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Everything posted by Aminar

  1. Zinc and Steel is reflex enhancement beyond what can be matched even by Atium. Iron and Pewter worked right create the Hulk. Now imagine a man running at over 200 miles per hour with a mind running at a speed to match with the physical strength and speed and visual acuity to fling a few thousand pebbles at several hundred MPH and hundreds of feet in the air. How's an Allomancer going to deal with that. That's a feruchemist going full bore with no concerns about storage running out. Not to mention healing ability, ability to resist soothing and rioting, being able to save up wakefullness at a rediculous rate, luck, and a variety of other things. Allomancy just doesn't have the raw power to it.
  2. Waiting for medical help. There's some inconsistant explanation within the books about the overlap of a pulser slider bubble. Specifically the Pulser bubble is bigger so you should be able to create a slider bubble with a pulser bubble if the pulser isn't in the slider bubble, or at least the explanation never really completely convinced me that overlap is completely impossible. Being in a normal time bubble with a slow time bubble around you gives all sorts of benefits. In addition Pulser Bubbles make a great way to stop explosions temporarily as the momentum transfer should cause the explosion to enter in little waves that burn themselves out quickly without the rest of the explosive force pushing them on. Cryogenic storage.
  3. That depends. The motions there are pretty subtle and quick. Trigger pull, kickback, and muzzleflash all last a scant porion of a second and by the time that scant section is don the bullet is there. In addition rate of fire on guns is a huge issue for anybody trying to dodge bullets. Oddly enough I'd be tempted to say a less accurate gun is a better weapon against somebody burning Atium as they have less to work with then. A single man can pull off 3 to 4 shots a second on a revolver. There will be limited accuracy but that's a good thing when you're trying to hem the opponent in and make dodging impossible. Automatic weapons make things even more impossible.
  4. It's more about Brandon's writing process. He finds an aspect of the planet that charges the magic system. So Scadrial is somehow tied to metal. If Ruin and Preservation had landed on Nalthis you'd have a system of stealing powers based around color, A way to store power in color, and a system based on pushing and bulling of key concepts powered by color. It's a part of the physics behind formulating a magic system.
  5. There is a huge difference between Bullets and Arrows. Arrow volleys will have empty spaces big enough for men to hide in, they fall vertically not horizontally, and move a hell of a lot slower. Remember that even In Wax's day and age there are likely Gatling guns and firing squads with semiautomatic guns(revolvers.) Dodging waves of fire from those will be next to impossible, especially given the fact that all dodging will likely have to be done based on where the barrels are pointing. Bullets move way too fast for even an Atium enhanced mind to be able to process given what we've seen so far. There are men that can catch/block arrows. There are not men that can catch bullets or even come close.
  6. True, but then no inquisitors have discovered compounding anyway. That said, they would need to have metalminds for some things given the individual spikes don't always grant their powers. My understanding of the spiritual DNA section suggests spikes cannot grant compounding. It would make quite a bit of sense, and balance things out. Even so Hemalurgy is technically the most powerful but the damage it does would leave most powerful Hemalurgists crazier than the Joker. Feruchemy is my choice for most powerful for an individual to have as a hero. Come to think of it, for Marsh to have kept his Sanity Sazed may have aligned all of Marsh's spikes to Marsh's spiritual DNA. It would keep him sane then.
  7. Last night I was so tired the Lathani/sleeping mind/what have you taught me some things that may apply to the Cosmere. We know that the planets affect how the magic system works. I think I've figured out what comes from which shard fro some of our systems and we could start speculating on how different planets and shards might interact. Scadrial Has Preservation and Ruin The magic system seems to focus on metals. Preservation seems to promote end positive energies and focuses on pushing and pulling. Everything pushes or pulls. Ruin has an end negative system based on theft of spiritual DNA. Their combination is end Nuetral. Meanwhile Scadrial-for whatever reason-promotes the metals as a source of magic. Sel Has Devotion and Dominion I haven't read this in well over two years so I don't remember everything. I remember drawings on bones and the Aons granting power but I don't really understand what Devotion and Dominions signatures would be. The part from the planet, the unifying factor of the presened systems is drawing continental features though, meaning that is the planets contribution. Roshar Has Odium, Honor, and Cultivation. We don't have enough understanding to really get what the individual shards signatures are yet. This one is trickier. Is it stormlight? Or is it what causes highstorms? I'm not sure. Nalthis The shard is Endowment. It's signature appears to be granting energy to inanimate objects. It's hard to tell as well, but I believe Nalthis's addition is the importance of color. So from there we could technically start speculating on how say Allomancy powered by Color could work and the like. Point being I think I've nailed down what parts of the systems are coming from which Spiritual force(Shard/Planet.)
