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Everything posted by RandomRevival

  1. DodoMan: Primary Power: Matter Manipulator: Has the ability to turn any bird he touches into a Dodo bird. The birds can't fly or pretty much do anything and within 5 hours from their convertion a random boat with random settlers appears and the dodos are eaten by either the settlers or the rats they brought with them. The dodos are invincible until said time passes but...what are they going to do? I mean, they are dodos! Secundary power: DodoMan has wings that sprout from his back but he can't really do anything useful with them, like, say, fly. Weakness: Rats and or settlers. He is powerless against them. Favorite saying: Just Dodo it. Dodoman was, before calamity known as a Donald Dorrison, and he was a passionate fan of dodos. When calamity came he saw himself as the angel of all dodos. He uses every oportunity he has to add more dodos to his army, but constantly has to make more because some stupid settlers arrive out of a random portal, kill his dodos and retreat.
  2. Dodos are truly majestic creautures. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?imgurl=://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/acam/images/c/c4/Dodo.jpg/revision/latest%253Fcb%253D20120716131937%2526path-prefix%253Des&imgrefurl=http://es.acam.wikia.com/wiki/Archivo:Dodo.jpg&h=321&w=342&tbnid=ELgUclw7GOBBEM:&zoom=1&docid=FOVDaduMBRSIFM&hl=es&ei=iwuHVelSxfbJBIKugpAG&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCUQMygEMAQ Also, this gave me an idea for a new epic! DodoMan! EDIT: Curiously enough, when i typed DodoMan i found this. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?imgurl=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/5/59930/1903576-dodoman.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.comicvine.com/forums/artist-show-off-4/character-creation-contest-41-avian-character-622057/&h=1432&w=1988&tbnid=xKNwtxFwrtQKsM:&zoom=1&docid=YnueqO0wW65LTM&hl=es&ei=MAyHVabEC8eWyASY8YCYBQ&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CBwQMygAMAA
  3. Technically Lightwards is not inmortal....or very sane. Give him a couple more Deaths and he will think he is the long lost Dodo bird, Pablo.
  4. Many things started out as a meme in this 17th shardy section of the world, as far as im concerned.
  5. Spoilers? Where? Im in like page 19 of the Portland thread, so Penumbra just appeared. As far as im concerned Quota is an epic who can dampen people's moods, but i never understood his name.
  6. You mean to tell me all the time i was breeding nonstop to create a shiny chikorita...i was creating that...thing?
  7. Good, good, Lets keep the names coming! Denser, Warper, Funsize, StateShifter, RealityBand, SpaceHaze, DenseSpace, Contracttion, Manipulator, DenseMove (see what i did there?) Although in a relatively Small town, i don't think that epics powers would have much effect, specially in the arena.
  8. You sir, get an upvote for using Pokemon in this pony-ruled site. Cool name you say? What about TwistTurn, or SpaceChange? Or maybe WorldBender or Archemedes? Also, i really think more people should join the salem thread, its not like its time consuming, its pretty simple to Write in, and you get to beat up people...so...yay? There are currently like 5 people on it. (Some of them with multiple characters and posts)
  9. Oh voidus, also, do epics feel pain in a battle? As for the rest of you...why not make characters and place them in the Fights? What would It be like battling profesor Funtimes, or Lightwards, or god forbid It Nighthound???
  10. War cannot end like this! Not after all the pokemon have given up to equal the playing field!! I, Random_illuminati, slayer of doritos, shall do the unthinkable, i shall do what my ancestors swore to never do more than 5 Millenium ago....i shall...Ponify a pokemon. Wait a minute, our ancestors had a secret weapon in case a quarrel like this were ever to unfold! They created long ago the pony pokemon! A mediator between the two parties that is the living proof that peace can exist between us. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?imgurl=http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/059687/images/blackwhite/pokemans_078.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.ign.com/wikis/pokemon-red-blue-yellow-version/Rapidash&h=600&w=600&tbnid=gq21zvDNk51VMM:&zoom=1&docid=KFiVLyKDiy4V2M&hl=es&ei=uy6GVZfOFcyVyASG8K7IAQ&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CDEQMygOMA4 Also, to keep the balance i shall now post pokemon memes whenever pony memes are posted.
