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Posts posted by Erklitt

  1. I made an experiment:

    I read Navani's first scene again: the one where, after her return to the warcamps, she attends the feast and meets Dalinar. And I made a conscious effort to get away from Dalinar's perception, taking his POV comments with a pinch of salt, instead keeping in mind every good thing I have learned about Navani since getting my first (bad) impression of her on my first read.

    The change is striking: I suddenly see a sympathetic woman with a keen sense of humor. Dalinar's reaction to her is downright hilarious. Yes, she's forward, but I caught myself liking her for it! She's just as blunt as Dalinar... so: maybe even a good fit?!

    Everyone in the 'I don't like Navani' faction (which I think I may have just left - I'll reserve final judgment until after an entire reread): try it sometime!

    Gosh, that's humbling. Am I really so easily prejudiced that a first yet possibly false impression can survive three entire reads???
    And now I can only hope that no one here feels betrayed... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

  2. 20 hours ago, SamsonSeaBorn said:

    I suspect he went to the nightwatcher to save Renarin and in turn lost his wife and all memory of her 

    Maybe I'm too influenced by the Nightwatcher game we play here, were most people try to match the bane to the boon. ;)

    However, even before I discovered that game, I always supposed Dalinar probably asked the Nightwatcher to take away his pain at the loss of his wife and got more than he bargained for. 


    Found where I got that idea:


    Besides, what of his own wife? Dead these ten years, wiped by his foolishness from his mind.

    WoK Chapter 22 Page 327


  3. On ‎21‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 5:33 PM, Argel said:

    I wish someone would past that new Arcanum Unbound reading!!

    that new Arcanum Unbound reading!!

    Granted - the above line was copied and pasted from your post, as requested.
    Your bane is to be willfully misunderstood by everyone every time you make the slightest typo.


    I wish I could keep my living room cool without having to shut out the light.


  4. @Haelbarde Trying now... well, this changed my keyboard, but the spell check language is still English. Thanks anyway!

    [Edit] Did a Little more Research. I would even temporarily Change my OS language while I'm on the shard if that is what it takes. But for changing the Display language it seems you Need Win 7 Ultimate or Enterprise, Win 7 Pro is not enough. So that Option is out.

    (This by the way is what a text Looks like when I don't take Bach the changes the Editor has made for me.)

  5. @Mestiv, @Kaymyth Thanks both of you for trying to help!

    I probably didn't describe it clearly enough. Let me elaborate a little:

    I have searched through the options in my browser (Internet Explorer 11). In those browser settings

    • there is a 'languages' button, but that setting seems to be only for filtering web pages. I've set this to German and English.
    • Then there is one that chooses the editor for html editing, which is set to Word. (As this is the only thing I can find even closely resembling some choice of edit settings for my browser, I had some hope that Word settings might help. It seems they don't.)
    • I can find no other place in Internet Explorer where I can set anything like 'edit language' or spell checking options.

    This set me thinking maybe there is something system wide outside the browser. But maybe this site just uses the OS language. In that case I guess I'll just have to edit my posts somewhere else and paste them in.

    If you have any more ideas, they will be welcome!

  6. 6 minutes ago, SweetLift said:

    I thought that the shadows went away when Kal came was because of his bond with Syl. Cryptics and Honorspren do not get along (according to Syl).  

    Edited: I do like this scene and hope that it means that Elhokar will become a better leader

    Yes, that thing about the cryptics withdrawing when Kaladin came along spoils the theory a little... however I still hope to find a way to reconcile the two. Honor spren and cryptics not getting along is probably a part of it, yet I agree that this alone shoudn't be enough to drive them away if they are really interested in Elhokar in the first place. I won't give up looking.

  7. 32 minutes ago, King Krooked said:

    If I'm not mistaken, Ivory is also a type of Cryptic. And to me personally, he doesn't seem like the type to really be a Lightweaver, but Eslecaller? Maybe... 

    I've never seen Ivory as a cryptic - do you remember where you got that idea? (Quote, WoB or whatever...)
    If that's really the case, you make a good point. As siblings, it might stand to reason Jasnah and Elhokar attract the same kind of spren - though on the other hand, they're not really much alike. Still, good point.

