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Everything posted by mattig89ch

  1. Mech commander for me. I'm a late backer to that one, but battle tech, made by the same guys who did the shadowrun games, pretty much sold it to me. I didn't back at the level to get access to the beta though, so now I'm waiting for the full release.
  2. I've considered picking up something like x-wing, but it seems like a really expensive hobby to get into. That and finding other players to play with seems almost impossible. Scott Manley's video on star wars armada seems like it'd be another thing I might like. but that seems even more expensive. I've never been much for miniatures, because the idea of needing to paint them seemed so arduous that I wouldn't enjoy them. But I was part of a small group who played LotR table top, and I had a lot of fun with that. Sadly, the group no longer plays. *sigh* oh well.
  3. The lost fleet, the lost fleet beyond the frontier, the lost stars, the vince lombard series, the pandoras star series, and I'm going through the dark tower series atm.
  4. Currently listening to "Career of Evil" on Audible. Its an english PI book, which is pretty neat. Really enjoyed the series so far, though the romance seems very forced. But thats the only real complaint I have about it, otherwise its rather enjoyable. And picked up "Vangaurd: The Genesis Fleet" for my next read. Loved the lost fleet series, liked beyond the frontier, and I loved the midway series. So I'm looking forward to seeing how the Alliance was formed. Not sure what I'm going to read after that....any recommendations?
  5. Hidy ho all, a few years back, we were able to keep the internet free for everyone. But it seems that ISP's are trying to make it legal to allow them to regulate what we can see, hear, and who we can talk to. They are doing this, but trying to pass legislation through congress again. The vote comes up on July 14th (2 days from posting). Please don't let them control everything we can gain access to online. This is a video that explains what net neutrality is, why its bad, and provides some helpful links in the description: https://youtu.be/K88BU3kjZ-c . If you believe as I do, that we need to keep the internet free of control, and limitations, please follow the links below the video. Thank you for your time.
  6. Just started on basillisk station. I'm not normally one for female protagonist's, as I find it hard to identity with them. But this one is pretty gender neutral so far. The first mate character seems like he's there, just to be contrary. Not even having a good reason to dislike the captain of the ship. Its kinda annoying actually. I'm hoping the captain pulls him into her quartets and asks him This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules is going on.
  7. idk what setback your talking about, but I'm sure one thing going wrong can't make you a failure. Like you said, its a small setback. Edit: and now for my bad news, we had to put my old cat down today. He was 16, and couldn't walk anymore. He seemed to be fine otherwise, he just couldn't keep his balance, or do much more then stumble. He wasn't even moving to use the litter box, instead peeing in the blankets we setup for him. Tomorrow I have to call around to various pet cemetaries, and get them to cremate him for us. *sigh*
  8. I'm not sure I can identify with any one character in the sanderson books I've read. Mind you, those only extend to the alloy of law series. Wax is the obvious first choice, but I'm not sure thats the case. I think I probably identify most with Steris. Her entire character (save the fact she's a woman) is something I can relate to. I think I'd be just as useless in a fight as she would, and just as stressed.
  9. The cowboy beebop episodes I have on my hard drive, that I watched recently. Man thats a good show.
  10. Don't know a thing about him. But is on a good forum, so is clearly a good person.
  11. Those stupid kids commercials for the stuff.
  12. Why not? Does the rep system mean something to you guys/gals?
  13. Been playing Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines, and have the anarcs theme stuck in my head. The one they're always playing at the last round. Not exactly a bad thing, if your enjoying the game. But still, its stuck in there.
  14. Hidy ho all, I wanted to see what everyone thought of my new machine, I'm planning on building next month. I've done a fair amount of research, and I'm trying to keep the price right around $1,000. As I said, I did a fair amount of research, but you never know what another person will look at, and see as good/bad. Here's the list, let me know what you think! Good or bad.
  15. Ubuntu with the SUSE ui is my go-to choice for distros. Ubuntu is great, stable, and has alot of software for it. And SUSE (I think thats the UI name) is very powerful compared to gnome.
  16. That would have been so handy 10 years go. I've used linux as a server os in the past. As far as I know, the apache server I setup for a library (back in 2006), is still running their site. And I have setup a DHCP linux box for my home use (for practice, ran it for a week, then killed it). But as a primary os, for my main machine, I haven't done so yet. I also don't like gnome's minimalistic aproach to a ui. I get why they did it that way, to encourage you to use the CLI. But for the average user, not having a powerful ui, to easily use is a definite turn off.
  17. I'm more concerned that they don't have a great launch lineup. So far, zelda and splatoon are the only 2 mp games their launching with. That and they are planning to charge full price for skyrim, which is over 6 years old at this point. Its a great game, sure. But I don't feel its worth 60 bucks any more. Thats why I'm in the wait and see camp. I'm not hoping the switch does poorly, the exact oposite in fact. But until I see some great games get released, I don't really have a reason to drop $300 on a console with no games out for it. Personally, I got burned badly with NMS. So I'm doing my lvl best not to get hyped for any game/console. I'm interested in a few games coming out. But I'm not on the edge of my seat.
  18. No, I just looked at the supported operating systems for the games I own. I have tried WINE, but with absolutely no success. Whats PlayOnLinux?
  19. I'm also confused. Has anyone answered you yet?
  20. Not sure if anyone saw the reviewers talk about the recent news on this console. But I'm not sold, nor am I turned off. I'm interested in the switch, for when I go and visit my cousins. It'd be good to have a console I can take with me, and we can all play local multiplayer with. Doesn't really matter if its splatoon (I think thats the name of that paint game) or that party pack game. I'm also, very interested in that Zelda release. Whats giving me pause is that price, no games announced for it, and the lack of older console game releases on their store. I'd love to be able to pick up a copy of Mario Kart for the wii u, and play my cousin on that device. But idk if its going to be released for the switch or not.
  21. I have a preferance of Ubuntu of the KDE ui. Or the Mint UI. Though I have to admit, I don't have it as a primary OS on any machine I own. I'm a PC gamer, and you just can't play as many titles on Linux, as you can on Windows.
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