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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. I recently started up another run through in the original dishonored. I'm being quite a bit more bloodthirsty then my previous run throughs. And its interesting seeing the characters react to a more blood thirsty play through. Its proving to be a very interesting play through.
  2. I have a quasi role playing thing I'm doing in shadowrun hong kong. Its more of a character choice then anything. But it does contain spoilers for the game. Just be warned. I've also beaten the game as a decker who's good with an assault rifle. So I know whats coming, and am trying to prepare for that with my dialog options. As best as I can ofc. Just something interesting I'm going in an 2.5D rpg.
  3. Aww, I'm no longer on the airship. Not sure what I am now.
  4. Just watched the first 4 episodes of Stan Against Evil. That show is hysterical.
  5. Interesting, few more questions on this topic. Feel free to stop answering if/when you get sick of the questions. First, Commonwealth = Country? Second, you don't have a centralized government? One that can pass laws all states/territories have to follow? How it works in the US is the Federal Government has the power to pass laws all states have to follow. But the states have the power to govern themselves, in any area the Federal Government hasn't passed laws. Similarly counties can govern themselves in any areas States or the Federal Government haven't covered. And any towns within the counties can pass laws any of the above authorities haven't covered.
  6. You work in a library I take it? my current pet peeve, is when a programmer puts a jobs into the sub system, but neglects to tell us if we need to run them one at a time, or if we can run them all at once. Knowing we're running these at 5AM. So, if we don't know something, we have to call them at 5am. And if they don't pick up, the jobs don't get run, and they bother us wondering why the jobs didn't get run. I work for a multi-million dollar company, who has offices world wide. We don't touch production systems unless we have very clear and precise instructions on what to do. Because messing up production could cost us our job, and the company alot of time and money.
  7. For what I agree with you on the election bit. Democracy only works if you vote for the person you want as your leader. Not voting, or voting for the lesser of 2 evils doesn't really make it work. And you missed a question, but I can see why. Do provinces have any sub divisions? So States and Territories are the same thing? Same rights, privilages, ect?
  8. Are states and territories the same thing? Or do states contain territories (or territories contain states)? So Italy divides its country by regions, then subdivides regions into provinces? Do provinces have subdivisions? Thanks for the replies all. I've actually learned alot more then I thought I would. I had figured the same subdivision was everywhere, just with different titles. I'd be curious to hear from other countries as well. I can provide a laymans answer to your question. But keep in mind, I'm no political expert. Each party puts forward a few candidates (not sure how the candidates are chosen), then people who have registered as part of the respective political party vote on who they want to run as president (this process is known as the primaries). Then, once both political candidates are chosen by their respective party, the country at large gets to vote on the next president. During their campaigns, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump managed to convince the voters of their respective parties, that they would be the best choice. Once the parties had chosen their respective candidates, we were down to our last 2 choices. Technically we don't have a 2 party system. Each year, a number of smaller parties put forward one or 2 candidates as well. But in practice, we mostly just stick to the 2 parties. Unless a third party does something drastic to get enough attention, most of the country has no idea which third party candidates are running. Most people actually believe, if you vote for a third party, its a waste of a vote. Because its very remote that a third party candidate will achieve victory, and actually run the country. But nothing is truly impossible, and if a party manages to get a certain percentage of the vote (I think its 8%), then they are required to be allowed into the next election's debates. Of course, the 2 major parties don't want that, and will do their best to suppress the other parties (mostly through ads on tv/radio/the internet, and through average people who go door to door). Fair? Certainly not. But its not illegal either. Again, I'm no expert. *to everyone else* And if I've said something wrong, please feel free to correct me.
  9. Picked up Titanfall 2. The campaign is very fun, if a bit short. And misses a key point that it should have hit. At no point, do you have to get out of your Titan to fight an NPC pilot in the campaign. That said, it was a very fun campaign. And one I would recommend to anyone interested in the Titanfall universe. I'm waiting for the reviews for Dishonered 2. But I am very interested.
  10. Don't hate the 4000 year old fortune teller. Hate the idiots who elected the guy to the office. Though I honestly don't belive he will get anything done. Half his party hates him.
  11. So...um...huh. He was right... sorry, still processing this. It was neck and neck as the votes came in, till around 2:45 am. Time to see what else Nostradamus got right, I guess.