    Do we know what Jasnah has to 'give'? I looked up her first visit to Shadesmar and it said there:


    She snatched a bead in her hand.; it gave her the Impression of a cup. She gave ... something ... to it?

    Was there anywhere ever any hint of what she gives? I don't think so, and iirc we don't see her soulcasting from her own POV at any other point. But knowing this would be a valuable hint of wether Elhokar might be on his way to becoming an Elsecaller.

    [Edit end]


    51 minutes ago, hwiles said:

    On the other hand...I think there are some scenes where Elhokar discusses the design and aesthetics of his "palace" on the shattered plains, and I seem to recall a reference somewhere about him ordering specific improvements (IE: relief carvings and marble tiling in his hallways).  Those could be interpreted as indications of artistic inclination, or an under-utilized talent for interior design. :D

    Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Now you mention it, I remember... and will certainly keep my eyes open on next re-read.

  8. Mostly MS Internet Explorer 11; sometimes that has quirks and I go to Firefox (currently 46.0.1). But I couldn't find any language setting in iexplore menu - maybe I overlooked something?

    My html-editor for iexpore is set to Word. Just tried changing 'edit language' in Word options to English, that wasn't enough. But maybe somewhere near there?
    PS: Word 2010
    PPS: In Word, I've completely disabled instant spell check on entering text

  9. 4 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

    It would be interesting to see a male Lightweaver in a society where they can't be artists, the traditional Lightweaver job. 

    Hadn't thought of that... but yeah! Seems like the cryptics don't pay much heed to Vorin culture, because at any rate, we know that they were once interested in him.

    But this in fact makes me wonder: maybe part of the reason why he's such a bad king is that he's really an artist at heart? One that never even had a chance to discover his talent, for lack of opportunity?

    Can anyone think of any hints at this in the books? On the spur of the moment, nothing comes to mind... but i feel like there should be something!

  10. Since I'm asking about tech problems, here's another one:

    This edit window refuses to realize I'm writing in English here. Most other programs I use will adept after a few words, but this editor never stops trying to change as many words to German as it can (capitalizing about every other word and completely changing some) - I have to change them back all the time. Do you know where I can set the default language that will be used by this edit window without changing my whole Windows language? (I use Windows 7) Or at least deactivate the whole spell check? Maybe there's somewhere on the control panel? Couldn't find it myself, but that would be a great help!!

  11. Yeah, I liked this one too. And it gives me some hope that Elhokar will change for the better. This could be a budding Lightweaver; after being haunted by cryptics for some time he's finally given a big, meaningful, painful (for himself) truth.

    By the way: welcome to the shard! (I seem to have a thing for finding people's first post today B))

  12. 37 minutes ago, Physicist of the Cosmere said:

    What I'm mostly worried about is not if his parents are alive, but if they're alive, how they are emotionally.

    My thoughts exactly. This topic is almost impossible to catch in simple yes / no poll questions. On other threads, people are speculating that Kaladin's character arc might come to an end soon because anything that can happen from now on won't be as personal as his struggles in the past. But I think that here, in Hearthstone, the next phase of his character arc will probably be initiated, and it will be a very personal one. His parents, and his relationship to them, will play an important part. And don't forget: he has yet to learn to let go of his slave scars.

  13. Still wondering about this. Looks like a character's development didn't work as it was supposed to, at least for some readers.

    I realize that Navani cannot be really so cold as she feels to me, her actions prove otherwise far too often. I also realize SamsonSeaBorn is right:

    11 hours ago, SamsonSeaBorn said:

    After Sadeas's betrayal Navani pieces together that his troops had not been routed indeed they looked like they had hardly seen battle so she knows what had gone on which is why she chooses justice as her glyph to burn. She was seeking justice to the betrayal she knew had happened. 

    When Navani was drawing that glyph, she was rationally convinced (even though she refused to accept it) that Dalinar was already dead, so all the other prayers I suggested wouldn't have made sense. The funny thing is: I think that I rationally understand what she is supposed to be like, and I would expect myself to sympathize with such a character. But when I see her on stage I just can't relate to her. She's not cold, she leaves me cold.

