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Nathrangking last won the day on August 3 2022

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About Nathrangking

  • Birthday 08/29/2016

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    Master and overlord of all magics both good and evil
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  • Interests
    Writing poetry etc..., Reading the Cosmere, Military History, Mythology, as well as countless other interests. I am the all powerful creator and destroyer of worlds and realities. Poet, Author, Playwright, Screenwriter, Bibliophile a few titles of many that create the form of the enigma.

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  1. If all of you will permit me I must rant again! I'm being jerked around like some kind of marionette by two people who clearly don't care what happens to me one way or the other. They both wear false smiles and make claims of trying to go the distance so that all problems that require resolutions will be resolved. Neither of them could be bothered to check whether their words match the reality, Let me let you in on a secret. Their words become less convincing by the day. If either of them truly wanted to maker sure that things were not simply allowed to get worse then the first thing they would do is consider that I am caught between them. Forget fairness for a minute. How about you don't trap me in a hopeless situation where I will be the one who truly suffers. Frustrating is not the word. It cannot begin to describe how I'm feeling. I'm rage personified right now. That can't even do it justice. A cycle of of unending fire and icy loathing mix within me.

    I always rant and you are always the greatest. Thank you for listening when others don't.

    1. Condensation


      You just... perfectly captured the way I feel about divorce.

      What the heck, Nath?

    2. Nathrangking


      I could not tell you Connie. These emotions are so raw that they are hard to even comprehend much less describe.

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