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Everything posted by Spoolofwhool

  1. By that logic, any object with a thousand breaths in it is a shardblade on the same level of power as Nightblood. Since I doubt this is the case, it probably takes a bit more manipulation of investiture than just putting directly putting investiture into a weapon. Also, in the first WoB I linked in my above post, someone asked whether the Bands of Mourning, an object we know to be supremely invested, could be considered a shardblade, and the answer was that it didn't have enough investiture. I'm assuming you're referring to my quote of "a heavily invested magical object". While you're right that filling a steel sword with feruchemy would qualify it as heavily invested and an object, I don't think it would count as magical. My thoughts are that "magical" means the investiture is shaped to a specific form so it achieves more of an effect. As such, I don't consider metalminds to be magical as they are just a storage for investiture. I would consider hemalurgic spikes to be more magical as they do more with the investiture within them. Questionable really whether have aons to give a sword a fiery or frosty aura would be considering really investing into the sword, or would just be causing investiture to surround the sword. Same with most of your suggestions. I think a shardblade is really looking at moving the investiture into the object and changing its base properties through investiture and magic. Really good ideas though for weapons in general. Probably a bad idea unless you could control whose blood is being sucked. Otherwise it would just kill the wielder if they got wounded, along with any allies. Interesting ideas surrounding it though.
  2. True in the warcamps, but IIRC, there was a time when Hoid met Kaladin on the plains and was still speaking Alethi fine. However, it probably was on the outskirts of the camps so was still fine. Can't remember the passage exactly. Worldhoppers usually use perpendicularities to worldhop. While those usually are in the form of shardpools, it is implied that they can take other forms, so there may be one in Southern Scadrial as well. Also, it may be possible to worldhop without needing a perpendicularity, though it would be much hard. Probably would require more of an ability such as Elsecalling (surge of transportation). It has been implied that an Aon could possibly achieve a similar effect.
  3. If Hoid and Vasher are using feruchemical Connection though, then that means that it is either working a bit differently then how it is explained in BoM, or the Shattered Plains have been aligned to the Alethi culture. Interesting thought, and I'm hesitant on the latter and the former, which implies to me that perhaps it is something different, not feruchemistry.
  4. WoB that the term shardblade can be more roughly defined as "a heavily invested magical weapon". We have, however, predominantly seen these as shardblades, however, this does not preclude other systems from developing shardblade-type weapons of their own. Nightblood is, of course, an example. However, at the same time, Nightblood is a bit rougher than how awakening could naturally develop a shardblade, as it was an attempt to mimic a shardblade from another system. You could probably create a shardblade using awakening that doesn't require more investiture to function. Regarding metalminds and shardblades. Here's a WoB that it is possible that a charged metalmind could block or resist a shardblade. However, just because it could resist as a result of being supremely invested, doesn't mean that it would actually be able to termed as a shardblade, by virtue that it isn't a weapon. In the first WoB I posted above, a person does ask whether the Bands o Mourning could be a shardblade, but it is said that they aren't invested enough. I think a main point about shardblades isn't simple the amount of investiture, but rather how the investiture is shaped within object. For instance, you could invest 1000 breaths into an object without awakening it, and it would be, more or less, as invested as Nightblood, but it wouldn't be a shardblade. I'm thinking maybe a weapon with ettmetal built into the handle, so when wielded by an allomancer burning metal, the investiture from Preservation is channeled into the weapon and used? Not many ideas here. Sel, I don't really know. AonDor would probably be your best bet. Compose a specific sequence of aons together and inscribe them on an object for a continuous flow of the Dor which would give the object an invested effect. Forgery could possibly work, except it doesn't invest a lot of investiture into an object, so I don't think it's worth considering. Same with bloodsealing. Other methods on Sel haven't been seen to affect non-living objects so they're not really worth considering. Taldain, nothing really.
