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Everything posted by MacThorstenson

  1. "Ahah! the lurker speaks! I knew the sovereign, he bought me drinks once, great guy, he was no god, well except for a little bit in the middle there, but still a great guy."
  2. "Slow down, you weren't the eaves dropper I was talking abou. . . WAIT, YOUR THAT EIGHTH OF MIDNIGHT?!?!?!?" Louik suddenly exclaims. "How did you survive the beaver-born inquisition? We splintered an shard with that!"
  3. "That," Louik exclaims as he starts to write, "is a very, very nice pen. Where did you get that?" finished, he hands the paper to Rend who puts it in a light silvery container and gives it to Carola. "Could you check for cognitive shadows again?"
  4. Louik raises his hand tentatively. "I have seen him recently and I will write that down, but I don't feel comfortable sharing anything else with those two eaves droppers standing there, could we remove them, or get them to share something?"
  5. "Yes, knew. As in past tense. He doesn't really like me due to the fact that I practice hemalurgy."
  6. "Usually I attempt to leave before they sort out what I'm saying, but right now i'm just happy to be around people who aren't trying to kill me."
  7. "I will have you know that that is the most informative that I have been in weeks,"
  8. "Well that is fantastic!! I have been searching for one for years. Now for my side of the deal." He states joyfully as he rubs his hands together in anticipation. "I once knew a man who helped his brother kill a god. His brother became a god. The man I knew started working for another god. Who he betrayed to save the world. That turned his brothers apprentice into a god. Who promptly killed the god he was working for, but they both died in the process. One of his friend who killed the first god came out and joined the two gods together and became a super mega god. Who is living happily today. My friend is currently a god. He is sometimes known as Ironeyes. Was that a good trade?" He turned and faced Eighth. "Well I was rather hoping to offer him a cookie, that failing, forcibly subdue him and spike him for his Bloodmakery-ness."
  9. "Would you know where to find an Augur or a Bloodmaker? Preferably one that you want dead."
  10. "OK. If you tell me one thing, I'll tell you two. The first is: My name has a u in it. Depending on what you know, my second piece of information may be better."
  11. Louik glanced at Eighth. "Yes," He said as he walked over and dramatically motioned for the man in the corner to come over. "Also Alethi lady, I know many things. Most of which aren't useful to you, but if you want to trade, I'll be happy to."
  12. Louik visibly relaxed, smiled and said "OK, Mystery Man, you can come out of the corner now."
  13. @Ookla the Lightweaver lets assume that they can see into the cognitive realm. The spren are always partially in the cognitive realm unless they are a shardblade, but IDK if they are able to see in the cognitive realm.
  14. That, scadiral appears to be the only shard world that fits the descriptions we have seen so far. Its either that or nalthis. EDIT: @Ookla the Lightweaver Wouldn't Carols's spren be able to see in the cognitive realm, no matter where they are in the cosmere? Unless something that you did to remove it from the world caused it to lose its connection to the cognitive realm.
  15. "The question is, can sift look into the cognitive realm? A better question is can anyone here see if there are cognitive shadows? Because If there are, we should probably leave."
  16. @Chaos, did you dislike the character, or the story?
  17. What can we say except your welcome, for letting you come join the DA.
  18. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Before we proceed, can we please make sure that the rest of this room is empty? I'm concerned that one of the current residents of the house may have gotten onto this room with all of these other people coming in." Louik announces, seeming genuinely concerned and a slightly bit miffed that someone had been in a darker corner then he had.
  19. Quick question, where are we in a time line, is it before or after mistborn era 1? Mistborn spoilers: "You can trust me. I may be self centered, but I'm not stupid. However, I cannot guarantee that this power may be used to destroy someone else in minutes."
  20. Louik waves rend forward reaching into the leather back while simultaneously reaching inside of his cloak. He pulls a book out of the bag and a key from his coat., "Everything you need to know is in this book, there are certain... beings, that I don't want to have this information. Please refrain from reading it allowed." He states as he hands a locked book of engraved metal plates to eighth. "Here is the key. Now, the item?"
  21. "Good. I trust that it is undamaged. After all, we wouldn't want this meeting that was so painstakingly arranged to be a waste of time, would we Eighth?"
  22. Welcome to the Dark alley. Traditionally one is formally accepted as a denzine after they make a "sale" in one of the introduction threads.
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