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Bean Delphiki

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Everything posted by Bean Delphiki

  1. I've recently decided to read The Wheel of Time, but whenever I come on to the 17th shard I'll occasionally see a Wheel of Time post or forum that has a spoiler in the title. Is there a way to make any Wheel of Time posts not show up for me?
  2. These chapters were absolutely amazing! The Dalinar chapter was perfect, (nice watch bro) but now I want to see more Zahel. Hopefully he becomes much more important.
  3. I don't want to see another character revival, we can't have everyone come back to life.
  4. Is it possible for me get my hands on Dragonsteel somehow?
  5. The only recommendation I'd make is to read Warbreaker (and the Mistborn books) before the Stormlight Archive.
  6. I feel bad for saying this, but I think someone very important has to die. We've already had two characters resurrected, and no one important has really died yet. It would make everything feel more real and dangerous. ...It better not be Kaladin though. And of course, anything with Nightblood.
  7. I was totally convinced it was Jasnah...but I completely forgot about the Sunmaker. I’ll have to rethink my theory. XD
  8. The Kickstarter is almost over!! Everyone tell your friends! This needs to be funded!!
  9. I can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the advice.
  10. Hello everyone! I am now on a mission read every published work by Brandon Sanderson and I have a question about infinity blade. Do I need to play the games before I read the books? If not, what information should I now before I start.
  11. I signed up for Brandon Sanderson's newsletter and requested the White Sand Prose. Since then I haven't received any emails at all about the Prose or even if I signed up for the newsletter properly. Am I doing something wrong or will it just take another few weeks?
  12. ^ Yeah XD Even though Mistborn probably has the best chance to become a movie I think Elantris would be better. The big reason is that it'd be pretty difficult to film allomancy . Another big reason is that everything in Mistborn is black or grey, including the plants. Things like that wouldn't be too hard to fix but then it' be drifting more and more from the books!
  13. I'm going to go and say The Way of Kings. It just sounds so epic!
  14. Thomas the Tank Engine...I just got hit by a massive amount of nostalgia. XD
  15. That theory This makes a lot of sense. It also fits with the fact that the Windrunners have squires.
  16. Which Stormlight Archive books are spoiled here? I'm not reading yet just incase. XD
  17. If a cosmere movie is made I believe it would be best if it was Elantris or Mistborn. I believe that these two would translate best into a film. I don't think it would be possible to shove an enormous story like the Stormlight Archive into a movie, but you never know.
  18. Surprisingly enough Roshone may have some kind of redemption...I still think he's going to die though.
  19. This may have been asked elsewhere, but if it has I haven't found it. How does someone become a forger? Is it hereditary to people from MaiPon, do people gain the ability to forge randomly, does everyone from MaiPon have the ability to forge, or is it something completely different?
  20. We'll only have annotations up to chapter 12? Is there any possibility on getting more?
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