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Everything posted by Eluvianii

  1. Calvard 2 came out last year. Not sure of there's gonna be a third one or if the arc is over. I haven't heard any news for this year though, I think they're focusing on Ys X, so that's an extra year for the localization to catch up.
  2. There's normal ending, true ending, but also an extra cutscene that for some bizarre reason doesn't show unless you watch the credits again after getting the true ending. But again, you can load straight into the ending cutscene iirc, so no need to do the final boss again or anything.
  3. Hey, congrats! This series is certainly an experience. Holy crust, 320 hours? Was that the fishing? I'm assuming you didn't get a post credits scene? You should load your save (I think you can load straight into the credits), there's an extra bit.
  4. I watched Grave of the Fireflies tonight. It's been a long, long time since a movie got me crying this hard. It was good, it was beautiful, and I'm sure that at some point in my life I will feel the need to come back to it. Right now though, I feel like I don't want to watch it ever again.
  5. Not sure about these versions, but at the very least there are guides using the old, unpolished translations as a base, and some even older guides using the Japanese versions.
  6. Remind me not to make Kyrie mad... Yeah, back in Higurashi it was confusing but here the separation between chapter and episode is clearer, so I'm more confident using the words.
  7. Just finished the Summit War saga in One Piece which would place me at the halfway point of the series. I had this squarely classified as "just another shonen" for the longest time and didn't ever bother to read it. Now I would say it's some of the best fantasy I've found. The sense of adventure is great and despite having such a goofy tone most of the time, it can get extremely emotional when it chooses to, which is often. Very excited to see what happens in the New World.
  8. Ok so, about halfway through chapter 2.
  9. Well, back then I didn't know how to phrase it, but I later realized my question was if I could use the home partition to install stuff, or if it all went to the OS partition. Again, later I realized things like libraries go into the OS partition but those are typically very small. And games and other software do go into home. Been using Linux for over a year now and though I still have trouble with it from time to time (just today Windows randomly deleted my boot entry, so I had to boot into a live USB and create it again), but overall I'm happy with it. I don't have any ideological reason about foss or stuff like that to use it, it just seemed interesting and fun to tinker with, and it has delivered.
  10. Been watching The Great War on youtube. It basically tells the events of WWI in "real time", each episode being a short summary of a single week in the war. It's a very engaging watch and I've been kind of addicted to it.
  11. Well, Psycho Pass turned out to be a pretty fun watch. It's basically a cyberpunk cop show, with all the archetypes included. The show itself is not favorite material but the protagonist for sure is. Just looked this one up. It looks like one of those shows that would make me interested in something I didn't know I could be interested in (I wouldn't know karuta exists, and if I did I wouldn't think of it as something exciting, were it not for Chihayafuru). I will definitely give it a watch.
  12. It does, though like most things, I guess I enjoy it most when it's applied to fiction. It's fun when stories try to explore a psychological descent to madness on a level that would feel unreal irl. I know those get bad rep for misrepresentation, but they're still fun. Or conversely, a recovery from such a state. Plus, I can apply the word "interesting" to a character's psychological states without feeling bad. Doing that with a real person would be just senseless. Best pancake topping?
  13. It is the closing dialogue round of an era after all. (well, technically that's Reverie but this too)
  14. Ok now I'm starting to get excited. I was surprised they hadn't tried to make a successor to that legendary BotW trailer. It was needed and here it is. Main thing for me is that the new music feels even better than BotW's. I'm also cautiously optimistic about the story focus. Hopefully they didn't put most of the cutscenes in the trailer this time.
  15. This may come from being a Spanish speaker but cah-TAHN seems more logical to me.
  16. Well, just watched the episode myself. Spoilered for obvious reasons.
  17. Ok, wow, there are things to discuss. Lots of things. That was.. a rollercoaster for sure. The thing can be solved, right? What am I saying, of course it can. But I have the sneaking suspicion that I'll feel cheated once I find the solution. It has to be semantics, that's like, how red works.
  18. Books are cool, they range from nice distraction to really good. Three and Nine is amazing and lore-important.
  19. For reference, apparently lowest discount CS3 has had is 58%, so Zero and Azure might get into that zone at some point. So far Zero has already reached 20%. For me VM did feel like it was getting consistently harder iirc. Pom was the weird one, it had a few scattered hard opponents with a lot of easy ones. Final boss included among the easy ones.
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