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King Cole

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Everything posted by King Cole

  1. No, I was wondering how they had the atium to store age
  2. I just wanted to know exactly what a squire is and what they can do.
  3. So when I was re reading mistborn, I noticed that Ferris feruchemists were able to store age, but that is the feruchemical aspect of of atrium. Did these old feruchemists have aspects to atium?
  4. If it had to be a specific order, windrunner or skybreaker because of the gravity manipulation. If mashup, gravity and either transformation or transportation.
  5. First When using brass if you tapped all of it at once, you would be able to create a brief flash of enormous heat. You would die but the heat would still be released. The duralumin would most likely work but it could backfire... Chromium would be interesting but I assume it has to be possible first.
  6. Yeah, I thought it seemed likely that Odium is Trell because of his tendency to shatter other shards
  7. So we have Odium, honor, cultivation, autonomy, ruin, preservation, dominion, devotion, and ambition, and endowment? Does it seem likely that the being that they call "Trell" is a new shard, one we already know, or something new?
  8. Does anyone else have any other ideas about who they could be
  9. I've heard a lot of theories about "The Ones Above" being from scadrial. So far it seems to make sense. In era 3 they might have advanced their technology enough to visit other planets and the laws about having too much contact with less developed prices seem like something that Harmony would enforce. Also Brandon has said that we have met "The Ones Above" and no others that I know of have nearly as advanced technologies
  10. Isn't it specifically seeing the future the vorinism religion frowns on?
  11. I've been wondering how many of the shards we actually know to exist and where they reside. I know that Honor is on Roshar, and ruin and preservation are on scadrial. But where are the rest and how many in total do we know?
  12. Yes, the parts of the nucleus are lost so the atom has less mass but the pieces of the nucleus still exists.
  13. No, the matter is still there, because in nuclear energy the radiation is from parts of the nucleus splitting off.
  14. So, I've been wondering what happens to the metal after someone burns it. Does it disappear? Or does it get turned into poop? If it does disappear, doesn't that violate the laws of nature? (matter can't be created nor destroyed) Someone please enlighten me
  15. I think he is asking if you had a Hemalurgically imbued spike that gave the ability to store investure, that somebody filled the spike with identity, then you were spiked with that spiked, then tapped the spike for their identity, would you become that person
  16. I saw a Mistborn joke topic and i thought it would be great to do one for all Cosmere jokes. Let's get right to it "When i was reading BoM, I though the action really Waxed and Wayned" Hopefully the rest aren't as bad as this one
  17. Aren't Spren considered splinters. I'm not sure about this and if im wrong please correct me. But if they are, don't they have sentience?
  18. Ohhh, the people who used the soulcasters to such an extent that they had stone skin. Are there any other examples of this in the cosmere?
  19. Also, if I'm wrong and this isn't a Mistborn term please correct me
  20. I've heard the term Savants used in reference to Allomancers, but I have no idea what this term is. Can someone explain.
  21. It is because he ate the lerasium in the beginning. The later mistborn were much weaker because of the effect being thinned by it being spread through many generations. At least, that's what i thought. Also, if it was Duralumin, then it would have been one short burst of soothing, not a constant effect.
  22. Decay form might be like the counterpart of Skybreakers surge of Division
  23. If you think about it, The Lord Ruler was a 32-born because he had the powers of a Mistborn and a Feruchemist. Also if you were a steel compounder, could you move at the speed of light if you stored enough investure in a steelmind?
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