  5. Are you talking about just Era 1 with full feruchemists or are you including Era 2 ferrings as well? (We really need a word to differentiate between full feruchemists and feruchemists as a whole, like allomancer and mistborn.) In Era 1, I don't think anyone knew Aluminium, Duraluminium, Chromium or Nicrosil will feruchemical metals, else they would've made the connection to them being allomantic metals as well. Anyone other than TLR or course. In Era 2, I don't think see anyone use any of the Spiritual feruchemical powers directly. However, IIRC, in one of the newsheets, in AoL or SoS I think, there's a mention of someone using Connection. I think it was in one of the Allomancer Jak stories. I'm not counting the medallions as someone using the spiritual feruchemy. As to Hoid using them. It's possible. There's nothing really to indicate one way or another other than the fact that he's using magic to translate his words, which could be Connection. However, since he has been probably doing that since before he visited Scadrial and acquired lerasium, he's probably doing so by some other means and magic, other than feruchemistry. A number of magical system can share similar effects.
  6. My thoughts are that the Honorblades were designed to be "keys" for the Heralds' spiritwebs. When wielded by the Herald they were created for, it fully unlocks all the abilities in the Herald. However, when used by someone else, it can only correctly interface with certain, more general, parts of the spiritweb, which results in only a limited number of abilities being granted.
  7. Don't forget that Roshar has a lower gravity and higher oxygen concentration than Earth, so megafauna occur more easily. As such, it's not impossible for grestshells to somewhat occur naturally. However, as you say, it has been confirmed by WoB that symbiotic spren are a part of their growth. The thought about it being gravity spren being bonded to sky eels and greatshells is interesting. However, I believe they have been confirmed to be different in appearance, which more than likely means that they are indeed different spren. On that note, while it is probable that they are bonded to more spren with a lesser amount of Honor, and probably more Cultivation, or else, from before either, I don't think that they are necessarily bonded to spren of a natural force. Overall, good theory. I agree with the idea that a number of lifeforms are living fabrials, I point I think I brought it in previous threads.
  8. Spoolofwhool


    Coppermind has information relating to his appearance in every book.
  9. He did state what is being stored: a prescience like quality which helps him determine where and when to go. While I don't think this has to do with chromium feruchemy, I think it is a quality he has figured out how to store and so later amplify, so that he can more easily determine where he has gone. I don't think it's luck because the wording surrounding it seems to indicate that he does have knowledge of where and when he is choosing to go.
  10. A well-cut gem is not necessarily spherical I think. Gems are usually cut along natural faultlines in the stone. As such, I imagine a well-cut gem for holding stormlight would just need to be cut along its faults. As for cutting a gem full of stormlight, I think stormlight is equally dispersed in a gem and cutting it will release a small piece of the stormlight as leakage, and the rest will be divided proportionally to the sizes of the pieces.
  11. Spren shardblades and honorblades can only cut spiritual and physical. Only Nightblood, that we know of, can cut all three realms.
  12. This is true. Really, the most determining factor in a fight between a mistborn and a surgebinder is resource. How much they have access to what lets them use their abilities. Question though is whether chromium (and nicrosil) would affect other manifestations of investiture as well. We know that aluminium is special in that it nullifies most manifestations of investiture. We don't know, however, whether chromium is the same, and would be able to leech from a surgebinder, for example.
  13. That's a fair point. Didn't really read it as it meaning slow-burning metals. I thought it was just referring to the fact you cannot keep burning all the time due to limited amounts and/or that you would have to remain in a static location during. Still, a vague term.
  14. There's a quote from Wayne in Alloy of Law: It's possible that he's referring to it being rare because he's in the Roughs. However, I think that he's also referring to the general rarity of the metals, even in more industrials areas like Elendel. So it's probably mainly a question of rarity, combined with the advantages burning bendalloy brings when burned. Also, slow burning would never turn someone into a savant. You need to flare your metals for a long period to do so.
  15. Only problem with that is that it requires that the Oathpact was made with the goal of trapping Odium. However, we know that it isn't the case, and that the trapping of Odium was just a side-effect of the overall Oathpact. In any case, back on track. Pretty sure it's possible for a shard to reclaim the power it has been invested into a planet so that the shard is able to leave the vicinity of the planet. Whether this would have any lasting effects on the planet or not, and/or cause the planet to be treated as a minor shardworld moving forward is unknown, as we haven't seen anything of the like yet.
