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Posts posted by Govir

  1. I agree this is a possibility, but I don't quite believe it.

    He couldn't make Spensa his pilot because before he could only make certain decisions on his own. Other decisions had to be made by his pilot, such as shooting weapons and changing pilots.

    Spensa convinced M-Bot that he could change his pilot on his own, and M-Bot finally relented towards the end. Now that he is OK with changing his pilot on his own, if Spensa were to die, he could make Rodge his pilot.

  2. On 8/3/2019 at 10:22 PM, RayOfSunshine said:

    Spensa is Spin, Freyja (which is a name you probably forgot) is FM, Jorgen is Jerface. Hudiyah (may she rest in peace) was Hurl. Nedd is Nedder. Kimmalyn is Quirk. Rodge is Rigmaroll. Arturo is Amphisbaena. Bim never got a callsign. Can't remember Morningtide's actual name. 

    Cobb is Mongrel and Judy Ivans is Ironsides. Spensa's dad was Chaser (his real name was Zeen Nightshade)

    Hope that's enough for you!

    Interesting point about Cobb (is Cobb is first name?) and Judy (and Zeen): their call names don't start with the first letter/sound of their first names like all of the new recruits do.

  3. 15 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    Never even heard of it :-)


    1 hour ago, Yifyu said:

    Is Dark a fan fic?

    Dark is a German TV show that is currently on US Netflix. It's got two seasons and a very complicated relationship web, and parentage isn't always clear. I highly recommend checking it out. It is a bit grim, and because it's Netflix where "anything" goes I'll also throw out a nudity warning (some, but not a lot) (i.e. don't watch it in public).

  4. Not sure about the game you're talking about, but I do think there's going to be a Stormlight Archive flavored version of a newer game: Call to Adventure. I kickstarted the original, with a promised Name of the Wind expansion. One of the updates mentions art direction for a Stormlight Archives expansion has begun (which does mean the actual release is probably still a ways away).

  5. 1 hour ago, RShara said:

    Irish Wolfhounds are a real thing.

    Fair enough. Never looked into it. My mental image will probably still be the pitbull / bulldog mix though. (Just like I incorrectly view Kelsier with dark hair (he has blonde hair!)).

  6. I agree with @Quantus, I believe that making an "illusion" of shardplate that is solid is exactly how a Lightweaver gets Shardplate. We still don't know what real shardplate is (i.e. that worn by Radiants), but I doubt it's a physical object like the (for lack of a better term) "dead" Shardplate that is basically the only kind we've seen (i.e. there isn't some spren Quartermaster doling out Shardplate when a Radiant reaches a certain ideal). Similar to how Radiant Shardblades are their spren taking physical form, and "dead" Shardblades are spren stuck in that physical form.

    Therefore it could make sense that Lightweaver Shardplate is them being able to make a physical "illusion" of pure investiture. If any of the "dead" Shardplate came from Lightweavers, it's possible that it is stuck in phsyical form much like the "dead" Shardblades are.

  7. On 6/23/2019 at 8:13 AM, Wander89 said:

    I'd imagine he'd be the size of Game of Thrones dire wolves, possibly even bigger!

    I've always pictured him like a large pitbull maybe, but more bulldog as well? A pitbull / bulldog mix, if you will. Like this, but even larger.



  8. I asked Brandon about Katarotam during the Skyward Reddit AMAs, didn't get much from him though :(





    During a reread of The Way of Kings, I noticed Kaladin mentions a light eyes by the name of Katarotam. Will we ever find out more about this light eyes? (For some context, Katarotam is listed along side Roshone and Amaram as a light eyes that Kaladin believes to be corrupt).

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO. (This is possible, but not likely, in a Kaladin flashback.)

    Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 15, 2018)


    There's also this slightly older WoB that mentions Katarotam.




    Darkness (paraphrased)

    Will we learn more about the corrupt lighteyes in Kaladin's past? Katarotam? *silence* Will we learn more, just yes or no is fine.

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Ehh... Yes. In general, yeah.

    Supanova 2017 - Sydney (June 16, 2017)


    At this point, my money is on us not getting more information on Katarotam. The name is only mentioned once, not just by Kaladin, but by anyone. I honestly think the name was supposed to have been removed during drafts, but never was. I'm not holding my breath for Katarotam to be important or make an appearance.

  9. On 5/29/2019 at 7:36 AM, SwordNimiForPresident said:

    I also can't help but wonder if Brandon hadn't yet created the full story of Secret History when he wrote HoA, and therefore did not know that he would be putting two beads in the chamber instead of one.

    This is just a guess, but I would assume that Brandon at least knew that Hoid took a bead. Brandon may not have known he was going to write that scene, but from what I've seen of Brandon's process, he knows more about the character's actions than is published.

  10. Just found out about restriction about similar to your name (Is this something that's an in-world restriction, or just a Sanderson restriction. Seems odd it wouldn't have been mentioned when they were picking them). Anyway, it just so happens that this would line up.

    Callsign: Arctic Fox

    (Because of the Mike Birbiglia joke)

  11. On 5/5/2019 at 5:03 PM, WhiteEmporer said:

    I don't see how my theory explains the "sailors lost on an infinite sea."

    I could see this being the dead spren. It requires some leaps, but I could see the Cognitive Realm being called the infinite sea. And from there, sailors makes sense in context. And the dead spren are definitely lost.

