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Everything posted by RandomRevival

  1. Wait....Prof being a Meta epic would explain why he didnt murder his fifth grade class when he was a teacher!! He didnt have the power to do so!! What if he had some other power? And when he formed that team of his's, what if he actually stole the powers from mirkwood and that other guy he killed??? Sure Regalia would have known, but maybe thats why she wanted to hand her kingdom over to him, a meta epic, and not some of the other powerful epics she had in her command.....
  2. Im just curios to know how he would have looked while using his ability and the extent of his powers. If he could summon humongous blasts of water, could he use them to murder and destroy? Remember that part in Firefight where Regalía tells David she is curious to know how the Reckoners will react when their old teammate shows up with epic powers and starts murdering them? (I have to admit i let out a squeal of delight at the action of the scene, real manly.) How exactly would David kill them? I mean, sure, he could fly, but he was facing trained assasins who had taken down many other epics and knew how to use guns in very skillful ways, plus, prof had his powers. Or Was prof like"Hey guys, here is the plan. We advance toward obliteration and....oh no! Its David!!! And he can fly!!! Using unpractical water blasts that come from his hands!!! Darn it!!! Well...It was fun while It lasted!" I don't think so!!!!
  3. Will do that, and im still trying to figure out how to get that box thing with the previous comment to appear so i can put my comment next to it. That would help in the double posting issue Also. These are just ideas, i have yet to write for them a more compelling backstory and personality. Wait...what if the funny accent WAS a power??? Meet battlecry!!, the only epic known to use his heavy english accent to make enemies cower at his feet!!
  4. They would talk in funny english accents such as "Thou shalt not defeat battlecry, leader of our squadron! Prepare to perish by our sword's might!!! Im planning on him changing completely a gifted person's personality, to the point of a funny english battle accent being also gifted.
  5. Substance Substance was a chemistry acing student before calamity, who, with his theories about diferent acids, would have revolutionazed the house cleaning industry. (Real epic huh?) Primary powers: The ability to release an unknown greenish Substance from every pore of his body that can be manipulated into Being slick like oil and sticky as tar, making him able to slide around Corvallis using his own muck (Lovely huh?) and being able to walk on any surface, even upside down. Secondary power: The ability to become extremely bouncy making bullets bounce off him, and the ability to change his feautures (Im planning on It having a limitation though, so he can only turn himself, into what would be a female counterpart of himself, or changing his hair's Color and racial features, although if he could turn into a female he would be a queen and be super fabulous!!! ) Healing ability: if he were to have a regenarating ability It would be super, but i think he is already to powerful... Your thoughts? Should i make him less powerful? My idea is that he can become a spy, Either for or against Rainmaker.
  6. He would also have the ability to stirr up a crowd's feelings, making revolutionary speeches moré efective. Prime invicibility: Im also thinking on giving him the ability of growing an impenetrable amor on his body, but thats up to comatose. I think he would help to cause all sorts of riots and revolutions in the streets, Either in favor or against Rainmaker.
  7. Hello people, im new to the community, but i''ve been stalki- um....observing this forum long enough that i''ve read the whole Corvallis thread, I would like to add an epic to It as well, but i was wondering what you guys needed. I have two ideas for an epic, so you guys let me know what you think. (More information on these will be Added later) Battlecry An epic who before calamity played too much role playing games and now truly thinks he is a knight who must liberate all the world from epics he deems as filth, to ultimately save it. Primary powers: Super Strenght and a slightly boosted speed, as well as a lot of endurance in combat and whilst running. He would also have the ability to gift his power to vanillas (why couldnt normal humans have been called something tastier...like blueberries? Actually, im laughing at the thought of epics refering to humans as blueberries. Hey Rainmaker, Want to go teach the traitorous blueberries a lesson? 'Sup Nighthound, want to murder some blueberries? Doctor funtimes! Stop refering to the people as blueberries!....... Wait a sec, that sounds like the exact THING Doctor Funtimes might do. but anyway,) and make them join his cause, while making them think they are royal kinghts and making them talk a funny ancient english way.
  8. You just simply click the "start thread" button thats located in the upper right section of the page of whatever forum you are in.
  9. So.....after week a of stalking the forums like a total creep, i''ve finally decided to join this community! So...yay, i guess..... I havent read any of Brandon's Cosmere works, or the majority of his works, actually, partly because my school library doesnt have them, and partly because i keep thinking they will turn out to be like those horrid Lord of the rings books that i hate ( They just seem so...dull, oh, and prove me wrong about the cosmere works if you wish, i really havent picked a single one up) But i am a big fan of his Reckoners and Rithmatist series, and i plan to maybe join the Reckoners role playing game sometime . I''ve been stalking the forums long enough to know to run away from any person who claims to give me cookies with spikes in a dark alley (The queen elsa steelheart comercial isnt fooling anyone) and to know that Rainbow sparkle's shipping knows no limits. Oh yeah, and that everyone here use ponies as a communication device of some sort, cant forget the ponies. (seriously, who would make an entire pony vault? Lel, its still hilarious.) So....this is me. Any questions, fellow sharders?
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