  16. My main issue with this theory is still the presumption that somehow an alloy of atium would be undetectable and unidentifiable by Harmony. While yes, it has been stated that an atium-aluminium alloy could be undetectable since aluminium is inert to most manifestations of investiture, this still doesn't excuse the fact that it is unidentifiable. You can use metallurgy to determine the presence of aluminium, and I doubt atium would somehow hide that. This would indicate that either the kandra are incompetent, or hiding the information from Wax. While the latter is possible, there is still one problem. Also. an atium-aluminium alloy would be pretty much guaranteed to be a silvery metal, which doesn't explain how it can have reddish colouring. While some people have been stated that it could be an atium-copper to explain the colour, this would do away with the theory of how the metal is undetectable. So overall, I think the theory has holes and too many fairly large premises to be possible.
  17. Savantism just amplifies the effects. A tin savant, as we saw with Spook, had senses far amplified beyond normal. As such, I think a Cadmium/Bendalloy savant would just have finer control over how much time is compressed/expanded, and have a higher range. Compounding doesn't boost abilities, as far as we've seen, though it has been hinted. So far, all that can be done with it is that it allows the twinborn to amplify a specific feruchemical charge. So a cadmium/bendalloy twinborn could increase their stored charge of calories/breath through allomancy. On the other hand, it has been hinted that there is a way to compound allomancy, this hasn't been revealed yet. In any case, it would probably have a similar effect as to what savantism does, without the spiritweb damage.
  18. If another shard came to Scadrial and invested, their physical presence would manifest as a metal. This is a result of the world's influence.
  19. How a shard's manifestation of investiture is used usually has little do with its intent. Endowment gave awakening the concept of putting power into an object. The fact that Nightblood can damage all three realms is just a result of how the manifestation of investiture was used in that particular case. Preservation gives the concept of preserving an allomancers strength, but the power is used to augment them.
  20. Chemical reactions can change colours, but the alloying of metals isn't really a chemical reaction. All that's happening is that you're changing the makeup of the metallic lattice by swapping out atoms and possibly creating gaps. There is no usual bond change like with usual chemical reactions. As such, you would probably not get extreme colour shifts, like red from two silvery metals. Even if you say "oh, Atium is a god metal, weird stuff could happen with the colour", that would be the most hand-wavy explanation ever that there is no way Sanderson would actually do that, considering the amount of science he is actually trying to use. Also, while copper could be used, it steals memories and intelligence, even less likely than aluminium which steals allomantic enhancement powers. I any case, I'm assuming the reason you're proposing it in the alloy is because it is inert to most investiture.
  21. Interesting thought, but fairly improbable. If the metal were an alloy between Atium and Aluminium, then how would it have a reddish colouring, since both metals on their own are silvery. Also, the fact that the metal is unknown seems to indicate it is not an alloy of a known metal either, as I don't think it would be too hard to analyze an alloy of known metals to find their components. Maybe. They don't have a lot of it so it's possible they're not going to risk what they have in tests. Also, it strikes me as unlikely that Harmony doesn't know the properties of the god metal alloys for the metallic arts, considering simply ascending using Preservation's power gave Rashek a fair amount of information about hemalurgy. The problem though, then if Trell is Ruin, then you would have to explain where the Set's faceless immortals came from, since I don't think they are of Ruin, unless there is somehow a section of Ruin's power acting autonomously. Unless you think the Set's support and the threat to Scadrial is what created the spikes to give Paalm power?
  22. True. Gemstones in a lifeless could work. But honestly, at the end of the day, what you're getting is a mix of two systems which is a lot less efficient than if you just used the original system. I mean, look Nightblood, he's a hack of breath to make a shardblade out of breath, which is a lot more powerful, but requires extra power so it cannot be used as often. I think that 99/100, you would want a shardblade which can be used all the time without cost but can only cut spiritual over physical, versus a shardblade which cuts spiritual, cognitive and physical, but requires investiture continuously.
  23. You are correct. All metalminds are storing investiture, as the charge is investiture. What nicrosil feruchemy does is store the ability to manipulate a manifestation of investiture. So the ability to use allomancy or feruchemy. The Ars Arcanum is misleading in that way, but we know it isn't always fiable anyways. As to what it is doing to your spiritweb, your explanation makes sense. That's probably how all spiritual feruchemy store.
  24. Except for the part where an awakened object requires a certain amount of breath/stormlight to function at the specific level. As the stormlight leaks out, I imagine it would just cease to be awakened once it dropped below a threshold. This is assuming you manage to put more than the minimum required for awakening. In any case, if we're using stormlight as a substitute for breath, so how do you get the analogy that it is like ichor alcohol in lifeless and not breath in lifeless?
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