  12. It's been awhile since I've read Oathbringer (so maybe I need to start a re-read :)), but I'm remembering the suspicion that while Vivenna is "looking" for Vasher, she isn't really hunting him (not seriously). I think my main reason for thinking this is the fact that she knows Kaladin and Adolin were both taught by Vasher, but she doesn't follow up on any questions for with them.

    I think she's primarily there for Nightblood, and Vasher seems to be an afterthought. It's possible she's been tasked with hunting Vasher down by someone, but that she's avoiding it for personal reasons (e.g. whoever tasked her thinks that Vasher is responsible for taking Nightblood, but maybe Vivenna knows he didn't).

  13. A friend of mine listened to the audiobooks as their first read through. I asked if they thought the voice work gave away the ending, but they didn't catch it.

    I think it's just another clue, much like the *way* the epigraphs are worded. Even when reading, if you had been paying close attention, it should be obvious that Sazed (or at least a Terrisman) is the one writing the epigraphs in the third book. (Of note: I was not paying close enough attention...)


    I am, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages.


  14. I think the main question here to determine the viability of this is if you can "pre-spike" people, i.e. spike someone as if you were stealing something, but never remove the spike until they die of natural causes.

    In my opinion, I don't think this is possible. I don't have any proof to this assumption, but we've never seen anyone even attempt it. The closest is when Spook is given Pewter burning ability, and that guy died pretty quickly as far as I remember.

  15. 2 hours ago, HarmonicMonk said:

    Those are amazing hahahaha, I think the first one is from Alloy of Law, but the second one I'm not sure.

    Yeah, first is from Alloy of Law when they find the smelting place (original Vanishers hideout). The second one is from Shadows of Self, when they're chasing Marks.

  16. Stealing these from an older thread, but they do make me laugh:


    Marasi: Wayne?

    Voice from the darkness: He is dead, young lady. I am sorry for your loss.

    Marasi: [gasp of horror]

    Voice from the darkness: Yes, he was simply too handsome, too clever, and too immensely remarkable in all aspects of his existence to allow to live. It took a hundred men to bring him down, and he killed all but one. His last words were "Tell Wax...that he's a total git...and he still owes me five notes."

    Marasi: Wayne!




    “I need you to stay behind as we go into those slums,” Wayne said, determined to impress solemnity into his voice. “It’s not that I don’t want your help. I do. It’s just going to be too dangerous for you. You need to stay where I know you’re safe. No arguments. I’m sorry.”

    “Wayne,” Wax said, walking past. “Stop talking to your hat and get over here.”



  17. On 1/10/2019 at 4:07 PM, Turbor90 said:

    Isn't it obvious??!! The hyperdrive was just a...control box/organizer, per say, for mental energy the pilot put out to jump space. So, when Spensa finally found a way to 'unlock' that part of her brain, the hyperdrive triggered. Or..., maybe, since Doomslug can move WITHOUT Spensa seeing it, it can teleport. She has never seen an animal like Doomslug before, what if it came with M-Bot and the ship, in the compartment, and it makes the ship jump. So when it is signaled by the Pilot, from the screen, it teleports the ship to the designated destination. Spensa had a mental "shiver" right? So what if Doomslug picked up on her brain waves, saw what was going on, and teleported them out of there? It is plausible.

    I agree it's possible, and I espoused this theory for a long time (that Doomslug is the biological component of the Hyperdrive). However, during a reread, I have to reluctantly concede that Spensa is the biological component when we see the ship actually jump. I am still on board with Doomslug being *able* to be the biological component (i.e. for times when the fighter pilot is not a user of Cyto),

  18. I immediately thought this when I was reading the preview chapters. I asked Brandon during a Reddit AMA if he drew any inspiration from there, but it seems like he hasn't seen the show.





    An actual Skyward question: Were you inspired by the anime Gurren Lagann at all for this? That anime starts out with humans living in caves and being attacked in order to keep their population down. The cave dwelling and constant attacks is the only connection so far that I see (the rest of the anime gets pretty crazy and I don't think you'd go that far).

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm afraid I haven't seen Gurren Lagann, which is probably an oversight--a lot of people talk about it being great.



    I hope it doesn't go as crazy as Gurren Lagann did (which wasn't a bad thing, just not what I want from Sanderson).

  19. On 12/29/2018 at 1:46 PM, Bliev said:

    I think I might be one of the only people who felt a little bad for Ironsides. Her friend and fellow pilot seemingly betrayed them all, or at the least, he caused major damage to her psyche. She gave him permission to put himself at risk. And then he, moments later, murdered half her fleet. Now she’s in charge of a losing battle for the fate of the species. She’s embroiled in human politics which commandeer her best resource: pilots. Does she treat Spensa unfairly? Yes. Very! But I’m sure her resentment toward spensa’s dad is strong. And then to have to lie to manage the politics of a war that they are losing? I am not surprised at all. I’m glad she gets her comeuppance, but I don’t hate her.

    For sure the point of Ironside's interludes is so that we can see things from her perspective (pardon the turn of phrase). It's all about the motivations, and the probabilities. Ironside knew that Chaser had the "defect" and that he basically went crazy. She suspects that Spensa also has the "defect", and so she's trying to prevent Spensa from flying. Ironside's motivation has good intentions, and (without M-Bot's shielding) she would have been right.

    I also wouldn't say that Ironside got her comeuppance. Sure Spensa proved her wrong (again, because of M-Bot's shielding), but as far as I know Ironside is still the leader of the military. She didn't lose anything except maybe some political bargaining power. My hope is that after Spensa's initial demands about Cobb and Rig (i.e. that they waited for them), she and Ironside are going to work together fairly smoothly.

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