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Everything posted by RandomRevival

  1. Is It pugs you are looking for? Have these! They are SO...adorable?
  2. It was a hot day in New York city, some might say the hottest ever. Everyone had been fearing of what would happen to them, since that new epic, Regalia, the tv Judge, had come to town. They thought many things, but none of them thought anything remotely similar to what they would soon experience.By 12:00 PM the heat was unbearable, everyone had turned their Air Conditioners on, and were relaxing inside, and yet Waterlog stood Out in the streets, waiting for Regalia to finish an argument she was having with the owner of a hotel. "I won't Pay a dime over 30 dollars for a stay in this city!" She said. "Sorry m'am, but we require that water epics pay double the ammounts of a normal citizen. You water controllers always leave the rooms a soggy mess!" The owner snapped back. Waterlog sighed, Regalia was a rich Tv judge, surely she could afford to pay 50 dollars for- "Oh...i know why this is happening! Its because the color of my skin isn't?" Waterlog sighed again, this wasn't going to finish any time soon. And he was getting hotter by the minute. Regalia should know by now what would happen if he started- Oh no. It had begun. Water started coming out of his forehead, first little gentle streams, then powerful blasts that resembled waterfalls. Soon his entire clothes were completely soaked. His armpits seemed to be water faucets, expelling gallon after gallon of the crystal clear liquid Waterlog knew all too well. Regalia stopped fighting and looked at waterlog. She knew what would soon happen. She took a step back. Waterlog exploded in a water-filled explosion that came from every pore of his skin. He was being propelled in the air in random directions. After a couple minutes the water in the New York city area was around everyone's knees. Then everyone's hips. Then everyone's chests. Then It surpassed them all together. Before Waterlog lost all conciousness he managed to grab a random passerby who was struggling swimming. "Help...me..." He said to the person. "I have a problem..."
  3. Im double posting because i think my last post is too long. Also, i think i i know the perfect enemy for him. Megan. He fears gambles, he hates making choices in the moment, so...i ask, what would be the perfect epic to counterpart him? Megan, the epic capable of making the other choices, the ones that would make him lose, come to life. Imagine, if you were in a casino and you won 10,000 dollars in a slot machine, wouldn't you totally hate if an epic came and said. "Whoops, sorry, in an alternate universe you lost. Also, you are now a cow." And poof! You find yourself grazing in the ever so green meadows? Imagine the fear that must have passed through his eyes. The sheer terror he must have experienced at the sight of the girl that could change the out come, that could always win the gamble. Some might say that his fear was because he hadn't known what megan's true power was. Others might say It was because he lost a gamble. But there is another option. One that has been over looked. Maybe he ran away, scared, because Megan was naked.
  4. Oohhhh....sorry snote, time to poop all over your party. See page 229 of Firefight. In said page Prof admits out right that he just taught fifth grade science when David questions him about not understanding the implications of the power of obliteration. "Would you two mind explaining to the old man what we are talking about?" Prof asked over the line.[to David and Tia] [Then after an explanation.....] "I thought you were a genius" i said "I taught fifth grade science" Prof reminded me. "And it's not like we taught Epic power theory back then" So...he does get a little defensive, but, hey, if your friends thought you were a genius too, only to find out otherwise...you would too. So...he basically announced he is not a genius. So...theory is dead, i guess. (Dont worry though, Voidus, Twi, Kobold and Edgedancer have all ruined my dream- theories like, 5 seconds after i post them. ) And...for the gambling theory...oh....the gambling theory.... Prof's gambling is mentioned a bunch of times in the book. Look in page 210 and see yourself. [this is Exel speaking] "Well, Jonathan Phaedrus is a great man. A wise man. But i once saw him lose to a bluff in poker, se we have empirical evidence he doesn't know everything" Empirical evidence Exel....like, maybe a weakness? maybe an Easter egg from Brandon? Who knows? Oh yeah, and also, after reading this book a couple more times (i own few and i''ve read them all like 15 times each, ) i found out this little gem Tia dropped. See page 258 [Tia talking to David] "He didn't enter," Tia said. "He Hated contests. Wouldn't Even put a quarter into a slow machine. But that didn't stop him from feeling torn apart when he didn't go" Again, Prof and contests.... What else? Well...he hates David for making spontaneous decisions, for leaving things up to chance. Who knows? Maybe he used to be a gambler before he became a teacher and somehow lost It all before redeeming himself by teaching fifth graders. That would explain the deep traumatic connection that he has with fifth grade children. Maybe he was having trouble keeping his powers from corrupting him, maybe It was like a gamble to him. Use the powers of a god, lose your morality. Become all-powerful, kill everyone you have ever known. Or maybe, just maybe. His weakness is fifth grade kids.
  5. thats cool, right now ill just have my character meet SoulCaster (in a dream) and you can go ahead and start the fight. What has been seen cannot be unseen
  6. An illuminati pony? Are you crazy? Also, what was the Ninja emoticon again?
  7. So...just asking in case Voidus listens. Does anything else need to happen in Salem?? Also, happy birthday forum, Even though i''ve only been on It for like 4 days.. Cue the random birthday card!! , http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?imgurl=http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h408/scrumpy10/hbg.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.thedartsforum.co.uk/showthread.php?8322-Happy-Birthday-Giraffe&h=400&w=345&tbnid=DQ25BJM-o6qFnM:&zoom=1&docid=4TzlCbdYsV4DMM&hl=es&ei=t-mEVczjMZGcyASK0oHoCw&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CB0QMygAMAA
  8. RandomRevival

