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Tesh last won the day on August 4 2021

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About Tesh

  • Birthday April 1

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    I genuinely don't know where I am.
  • Interests
    I love reading (anything from epic fantasy to gothic horror to sociology), writing, musicals (some of my favorites are Come From Away, Les Miserables, and The Clockmaker's Daughter), history, crochet, The Owl House, Hollow Knight, and The Locked Tomb. I'm currently learning how to use French smallsword and rapier, and how to speak Welsh and German. And I'm an anthropology major!

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  1. The spoiler contains ridiculously vague references to stuff that happens in RoW. You can read it without spoilers. I just put it in a spoiler box to be safe.



    So... This morning I was reading part five... There was that thing with the one person...

    I cried.

    Then I went to school.

    I stayed in my history teacher's classroom during lunch so I could read (it was actually super nice, because there was only one other person in there, and she was just working quietly) and then that thing with Kaladin...

    More crying. (Stupid Kaladin. You make me cry a lot. For so many reasons.) I love him. He's such a fantastic character.

    Do I cry easily? Yes.


    Also, Kaladin has also started to like getting scritches! (You pet a bird by scratching their head. Most budgies don't like this since they're so small, but apparently Kaladin does now!) He's super soft, you guys! He'll fluff his head up, then move his head so I'm scratching under his beak, and it's super cute! (He's currently spinning in circles under his cage talking to one of his toys.)

    I am now realizing how confusing the transition from me talking about Kaladin Stormblessed to talking about Kaladin the bird gremlin could be. I apologize.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nathrangking


      The second thing had me tearing up. 

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies


    4. Flying


      I literally cried twice during part one and that's when I realized this book was going to be a roller coaster of emotions.

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