  8. Still none of the descriptions match what a compounder would be doing. No constant blurs of speed running up buildings faster than gravity could catch them. No hulking titans of feruchemical pewter. Just regular old mistborn fighting. If the inquisitors had worked out compounding- if they could have- Vin couldn't have won- even just looking at the affects of compounded steel with pewter and Atium boosted reflexes which they would have had. Compounding is a spectacular looking thing for most of the physical metals. But none of that was shown. It all suggests that hemalurgists cannot compound via hemalurgy as it is normally acquired. Now Sazed seems to have granted Marsh the ability to compound Atium somehow but there are half a dozen ways he could have done that. He could have just granted Atium twinborness. He could have aligned the spiritual DNA in Marshs spikes so they match up. But until we see otherwise it is safest to assume spikes don't allow for compounding. The narrative just doesn't support it.
  9. 1000s of years and you don't think anybody tried to see if copperclouds stacked made you safer from the Inquisitors? Obviously they still got caught at some point or the qord would have spread through the underworld pretty quickly. That isnt something thats kept secret. Last point. If the RPG doesn't say they stack- given the waning importance of copper as a story element- I don't think there's any reason it would need to be kept secret.
  10. There's more than just gold to worry about. A steel And zinc compounding Inquisitor could have wiped the floor with anything. And we know some of the inquisitors would have had at least steel compounding but we never see the Flash in Spiked Mangod form. All you would really need was a few of those spikes to make a warrior no Mistborn could hope to handle. And Augering is so horribly useless why would TLR care? He can still easily control the inquisitors. I maintain that if spikes allowed for compounding vin would never have been able to deal with Ruin. Think of it this way. If I use a spike to take a Feruchemists copper I can in fact use their memories. Therefor when I store that Feruchemy I'm storing it in their encoding. I still shouldn't be able to compound with it.
  11. Where does it say that? Vin could have never dealt with a compounding Inquisitor. None of them showed any signs of compounding at all.
  12. I believe he is, but I don't think he has spikes that allow for it. I think he's been granted the abilities of an Atium Twinborn by Sazed. I look at it this way. A spike grants you allomancy at a specific soul frequency and Hemalurgy at another. So if you tried to allomantically burn one of your hemalurgy granted metalminds the allomacy would be burning it on a different frequency much like how an Allomancer gets no benefit from burning a metalmind. In order to have Compounding spikes you'd have to steal both powers from a given compounder. Otherwise why would TLR have given Inquisitors compounding. They still wouldn't be a threat to him and would have been far far more capable. Especially Gold compounding. They wouldn't have needed to stay resting for so long, and could have been almost constantly active. Not to Miles's degree where he's burning gold all the time, but they could be back to full healing storage in a matter of hours or days, not weeks or months.
  13. The other worlds haven't discovered it because ruin-the source of hemalurgy- is on Scadrial. We need a whole lot more information to understand the nature of magic systems and the proximity they need to their shard(s) to function. So Atium spikes can steal anything... But Atium is a rare commodity-essentially a splinter(or is it a sliver, I can never remember which is which) It's the physical aspect of Ruin anyway. I would think if it can steal Allomancy it can steal anything. After all Allomancy has nothing to do with Ruin. Anywhere Preservation is should have Allomacy. Anywhere Ruin is should have Hemalurgy. Although i do remember that the planet itself affects the magic system, so Ruin should always have a power based around the theft of powers in an end negative way while Preservation should always have a set of powers based around pushing and pulling in an end positive way assuming Scadrial granted the metallic bit. Has anybody written up a theory on how the planets affect the magic systems. because I'm starting to feel the shape things are taking there. (Sel revolves around the shape of Land masses.) The Way of kings seems focused on Spren from the planet along with the storms... So how would Spren Allomancy work? Or Landmass Allomancy... My brain. Too tired to process what I've just thought up.
