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Everything posted by ShadowLord_Lith

  1. Failen blinked, biting his lip and hesitating, then trying the fairy language. "Do you understand this? I still don't know what you're saying, sorry, It's just... Familiar. I don't know why..."He seemed a bit nervous, repeating what he'd said in three other sylvan languages.
  2. Jace nodded, sucking in a breath. "Yep. It should probably be both of us... do I talk to Shana first? Or do we drive over to your house? I... What do you think would be better?"
  3. Jace looked at him, smiling and turning to grab his arm. "I found one of them, I'll talk to Shana later- we need to tell your family." He looked terrified, excited, and serious, all at once. It was mildly adorable how intense he seemed.
  4. Jace nodded, smiling. "Alright, those are good ideas, you're right- oh crap! We need to tell his mother!" He paled, blushing at the same time in some halfway nightmare between embarrassment and fear. "Uh... Could you and the rest keep planning? Or whatever you wanna do? We'll figure it out, but... Oh stars above..." He looked back to where Ax had disappeared too, biting his lip. "Uh... okay... I need to find Ax and we need to call and tell his mom. I'll be back, okay?" He forced a smile, still looking nervous and excited and a little sick, but still too happy and excited to really follow through with that. Basically like any normal bride/groom would when they first tell the parents that they're planning to marry their kid. @Sherlock Holmes
  5. Jace smiled. "I'm not sure- I'll talk to Ax about it and let you know. I mean, I know his favorite kind if cake, but I don't know if he wants anything special or not." He smiled. "What else should be at the party, do you think?" He smiled at her.
  6. Jace blinked, suddenly imagining that- A statue of him and Ax at their wedding, with... He blushed deeply. "Th-the statue idea m-might be going a bit far, b-but... Yeah, I would be really happy if you could help with the cake. That would seriously be amazing. Thank you..." He let go of her, still smiling happily and excitedly. He suddenly felt awkward, but tried to ignore it. "I was thinking we'd just head over to the justice of peace and get the paper signed, since neither of us is really religious much, so... having a party afterwards would be awesome. He... we were planning on going once we told you guys, actually. I could be married by this afternoon..." He bit his lip again, smiling excitedly. He really couldn't wait.
  7. Jace grinned, jumping in shock at the yell Cassie gave before blushing and smiling, feeling a bit shy about it suddenly. He was too excited to really care much though. "Y-yeah! I know... I still can't believe it. It really came out of no-where... I didn't think it would be a huge deal, but... Yeah, cake would be amazing. Lot's of cake, with friends to hang out with and his family as well... maybe it'll help make-up for how prom went last night? I mean..." He paused, making himself stop. "Yes. I'd like you all to have a party with us to celebrate, and I think cake would be awesome. Probably lots of it..." He hugged her on impulse, trembling with how excited he was. He'd actually have a family again, and it would be with Ax of all people... he couldn't really imagine anything that would make him happier. Even if he still couldn't really use his Lightweaving, so what? This was the more important thing by-far. He wasn't aware of the faint pink sparkles and bubbles that showed up and popped around his feet. They'd been doing that a lot when Ax had proposed last night, but he'd been too distracted to notice. Love and excitement spren maybe- they were drawn by his feelings either way, and fairly hard to see. Unless you were really, really good at noticing spren.
  8. Hey all! Some of you know me from the discord server the 'writers guild' and my frankly unsettling escapades there, others are unfamiliar with me and my talents. Here, I hope to take requests from people who need plants and animals and monsters and humanoids to populate their various worlds, and hopefully also have fun discussions with people who come here to talk about their creations. I'll give and ask for advice, and hopefully we all can enjoy or have with this thing. I hope it goes somewhere, but that's up to you all. I also hope that this keeps on going when I eventually have to shift my attention elsewhere, so... I hope you all enjoy it. Let's try to make this something interesting, alright? @Sherlock Holmes @AonEne @bees? @Blessing of Potency
  9. Jace grinned, having no clue why that was special, but feeling happy for her anyways. "Leona, that's awesome! As for the news, well... Ax proposed last night." He bit his lip and had to consciously keep himself from biting hard enough to start bleeding. "I said yes." @BookishOcelot
  10. Jason smiled, grinning at her, he bit his lip, looking between her and Flid. "Well... kind of a lot? Are you talking about something important? I really don't want to interrupt if you are..." He looked excited enough that it was fairly obvious that wasn't true- still, he'd respect her wishes if she honestly didn't want to stop her current conversation... He'd feel bad if he ruined something nice for them. He wondered how the nice girl who'd pointed them out to him would react to the news- he didn't really know her very well.
  11. Failen looked at Alyssa, blinking. It was weird- kind of like listening to something familiar through heavy static. He had no clue what she was saying. "I... I've helped fight off a demon before, so... I'm used to danger. At least you seem to know what's going on... besides, I feel like I should help you... if I can. I just hope I'm not more of a burden than a help." He bit his lip, looking over the group. "Um... miss? What are you saying? I... I can't really understand you..." He looked back at Alyssa, apologetic.
