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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. I've been getting back into elite dangerous recently. Not sure if I'll stay with it, but its kinda fun to fly around a star system in that game.
  2. Personally, I'd like to fly. So steel pushing would be in there. But after that? I think I'd choose healing. Just in case I run out of steel while falling to the ground.
  3. Hidy ho all, I read this series a while back, but I never kept on with it. The last novel I read got me to this point: I heard some references that this series just up and stopped. Did it ever actually complete? Or did Mr. Sanderson let the series hang as it was, and then moved on?
  4. how about a knock knock joke? Knock Knock Who's there Little Old Lady Little Old Lady Who? I didn't know you could yodel!
  5. Some geeky jokes for you -Some things Man was never meant to know. For everything else, there’s Google. -Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product -My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.
  6. I've been getting back into elite dangerous recently. There was a community event, which gave a viper Mk 4 (not the best ship, but not bad by any means) to folks like me, who've only played a itty bit of the game so far (between 3 and 18 hours). I'm rather hoping the new ship will make dog fighting more fun for me. And open up customization options I didn't have before. But its a sandbox game, so I might get terribly bored of the game, and walk away from it. Who knows
  7. I viewed her lists as something her neuroses compelled her to do. And we can easily blame Wayne for the water tower.
  8. For me, its a difficult choice. There are 2 universes I rather like. The Vince Lombard universe offers some really interesting ideas, and I rather like portions of that universe. Then there is the lost fleet universe. For all of its faults, and flaws, space travel is really well done. But, I think I'd prefer the lost fleet universe myself. Put me in a time where Admiral Geary is around (post war), and I'll be happy camper.
  9. Why do vampires believe everything you tell them?
  10. Is she unlucky though? She's in love with Wax, he's in love with her. She's loosened up enough to go on adventures (though she does have some neruoces). She might start learning how to use a gun, just to be more useful on their adventures. Where is her lack of luck?
  11. Hidy ho all, If you could live in any, single, fictional world you know of, which would you pick and why? The rules would be, you could pick any universe from any piece of fiction, you do not gain any powers when you go to a universe, and you do not get to come back. what world or universe would you pick, and why?
  12. good point oversleep. Though if we're talking that kind of determination, why would you want to store it? What good would it do?
  13. If you stored all the determination you had, what determination would you have to continue storing it?
  14. Yea I did. I'm kinda surprised that no one else has any issues with those portions of his character. Seems like most folks have a problem with the water tower incident, then anything else.
  15. No, I don't. But I thought this was the thread where we vented our frustrations about Wayne. Hence my list above. Just to be clear, I like Wayne overall. I think he helps keep the story grounded. While everyone else is talking about god like beings, imortal shape shifters, metal mines that can be used by anyone, Wayne is wondering about how people place value on things. It helps keep the story on the ground, and not so far above us that we can't relate.
  16. We're all concentrating on the water tower issue. But what about the other things he does? The 'trading' he gets away with. Or the lying to everyone in the form of his disguises. His badgering of Ranette, after she made it clear she didn't want him. Willing to hear the Kandra out, after Harmony had minipulated his best friend. Hooking up with Melaan during a gunfight (that ones not so bad, but still he left wax hanging). No one else has a problem with these?
  17. I kind of agree with you. During the ceremony, he looked over and was expecting to see Lessie on his arm. But even still, I feel like he should have put the boys who did loosen the water towers bolts in the hospital for what they did. not just smack them around a little bit. And even going so far as to object (if thats part of the ceremony, not sure in this universe), citing that wax would be miserable with her as a wife. Though he could have done other things to try and loosen her up a bit. Get her to laugh at his jokes, help her get wax involved with the house finance stuff, maybe even get merrasi to show her how to shoot. Something besides needing to ruin a wedding, while its in progress.
  18. Thanks for the feedback all. I was kinda leaning towards the Plantronics Voyager Pro headset. Water proof, and noise canceling seems right up my alley. Not too jazzed about the problems some folks have had. But they seem to be in the very small minority. And every brand has a few lemons.
  19. Just finished farscape. Man I'm going to miss that series. Started better call saul on netflix, almost done with it too after one day. Why do the good series always end too soon?
  20. Hidy ho all, I just had a thought. We know that the set has decided it doesn't need its basin operators anymore. And, as such, Uncle Ladrian was killed. The set was starting to tie up loose ends by killing them off. Now, since Wax's sister now doesn't have any allies left in the set, do you think she'll come back to wax and sheepishly apologize. Or, some how, join up with him against the set?
  21. There are parts of Wayne I don't like. That whole trading thing he does. he's stealing from folks, and he just gets away with it. His willingness to screw people over, who don't deserve it. That boatman for instance. He needed to get someplace in a hurry, sure, but did he really need to stiff that man out of the money he would normally charge? For all we know, that man went hungry, because he couldn't afford to get food that night because of wayne. His willingness to drop a water tower on his friends head, just to stop a wedding. But then, there are other points about wayne that I do like. His willingness to stand up to bad guys. His casual attitude, helps to diffuse some situations. Though purposfully pissing off people who he's not fighting is another gripe I have about him. And, as a character, he does help to keep things in perspective. While the book was talking about people with godlike powers, he was thinking about the odd way we humans value things. He definitely helped to keep the book grounded overall.
  22. I picked up the gog version of saints row 2. And its...disappointing. I'm not going so far as to say its bad, far from it. But its not as amazing as everyone made it out to be. That and it runs like crap, and controls terrible.
  23. That's true. She might not have any powers, but her bloodline would. So its possible her children would, regardless who she has children with. Though her children with wax should definitely have some powers.
  24. ok then, I finished up the following, and moved on to farscape. God that series is awesome.
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