  11. I just made this in a random pokemon Card creator online. And so the battle for control over the forums between ponies and pokemon began. Also, finished my Salem post. hopefully i didn't break any rules anymore *the lack of response creeps me out
  12. made pokemon card. You said i couldn't twilight! Now look at my monstruosity!
  13. Thanks voidus, also, how can you make a full sized image instead of just posting the Link?
  14. You are right, ill just skip out to the fight and érase the whole dream deal.
  15. Im pretty sure everyone in the thread at some point will have to meet SoulCaster to enter the arena. I thought i wouldn't be on anymore Today so i only did that but my original plan was to get the SoulCaster thing out of the way. I don't think the post will be relevant at all with the rest of the thread but i will just skip to the fight part if requested.
  16. Substance woke up confused. Where was he? There was a thick layer of mist everywhere and he himself did not know wheter he was standing in a cloud, or a mist covered floor. He did know one thing. He had a massive headache, and his sense of disorientation wasn't helping in any way. After some time, his memories came crawling back and that just gave him an even BIGGER headache. He needed to go someplace that didn't feel like his grave. He tried walking in a straight line but everywhere he went he saw the same thing. Mist. "Sparks Isaac," he thought. " With your luck Moibus is a friend of SoulCaster's and she gave you your own personal home...for eternity." "I have seen Moibus in action, Even exchanged some quick words with her, i admire her powers though, trapping someone in a pocket dimension until they go slowly insane would be very...entertaining." Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Soulcaster was standing behind him, having apparently read his thoughts. "Welcome to hell, i am the Devil." He said, and chuckled. Afterwards he snapped his fingers and all the mist turned into Sulphur and flames appeared everywhere, licking his feet. "What do you want?" Substance asked, looking one of the most powerful epics in the eye. SoulCaster didn't show any sign of anger at him for doing that, he didn't show..well..anything, he had the cold eyes of a business man. "I," the epic started. "Am here to make a deal," he said. "You see, i was told you caused a rather big disturbance yesterday in MY town." Substance gulped. "And did i tell you how much It angers me when people go into my town and ruin my show?" He didn't need to. The fire in his eyes told everything that needed be told. "Now, i am capable of making you the most miserable person alive, literally, i could make Dreamdrifter put you in a very long dream. And i-" He said as the flames intensified and rose around him. "Rule dreams" he finished, as several pilars of fire rose into the air. "What do you want of me SoulCaster?" Substance asked with as much courage as he could manage. "How about...your signature?" He said and a piece of paper and a pen materialized around him. Great, a contract, the guy WAS the Devil. "Just sign anywhere in It" Substance hesitated. Did he really have a choice? If he was correct, then this would give SoulCaster power over him in the arena, or maybe that and something else entirely... He tried to read what the paper said, but the first part was written in Korean, the next in German and the last in Spanish. Great. Business men trickery. In the other hand, this WAS the only way to escape... He signed the contract, and after doing so, he felt like a part of him was missing. Weird. "You know..." The business man started. "Normally i just ask for people's permision by verbal means, but in YOUR case, i had certain other...um...conditions in mind." Substance inmediatly regreted having signed that. "Don't cross me little epic, for i now have your soul" SoulCaster said, and then vanished. Oh sparks...that guy now literally owned him, if he did anything to set him off again... Substance sighed. What a fine mess he had Gotten himself in this time.
  17. Only to Ressurect again using his ability. Im worse off than you bud. My tablet is hardwired to type in spanish so i constantly have to re write stuff that makes no sense.
  18. You can claim him if you want. He has got pretty decent abilities and you could mess around people with him. Also, im extremely bored and voidus is too busy to make a fight post, so if you wanted to fight that would be awesome. Although the subplot sounds nice. You should work on It.Also, winter, i hadn't noticie your post. Thanks for unfreezing or thread (could have posted something but i didn't Want to triple post, and im lazy.
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