    ask lark

    How many licks does It take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
  9. Or maybe...his weakness is...gosh, i''ve got nothing. His Bible Dreams are as confusing as everyone's love for ponies. But i do know he had something to do with his Dreams, for inmediatly after David told him he left. He Even thanked him and let him live and all! (For epics those two are kind of hard to mix)
  10. Awwww... You guys ruin the magic I suppose your arguments do make sense... Also, sorry for the lack of structure of my post (i jumped from one topic to another completely diferent one in a nanosecond ) i was in a hurry But oh ever so soon i shall discover Brandon's Master plan!!!
  11. Also, is anyone else going to post or should i start my own fight? Any fighting volunteers? Any comentarists? Anything, really?
  12. http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?imgurl=http://img08.deviantart.net/70e1/i/2012/028/c/e/twilight_is_slowpoke_by_klarnetist-d4nv2ck.png&imgrefurl=http://klarnetist.deviantart.com/art/Trixie-is-slowpoke-281945138&h=812&w=900&tbnid=AsWk5ZxJe6RAzM:&zoom=1&docid=UESQZ8--XB1SgM&hl=es&ei=_ImEVbeDGMW-sAWy0bTICg&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CC8QMygMMAw Behold at the beauty of this Slowpoke!
  13. Um...just a random thought, but, after epics rose, and were taking over everything, they should have become nightmare fuel for like, everyone, right? So...why weren't many of the new epics that appeared afterwards weakened by epics? David himself many times in Firefight and Steelheart tells us how much people in Newcago feared epics and how they hid in the córners and other whiny stuff, In Firefight while driving to Babilar they see scavanger groups and Prof comments that every once in a while one of their own becomes an epic and kills his fellow scavengers. Wouldn't they fear the very same people that destroyed their homes and drove them to desperate means of survival? David mentions a LOT in Firefight how he hid when epics came and bla bla bla. Epics, being overpowered demigods, cruel selfish monsters. But sure, why not be afraid of water? I think David's secret fear are epics. This...sounds like a pretty good theory to me. I think water was A fear...but not THE fear, you know? And what if Calamity knew that already? Regalía mentioned that what finally convinced Calamity to give him powers was the blood of so many epis he had spilled...he had faced his fear, several times. Now, im sure someone is going to come over and say "But wait, Prof gifted him powers afterwards and bla bla bla. But...think about It. Do we really know if an epic who has faced his fear can be gifted powers? Megan's powers increased significantly when she faced hers. Edmund (who we assume also did) Had the power to gift an entire fracking city, that is a LOT. What if facing your fears granted you all sorts of other perks??????? Think about It.
  14. Also, question for the void-starer all knowing Slowpoke god we all know: What marks the end of a battle? The "Death" of an epic? The unability to attack any longer?
  15. Question 13 already! That's good luck. Wait a minute.... 13 is a number of bad luck. If you switch up the 1 and 3 you get 31.... 31+13= 44. 44 has 2 4's. 2 4's can be translated into 24. There are 24 hours in a day. 24 if flipped is 42. 44-42=2. And if we go back to our original number, 13, and multiply It by 2, we get 26. HOWEVER, its been proven that 26 is an overrated number, so if we instead separate 13 into 1 and 3, multiply those by 2 and then add up the results, we find that 1x2=2 + 2x3=6 so we get a six. How much letters does Oregon have? 6. 6 fracking letters. Conclusion= This will be the question in wich Oregon will fall!!!!! EDIT: I myself still don't understand the whole "Oregon will fall when the question is asked" thing.
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