maps and all. When I got older I read LOTR and the then Silmarillion. Good lord, what those did for my mind and imagination.
  12. Lol. Fair enough. I've three of my own so I don't need any more! Not surprised at all we're a couple of the oldest. People my age aren't supposed to like fantasy or gaming and stuff right? I'll never forget the night I had a group of middle school boys over, church sleepover/lockin thing, right? One of them got on this World of Warcraft kick and he kept talking like he knew more than I did until I pulled up my raiding druid and showed him I had all the gear from all the bosses he was talking about...his eyes got so big...
  13. Disagree. How awkward he was was one of the most realistic parts of that movie I thought, cause that's exactly what a teenage boy is... I get people thought it was painful. It is painful. I remember being that bad. It's just...I didn't think he deserved grief for that.
  14. I love the Transformers movies. I love them. I'm not going for a great movie or great acting. I'm going because GIANT ROBOTS FIGHTING AND TRANSFORMING OMG. Haydn Christensen wasn't nearly as bad as people give him grief for in the Star Wars prequels. Game of Thrones is not worth reading - seriously, I read book one and have never read any of the rest of it, nor do I have any desire to. I think that covers my most unpopular opinions
  15. While I assume that they are negotiating in good faith that's just an assumption that may turn out to be wrong. There is nothing simple about the whole thing, but for the purposes of arguments over text like this you do try to boil it down... Basically, I agree on all points.
  16. Elantris convinced me that Wheel of Time was in good hands. A friend of mine loaned it to me after Jordan's estate announced Brandon would be taking over WoT and finishing it out to give me a feel for him as a writer. However...it's just not my favorite. It has pieces I like, mind you. I just think in the ten years or so since it came out, Brandon has made huge leaps in his skill as a writer, so that Elantris pales by comparison with, for example, Stormlight or the Arcanum Unbounded stuff. I've yet to read everything in the Sanderson queue because of time/money/availability reasons but I'll get there.
  17. This is incorrect. Nearly every legal system I'm aware of holds that ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law. There may be lenience in the sentencing based on ignorance, but being ignorant of (for example) a texting and driving rule in a city or state does not absolve you from the need to obey that law. The position of law enforcement and of the courts is that it is your job to know the laws for where you are going. It is not theirs to make sure every last person who ever might be there knows the full details of all laws applicable to a person. Responsible adults learn the ground rules for the spaces they operate in. If you do not know the law, that more properly reflects on you and your responsibility as a person than it does on the law enforcement community. And here's the kicker - even if you're right (which I do not believe to be the case) that only protects you once. And we're talking about something in which millions of people are at fault day by day if there is a responsibility to be upheld. As to your latter question I'd say it depends on how much power Brian's species has to rectify the situation. Can Brian's descendants fix the issue caused by Brian? Do they have the power and authority to rectify the circumstance, free the apes and stop testing on them and so forth? Then they have the responsibility to act. In your example, it appears the apes have no power to fix it or to oppose what is done to them. So, if Brian's species has no responsibility to fix it, it's okay for it to continue as it is, treating apes as less thans who can be exploited for Brian's species advancement. This, btw, is the same logic behind the stop and render aid laws across America. If you witness an accident, you have the legal responsibility to stop and render aid, and to report to the police what happened if they need assistance ascertaining the facts for determination of fault where that is necessary. It's can be a felony not to. You see a problem, you are supposed to by law and by human decency stop and make sure it's okay, determine if help is needed and call for or provide it to the extent you are able. As to the parshmen themselves - that's a fundamentally simple question but one with a difficult resolution. No one alive (aside from the Stormfather, perhaps the Heralds assuming they were involved, and I guess possibly Taravangian and the Diagramists) seems to know what happened to the parshmen and why they are as they are prior to the Everstorm arising. Now that they ARE different, acting as individuals with personalities and feelings, it is on humans as a whole to see what they have done to the parshmen and try to make it right. To do otherwise risks war, as the parshmen are going to have to either be given what they need to become a functioning people again or will have to take it by force. Like...they have no possessions and no land - they own nothing they need to provide for life as a whole and that is entirely the fault of humans. That's pretty inarguable at this point. So...is it more morally correct to have humans to accept responsibility as a race and try to make it right or to have war between the two to figure out who is right? If it is the second, well, off you go with Desolation style fighting. If it is the first...well, a lot of people are going to have to give up land and possessions to make it right. It's not their fault it came out this way, but they are the only ones who can make it right without having to resort to war to fix it. And I think you are seeing this with some of the parshmen reaching out and making demands - some countries are listening as a way to avoid war.
  18. I've read Alloy of Law, haven't read the other two, mainly cause I can't ever find a copy of Shadows of Self when I go book shopping. EVERYONE has Bands of Mourning, NOONE has Shadows of Self. Sigh.
  19. love that WoB, hadn't seen it. That means...Iyatil is also a Worldhopper, right? I need to do some thinking on where she's from then.
  20. So many books and people to pick from... From the Silmarillion - Fingolfin, Beren and Luthien, Earendil the Mariner From the Lord of the Rings - Gimli and Legolas, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Eowyn From the Wheel of Time - Mat Cauthon, Thom Merrilin From the Chronicles of Narnia - Lucy Pevensie From the Discworld Novels - Sam Vimes and the whole of the Night Watch I dunno. I could go on. That's good for starters Good thing this wasn't favorite Sanderson character because I'd be up a creek.
  21. I'm not a European, but as I've looked at such things myself, I think a great place to start doing some research is on the Eurail website.
  22. The little things really do matter, you know?
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