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Everything posted by Stampede

  1. I'm getting through Merlin with my wife. I've seen it all before but it's one of my favorites and she hasn't seen it. At the end of season 2 currently.
  2. I've been playing around with Kingdom: New Lands the past couple days and I'm liking it. I had no expectations, it was just free awhile ago on Xbox and I'm just now getting to it. The first time I was reckless in the woods and lost my crown, and the second time I ran out of money and my kingdom slowly got sacked until all my people were peasants and my defenses crumbled. Who knew.
  3. Hard choice but I'd go with SA. Mistborn gave me lots of feels and chills, especially near the end of each book but SA just keeps on giving the entire way through for me. I read SA first so maybe it'd be different if it was reversed.
  4. Got a little confused by the ending but the first half was good.
  5. As some others have said Rand was a little tough but I don't dislike the books because of him. I initially didn't like The Legend of Drizzt partially because of how pseudo-philosophical I thought Drizzt was in the intermission chapters. The Grisha Trilogy, whoever the main character was - I can't remember her name, was torturous because of her. Really any love triangle in YA that makes no sense!
  6. It to me awhile to get to it but I just finished Steelheart. I'm reading Drizzt #7 now, The Legacy.
  7. Mistborn is a great place to start, one of my favorites with The Hero of Ages easily being one of my favorite books ever. Welcome to the forum, happy reading!
  8. I'm getting through Knife of Dreams, and I must say it's much more entertaining so far than Crossroads of Twilight was.
  9. I've been playing The Witness and Battlefield 1 the most of late. I played Breath of the Wild at a friends recently, and boy was that fun.
  10. Tolkien and the Inheritance Cycle, I read them around the same time.
  11. I recently finished the second volume of the Belgariad, which really put me in a slump. I tried to read Path of Daggers afterwards but that wasn't happening. I'm currently reading Heir's of Power, which is okay. Not 100% sure what is next.
  12. My spring break was a few weeks ago, but I stayed home and played D&D with the crew.
  13. I enjoyed it overall, though I wasn't really a fan of the couples/relationships but that's how I normally feel about things like that.
  14. The past two weekends I've been enjoying the Sea of Thieves scale test, it's pretty fun. I'm looking forward to the full game.
  15. I got to reading Vol 1 at the end of Decemeber. I think a lot is lost making it into a graphic novel, I miss Brandon's beautiful writing. I didn't particularly enjoy the art or how the book ended either. It's a bit pricey too.
  16. I'm on book three of The Belgariad I can't help but think I would have really enjoyed the series when I was 14 or so, though it's not bad now. After I'm planning on reading A Crown of Swords and see how many pointless words Mr. Jordan can add to that book.
  17. It's okay with others, like the first one. I haven't played in awhile now because it was pretty boring and lacking in content. I played Hunter mostly, but Titan wasn't bad this time around.
  18. Currently some Infinity on High by Fall Out Boy. It was probably my favorite back when it came out, just checking to make sure it holds up.
  19. Gosh, poor Kaladin and Shallan. At least Shallan has had Hoid help her a bit figure herself out. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in shadesmar. I think Azure is Vivenna, or at least from Nalthis, for sure. I saw Elhokar’s death coming, but Moash surprised me. He isn’t redeemed yet...and gosh The queen is bad, I didn’t see that coming, Jasnah should of had her assinated. I want Szeth.
  20. Odium calling himself Passion definitely threw me for a loop. Maybe he is, the Stormfather is the one that has called him Odium right? Did Honor as well? I can’t remember, in the epigraphs he is just called Rayse so... Either way, phew, that was good!
  21. I’ll wait and see. Some Glorfindel would be sweet though.
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