  12. This is something I've always passively wondered. Here in the US, we divide large parts of our country into States. Then sub divide states into Counties (pronounced k-ow-n-ties [not sure how to sound out ies]). And subdivide counties into Towns. Do they do the same sub division in other countries?
  13. It would be very interesting if the history channel was right. I guess we need to wait and see. I'll be up all night, so I'll get to see who wins in real time.
  14. All I promised was interesting. Nothing else. But it does make you think. From those writings, who do you think is going to win? Keep in mind, those quotes are in the order the show used them in. Not the order he wrote them in. The message gets a whole lot different if you read them in order.
  15. I just saw this on the history channel. And since I couldn't find the politics thread (went back 3 pages, didn't see it) I figured I'd post it here. Apparently, Nostradamus predicted the election results. I'm not saying I want either candidate to win, I'm voting libertarian this election. But I thought it was interesting, and I figured I'd share.
  16. I need friends that play the same games I do. We all like video games, but we all like different genres. I like the ocasional shooter (played a bit of the original titan fall recently), mouse control space games (freelancer and xrebirth are the only 2 I can think of atm), and some classic rpgs (divinity original sin, wasteland 2, any of the new shadow run games), city building games (I rather enjoyed the new sim city, anno 2070, cities skylines), and strategy games (death to spies, age of empires, supreme commander, ect.). One friend only likes 2d classic games (really loves megaman, but doesn't like anything after the NES), another really likes shooters (almost all of what he plays), and none of them have any interest in a co-op game that isn't an mmo. Open offer, if anyone wants to join me for any of the above games/genres, drop me a line.
  17. you can get killjoys dvd's off netlifx, but no streaming. The writers of dark matter are evil geniuses. Ending their episodes the way they do. Geniuses, because you want to know what happens next! Evil because if they ever get canceled, that ending would drive us fans nuts!
  18. I believe its from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. For me it has to be from the Dresden Files: "They've taken our daughter". First line in Changes, and my word what a line to start with.
  19. I've been hard into XRebirth. Currently searching for more pirate combat ships to liberate. I was going to use them to increase my finances or increase my fleet. Either/or. But I can't seem to find any more. I've taken 3 titriels, and 4 styrvoks. But I can't seem to find any more vulnerable freighters, or titriels to take. I might have to start trading to survive in devries! Besides that, picked up wasteland 2 off gog. Its not a bad game so far, but I think it assumes you've played the original(s). Because I'm kinda lost on the story and world atm. But it is interesting enough to where, as long as it doesn't get tedious, I'm going to stick with it for a bit. If it starts getting tedious, then I'm out.
  20. Just finished Dark Matter on netflix. God-am that show is compelling! I have to wait till next year to find out what happens next, but I want to know now! I was holding off on it for the longest time, because that whole amnesia thing is so played out. But they did a good job on this show. Its having their old lives (old lives they don't want) catching up to them, and them running away from most of it. And I honestly found the android to be adorable.
  21. Ok so its been a while since anyone posted here. And I came across an old riddle from years ago. There is no specific answer to this one. So I'm going to say whoever gets us to laugh the most wins. I'll let the group decide who gets to go next. Remember! Keep it PG. We have little kids that read these forums
  22. Beware my refusals! Muahahah. I've started in on cold days in the Dresden files. I don't really like ghost story, and I was having trouble reading through changes. Changes isn't really a bad book, don't misunderstand. But I knew what was happening, and what was coming next. And I didn't want to go through those ups and downs again. I actually talk about on the Jim Butcher forums. I did have a bit of a slump too, and got some good recommendations from another forum I frequent.
  23. If your willing to share it, I'd happily take a look at your Chilli recipe. Also, I do love me some New England Clam Chowder, so I'd abosolutely love to take a gander at that recipie too. That brown bag Idea is a good one. But with winter coming up, I'm probably going to be wanting a warm meal. Our cafiteria is right next to some windows, and the area has been rather chili for the last 3 months I've been there. Regarding Canned soup, its a nice idea sure. But I don't really have a microwavable bowl I can bring with me to work. They are all ceramic, and I don't have a place to store them yet.
  24. ha! hardware isn't everything. But I'm game to continue this discussion in another thread if you are.
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