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Everything posted by MacThorstenson

  1. Basically, our purpose is to advance the science of Hemalurgy. We accomplish this, by luring people into this dark alley with cookies that have hemalurgic spikes in them.
  2. Welcome to the shard, take an upvote and a free cookie, courtesy of that dark alley bakery over there!!
  3. Welcome to the shard!! Have a free spike cookie and an upvote!!
  4. Welcome to the shard! Hope you enjoy it! Come check out the dark alley Bakery sometime, we are devout practitioners of the are of Hemalurgy and Baking. Here is our free sample and an upvote! @TheCremling I used to face the same problems that you are. My friends just weren't interested. Then I walked down that dark alley and realized that all I had to do was give them a delicious cookie. Now I can confidently say that they have become Sandersonians.
  5. The cookies are mostly harmless!
  6. Welcome to the 17th shard! At the Dark alley bakery, we usually specialize in cookies and other baked goods, but may be able to expand our inventory if there are people to be spiked is food to be sold!! Here take a spike cookie and a free up vote!!
  7. Why should they avoid them? The spikes cookies are great for your health and spiritual well being, so long as the spikes cookies get in the right bind-points in your stomach.
  8. Welcome to the site!!! Come into this Dark alley and take an up vote and a free cookie!!
  9. The cookies are great. They're not all hemalurgic.
  10. I was wondering if we are able to sell hemalurgic creations in an effort to bring in funding. It appears that much revenue could be generated by selling Hemalurgic beavers.
  11. We are an extremely reputable establishment that is dedicated to science and Baking.
  12. @Aurora the RioterI am very very sorry for not giving you an upvote, @MasterJack thank you for reminding me to do so.
  13. Welcome to the community!! As a member of the Dark Alley Bakery I would like to give you this free cookie and an upvote as a welcoming gift!!
  14. Welcome to the community!! As a member of the Dark Alley Bakery I would like to give you this free cookie!!
  15. We know that Hemalurgy is a end negative magic system, my question is where does the lost investiture go? Does it dissipate into the spiritual realm?
  16. Welcome to the shard!! We always want more test subjects people to get spiked eat our cookies! Here take one!
  17. Welcome to the 17th shard hula, have a freshly baked cookie and a free upvote as a welcoming gift!!
  18. Hello, Welcome to the shard! Here's a freshly backed cookie and an upvote, as a welcoming gift!
  19. @ChristopherCook. Welcome to the shard!! Would you like a cookie? They are delicious.
  20. If we assume that Adonalsium is sentient investiture and doesn't have a vessel, then wouldn't Ingenuity be necessary for it to create humans? Without a desire to be inventive, creative, and original, why would Adonalsium create anything?
  21. If Brandon did accidentally let another shard slip, could this be the shard that was offered to Hoid during the events of the shattering?
  22. I will be colorful instead of dull I will advise against any and all baked goods I will greet all newcomers and not provoke guild war The Assassins in Technicolor Clothing must rise again
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