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The Forgetful Archivist

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Status Replies posted by The Forgetful Archivist

  1. Sometimes I just want to hug everyone and give you all hot choc because I is sadness

    *hugs the Shard*

  2. One hundred human beings saw my +Follow Member button and thought, "aight". I'm...still somewhat in shock. I have a following. I have a,,,we don't have a term for a group of 100, but I have 100 peoples who could theoretically see this - or more likely, let's say half are active, half of those click the notification, that's still 25 people who are likely to see whatever I say. Wow.

    Every single one of you is awesome and I feel like I should do something for @TheMothLord as a celebration but what do you do for this stuff...?

    Here, have 100 smiley faces and a puppy, thanks for thinking I'm interesting or cool or have nice content or whatever, I love you all a ton!


    See the source image

    1. The Forgetful Archivist

      The Forgetful Archivist

      I'll do my best but it's hard to find good acolytes these days... although with our subliminal indoctrination program that might not be a problem for much longer

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  3. One hundred human beings saw my +Follow Member button and thought, "aight". I'm...still somewhat in shock. I have a following. I have a,,,we don't have a term for a group of 100, but I have 100 peoples who could theoretically see this - or more likely, let's say half are active, half of those click the notification, that's still 25 people who are likely to see whatever I say. Wow.

    Every single one of you is awesome and I feel like I should do something for @TheMothLord as a celebration but what do you do for this stuff...?

    Here, have 100 smiley faces and a puppy, thanks for thinking I'm interesting or cool or have nice content or whatever, I love you all a ton!


    See the source image

  4. One hundred human beings saw my +Follow Member button and thought, "aight". I'm...still somewhat in shock. I have a following. I have a,,,we don't have a term for a group of 100, but I have 100 peoples who could theoretically see this - or more likely, let's say half are active, half of those click the notification, that's still 25 people who are likely to see whatever I say. Wow.

    Every single one of you is awesome and I feel like I should do something for @TheMothLord as a celebration but what do you do for this stuff...?

    Here, have 100 smiley faces and a puppy, thanks for thinking I'm interesting or cool or have nice content or whatever, I love you all a ton!


    See the source image

    1. The Forgetful Archivist

      The Forgetful Archivist

      Congrats Ene! When I think of people on the Shard, or IRL for that manner, who deserve a following your name definitely comes to mind!!

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  5. 14 hours 33 minutes. That's how long it takes for TFA to read the Rhythm of War. And boy oh boy it did not disappoint, I shrieked 4 times and had quite a few audible gasps thrown in for good measure. I'm mostly on here to brag about 14 and a half hours of semi uninterrupted reading, but if you are on the fence about reading in now or later I would strongly encourage now.

    1. The Forgetful Archivist

      The Forgetful Archivist

      DUDDDEEEEEE!!!! That's way cool. I'm thinking I'll have to read the whole series in under 24 hours in one sitting or something 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. 5cd30edd8683b_Screenshot2019-05-08at10_15_46AM.png.4309f2aa31cf7029fe476331d0bd0f5e.png

    I find this fitting

    1. The Forgetful Archivist

      The Forgetful Archivist

      Its been forever since I went up a rank, it feels good.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Announcement Regarding my Retirement from the Alleyverse RP:

    This is the third variation of this post that I have written so far. Alas, I have not gotten any better at it.

    I was not sure where to post this. There was a chance that it would get buried in the Homeless PM if I put it there, so I decided putting it on my profile would be better. Besides, this really is a status update.

    I love the Alleyverse. The community has been kind to me. It has been both my pleasure and my honour to RP with all of you. However, it takes a lot of my time and energy to do everything that I do in the Alleyverse. I have come to realize that my lifestyle, the amount of time I spend reading, writing, and thinking about Alleyverse related stuff, is unsustainable. So, I have decided to retire.

    After Era Two ends, I will be severely limiting my involvement in the Alleyverse RP. As part of this, I will be stepping down from my position as RP leader, and forfeiting all titles and roles associated to my involvement in any Alleyverse guilds (namely TUBA).

    To make it easier on everyone, I have decided to do this process gradually. I am committed to helping the transition process into the next era go smoothly, so up until about a week after the era begins, I will maintain my regular presence in the Alleyverse, assisting with the compilation of the list, RPing with characters (of which I will have none in E3), and providing input and ideas on planning threads. Up until that point, it’s business as normal. It would be unfair of me to abandon you during what will surely be a busy time. But once everything is up and running, I will quietly slip out the back door.

    My biggest worry about following through with this plan was what would happen to the list. Thankfully, Ookla the Meeker (formerly known as Mraize) has volunteered to take on the job. In future, you can expect to see him responding to posts on the Character Thread.

    I am not leaving forever (so save your goodbyes!). In future, I intend to visit the Shard once a week, probably on weekends. You may still see me on the forums, participating in the longest thread or roast battles. Anything that I enjoy but does not require long-term commitment. To a limited extent, I will still participate in social PMs. TUBA’s rarely gets used for anything on-topic anyways. But once again, my presence will be sporadic.

    Alleyverse PMs I will likely mute and/or put on read. If you would like to contact me, the best way will be to DM me through discord. I have not decided how active I will be on there yet. Or, you could send me a PM and wait until the next time I am on.

    There is no need to make this into a big deal. But if anyone has any questions, requests, or comments, you are welcome to post them. I would be happy to clarify anything that I need to.

    Thank you for your time.

  8. Is www.harbingeroftruth.com actually your stuff? Cause it's awesome!

  9. Hello, I might want to join the ghostbloods.  I don't have a character... yet, but I will soon.  Again, not sure, kinda between dark alley and ghostbloods.

    1. The Forgetful Archivist

      The Forgetful Archivist

      the 2 are not muchly exclusive, I am a member of both 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. I decided to change to my profile picture to the obligator instead of a steel inquisitor, to mix things up. Still Steel Ministry, just a different part.

    1. The Forgetful Archivist

      The Forgetful Archivist

      well they are the coolest branch of the finale empires government :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I decided to change to my profile picture to the obligator instead of a steel inquisitor, to mix things up. Still Steel Ministry, just a different part.

  12. I'm working on a cosmer pumpkin. It has the allomantic Atium/Ruin symbol (thought is was appropriate), and I'm working on the Ghostbloods symbol. I will add a picture to the gallery when I'm done!

  13. 11 PMs is too many to have notifications for.

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