  12. Jace smiled, nodding. "Thank you. That is extremely helpful. Have a nice day!" He waved, happily walking over to Leona and standing about a foot away, waiting politely for them to notice and either include him in the conversation, or give him a hint that now wasn't a good time. @AonEne @BookishOcelot
  13. Jason paused, seeing the groups of people. Shana was... really worried. "Hey Ax, you go tell your best friends, alright? I'll tell Leona, then Shana. Sound good?" He smiled. Shana probably needed a minute to cool down... She seemed very upset about something. He hummed softly approaching the other girl Shana had been talking too. "Hi... do you know where Leona is...?" He smiled, a little uneasy. Then again, everyone was after last night... @AonEne @Sherlock Holmes
  14. Shae read, occasionally looking around the room he was in. He didn't know where he was, or why the people who'd taken him were so set on having him do this, but... every time he read another example in this terrible book, he felt sicker and sicker. He was learning an insane amount about how the soul worked in a person, what points went where- it was so much more than he used to know, and it gave him insights into Soulstamps he'd never have had before, but... Hemalurgy made him sick. He didn't puke because he'd learned how to never puke- if he hadn't he'd have died before ever making it to the alleys. Every now and then he wrote something down in a small journal he had, and slowly those notes grew. The knowledge made him sick, but he was used to obeying kidnappers... or at least playing along. *-------* He had no idea how long he'd been in this place, with it's oddly lenient owners. All he knew was that he knew more about Hemalurgy than he'd ever want too. He knew so many ways to spike various places to achieve various effects... He shuddered, glancing around the small room- the small stacks of books here and there, all on hemalurgy, all of it more-or-less memorized in his subconscious. He could recall it if he tried, which is why he had his notebooks for reference. He was hugging the four notebooks he'd filled, and the contents inside... It all made him want to hide somewhere and forget everything. That someone had had too experiment to find this all out... so many dead and so many permanently disfigured... this single magical system was responsible for more torture, death, and pain than any other single thing he'd ever heard of or read about. Especially in the alleys... from what he'd been able to gather, some of the books even hinted that the world was spiked into being. The idea left him cold, and feeling vaguely empty- which was worse than being sickened by the idea. He mentally swore he'd never hurt someone with this knowledge... not if he could help it. He didn't want to make this already despicable art any more wide-spread. The only reason he'd try and help his kidnappers was to avoid his own death, and... He still couldn't forget Dan. He was terrified that they'd hurt Dan, since he knew that the man wouldn't have willing left him alone unless both of their lives were in serious danger; which meant Dan might still be in danger. He was very, very worried about him, more-so than he was about himself if he was being honest. He looked at the door, expecting his captors to come and get him soon- surely they would let him do what they wanted and then send him home... At this point, he just wanted to go home... @Blessing of Potency @AonEne
  15. Jace followed him, hoping to find someone to talk to or interact with.
  16. Jason was right behind him, getting on and hugging him from behind to make certain he didn't fall off, making sure both he and Ax were wearing their helmets properly. He would not have his marriage ruined because one of them died before they could actually follow through with it... He wondered absently if that was selfish or a bad reason to worry about their mutual safety. @Sherlock Holmes
  17. Jace finished his food, then got dressed like he said he would, smiling at him and gesturing with one hand. "Lead the way, my prince." He grinned, excited to see how their friends would all react. He was also eager to check up on them, to see if everyone was okay. Both things warred for dominant priority in his mind. @Sherlock Holmes
  18. Jason blushed, smiling and glancing at Ax, before going back to eating his food. "Me too. Eat your food so we can get going. And get dressed in day clothes too- I'd rather do the telling in jeans and a hoodie than pajamas..." He smiled. @Sherlock Holmes
  19. Jace went beet-red, smiling and nodding and he bit his lip. "Y-yeah... I'd be okay with that. But, I'd like to tell the others first. Leona, Shana... you know, our friends? I mean, they've known we were dating for years, so... it might be mean to not even tell them that we're engaged, you know?" He smiled, eating his food absently as he stared at his plate, still embarrassed. @Sherlock Holmes
  20. Jace blushed, then went bright red as he followed the thought Ax had given him. "E-er... y-yeah... um... that..." He looked away, too embarrassed to meet Ax's eyes as he answered. "Y-you... you can once it's legally official. So... after the Justice of Peace signs the paper, or whatever religious authority you believe in does the job." He smiled, looking at Ax very shyly. He definitely didn't have a clue how to act right now. @Sherlock Holmes
  21. Jace blushed, groaning and curling up as if in pain- his blush saying otherwise. "I-I... I mean... yes..." He waited, wondering what cringe pet name Ax would use first. Not that he really minded- it just made him feel weirdly warm and happy to think about being called those names. It was oddly embarrassing. @Sherlock Holmes
  22. Jason blushed, smiling and grinning. "Well... we danced for a while, ate some pizza, and went to sleep. Oh, and... you proposed to me..." He blushed, smiling as he finished cooking and groaned, chuckling as he remembered the pizza he could've warmed up instead. Oh well... He walked back with two plates of a rather simple toast and egg breakfast, handing one to plate to Ax as he sat down. "We're going to tell the others, right? And fairly soon...?" @Sherlock Holmes
  23. Jason made got dressed and made breakfast the next morning, still smiling like he'd won the lottery or something- he'd slept in really late because of what Ax had done, and how he'd responded. He wanted to go and tell the others as soon as possible, and he hoped they all responded well when they knew. He especially hoped Leona and Shana were excited, since he knew them better than the others- still not super well, but he'd gone shopping with them, so... he smiled at the memory. That had been fun. @Sherlock Holmes
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