  14. That was implied as to cover shifts while sleeping and the like.. The fact is Clubs had been complaining everybody got caught eventually. He had to have had suspicions at minimum thar copperclouds were infallible. But they never went through any effort to have two clouds going at once.
  15. I seriously doubt this. I really do. Being a compounder should require that the hemalurgic spikes come from the same donor to compound due to the spiritual dna involved.
  16. From the sources we have Atium spikes only steal allomancy. Specifically the psuedocannon rpg which doesn't allow Atium to steal Feruchemy. Unless I'm wrong.
  17. I agree here. Think of a coppercloud like a speaker. Do two speakers make things louder? Not really. They cover a little more space. They attune to the ears a little better, but all it really adds is stereo. A coppercloud works the same way. It isn't like a time bubble.(And yes, speakers can mute sound if they put off the right frequencies just right.) Besides which, if copperclouds stacked you wouldn't have just Clubs-You'd have the a gang of copperclouds all working together to mute allomantic signatures in the same building.
  18. But look at it from a broader spectrum. Hemalurgy takes parts of the soul-the spiritual realm-which is how it takes magic. In theory they should be able to steal anything, given a metal with the appropriate capability... So if say, Windrunning is on a close enough spritual wavelength to the physical metals(enhancing senses, body, and allowing some pushypully abilities) a steel spike should be able to steal windrunning. Now, that's a big extrapolation, but I'm tempted to think that it should work. I mean, if Hemalurgy can steal from Preservation then why not Cultivation or Odium or the other shards?
  19. And yet they'd be useless most of the time as they'd have to gain access to another power and be able to use their nicro-storage. I would guess at best as a Twinborn they're capable of enhancing their allomancy like a duraluminum burst with their feruchemy. (Speaking of which, has there ever been discussion on if Hemalurgy can steal other magic systems? Because dear god an Inquisitor with access to Aons...
  20. I'm more of a lighthearted action kinda guy. And I LOVE heist stories. The broader political ramifications of fictional actions have never been my thing. And Sazed was just awful in book 3... Oddly the end of the series is one of my favorite endings ever, but the book itself, the events in it that built to the ending, just didn't do it. There's a hope. Brandon gets better at balancing out the importance of politics in his stories(with the first story having very little that wasn't mingled into a decent love story) and then the second being POLITICS. Great, now I'm scared fro Stormlight two...
  21. In all honesty I'd debated this. And we know the answer. Inquisitors don't see through traditional means. But they can still use Atium. I would guess the mind just processes it another way or even just creates sight for a little bit. The same applies to Iron/Steel's Blue lines(as suggested by Inquisitors.
  22. Pretty hard to search for a metalmind when they can pretty easily have them implanted subdermally or have it riding in your underclothes. I guess Feruchemists and certain Ferrings just get to rock tests(which makes sense really. it is their knowledge.
  23. I hope not. I've been sick of ecoawareness stories since Fern Gully and Captain Planet and those came out when I was pretty young. 6 or 7 maybe. It'd just wind up feeling preachy and Brandon hasn't been preachy yet. Characters have been but the stories possess subtlety.
  24. Hence trilology. A trilogy of trilogies.(I made the word up because I could.) And frankly I don't need to see new metals for the story to be good. Hell, I don't really like Mistborn 2 or 3, but I think the world made it uncomfortable. Something a little less bleak(and politicy) like Alloy fits me much better.
  25. Well yeah. If I were Sazed I'd make the other allomantic metals available too. It all works out quite nicely really. I haven't been saying The planet always had more metals, but I'm also tempted to think that all of Scadrial's metals act like Atium did, reintegrating with the planet after being burnt when the energy spent recongeals. Another thing I'd do as an author...
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