    I guess that is also the reason for agreeing with Megan on this:

    4 hours ago, Megan said:

    And I think that Dalinar could do way better, I just really don't like them has a couple, and I'm not just saying that because I don't like her, I have not liked other characters before and like there love interest but I have still liked them has a couple. It's kind of like your friend is dating someone and you don't like that person, but you like that there dating because there good for each other. I don't have those feelings about Navani and Dalinar.     

    Just can't put my finger on the reason for all of this. 'First impressions' goes some way, but we see too much of her later for this to be the only cause. Why is it so hard to feel her to be what one knows her to be?

  14. Thanks, @Megan, for this topic. I've wondered about my own negative reaction to Navani. Have an upvote.

    @sheep, brilliant analysis.

    I'd like to add one more thought: for whatever reason, I just find it hard to believe in the sincerity of her feelings. The vibe I get from her is not so much arrogance or self pity but rather simple coldness. I could forgive her intrusiveness if I could believe she really cares. But this woman is made from ice. And any act of hers seeming to prove the contrary feels somehow out of character. Maybe with the exception of the burning glyph, but even there, I don't get any real warmth from her, just a cold yet commendable yearning of justice. (And note that she chooses this glyph, rather than something like 'savety', 'preservation', 'reunion' or whatever.) I just don't believe her when she seems to care about Dalinar or be motherly towards Shallan. And the fact that she's mostly seen through Dalinar's eyes makes it worse. If the man who professes to love her cannot make us feel any warmth from or for her, than who can?

    44 minutes ago, Argel said:

    I also really liked the scene where Dalinar tells Elokhar he's courting her. Too funny!!

    The best Navani scene of all!! And that with her off stage... :huh:

  15. 19 hours ago, EmeraldSlash said:

    I  wonder if there is a Brandon Sanderson book generator anywhere?

    If there is, he should post the schematics to Pat Rothfuss... :lol:

    @Wychmire Hey thanks man!! Those spikes will keep me fed for the next six months at least. (And the cookies themselves for another day.) Pewter, are they? Will fetch top prices...


  16. You get it. And it never stops playing at full volume. At all.

    The blare of your latest download wakes you up.
    In the bathroom, last year's number one blasts in your ears while you shower, brush your teeth and style your hair.
    From the moment you leave home for work to the moment you return, that song from twenty years ago that you've learned to hate screams in your ears, giving no quarter and no rest.
    You cannot understand a word of what your boss tells you. You get demoted to messanger girl. Your errands are accompanied by that same old song from twenty years ago that you've learned to hate .
    You come home and drop on your couch, where the chime of that piece you downloaded for your grandmother makes it impossible to understand a word of your favorite TV program.
    Exhausted, you sink into bed. The sound track from that horrific horror movie haunts your troubled dreams. 
    Until the blare of your latest download wakes you up.

    My ears hurt after writing this, not to mention my head. I wish to never ever have a headache again.

  17. I didn't quite read it that way. Just checked again: Grandpa Smedry says that "He is what he is" and that he hasn't handled fame well. Yet he can't always have been quite so shallow. He loved Shasta and 'saw something in her' others didn't see. More to the point: he entrusted his son with the sands of Rashid and later with his own rescue, gambling his very soul on the fact that this son would amount to something. The same son he now completely ignores? Sorry, I don't buy it.

  18. At the end of book 2, something seemed crystal clear to me. However, noone else seems to see it that way, at least I cannot find any thread about it. Am I being stoopid?

    Here goes: Attica bequeathed his soul to Alctraz, who demanded it back from the curators. That meant they couldn't keep it, and since Alcatraz doesn't demand his father to stay a curator he could become human again. However, his soul still 'belongs' to Alcatraz, doesn't it? It was never given back. So, Attica is not in posession of his soul, hence his 'soul-less'behaviour.

  19. Hi, I’m Erklitt and I’m (almost) new here!

    I discovered Brandon’s books just a few months ago, and can’t get enough. I'm already on second and third re-reads of my favorites (SA and Mistborn) for lack of new material, why can't this man write a little faster?  ;)

    Have been haunting this site for a while now as an invisible ghost, and finally decided I need to be able to chime in now and then. I very much appreciate the friendly atmosphere!

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