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Everything posted by Veez

  1. I saw your drawing of them smooching and it was adorable. What's the relationship between Sierra and Tamika?
  2. A very valid sentiment. Also I just noticed your signature is super gay and I love it.
  3. Yes! Captain Ico, the Reacher who took main characters from Kholinar to Celebrant in Oathbringer, and had his ship set on fire by a Fused for his trouble. Well done!
  4. Agreed. It's like having a healthy diet and sleep schedule, and exercise. None of those are going to make you any less austistic because that's just not a thing, but with those, you're likely to have more energy to spare, and so be better equipped to deal with whatever life throws at you. So you'd have a higher tolerance threshold for sensory overload, for example, or a better ability to focus on how to be social.
  5. It's hard when you feel you can't be yourself with those closest to you, but family can surprise you sometimes—even when they're slightly homophobic. Both of my parents are, but when I was exploring my gender and came out them, my dad took me to a men's clothing store for my birthday and told me to go wild (I'm AFAB). I'm not telling you guys to come out, because it's definitely not my place and whether you want to or not is between you and yourself, and only you can know if it's even a possibility. I'm just sharing my story for those of you who do want to come out but are still afraid. It might go better than you think. Also, @Szeth's Facepalm I'm out of upvotes for now, but your terrible pun is amazing and made me snort. @Zephrun's Imperium You can talk about your queer characters here!
  6. Not Zahel Not Wyndle Not Vin Not Silence Not Tindwyl Not Dalinar Not Lightsong Not Sah 1. This character is blunt. 2. This character has a child. 3. This character has gotten into trouble for helping protagonists. 4. This character is ancient by human standards, much less so by the standards of their species.
  7. Not Zahel Not Wyndle Not Vin Not Silence Not Tindwyl Not Dalinar 1. This character is blunt. 2. This character has a child. 3. This character has gotten into trouble for helping protagonists.
  8. Yeah so they're not actually trying. I agree with @DramaQueen, unfortunately, there's not much else you can do. If he doesn't want to learn, you can't really force-teach him. And if there's a place you can vent and rant about the difficulties of relationships when you're LGBTQ+;and get the support you need, it's definitetly here. Don't apologize for that. It's very hard when someone you're stuck with is purposefully derogatory, and I'm sorry you can't just walk away from the relationship. The one thing left for you to do, I feel like, is just to write this person off and stop putting efforts in the relationship. To be polite and civil and don't engage with them any more than strictly necessary.At least that way you'd be preserving yourself and sparing yourself a lot of grief. I know it's easier said than done, but it's all I've got.
  9. I'll assume that if they believe they're an ally, that means they're probably trying? It might just be that they don't understand that they are being homopobic in the first place. I used to hold pretty homophobic views, while believeing myself to be accepting of everybody, and honestly, I still probably do to an extent. I have a trans friend who still makes "attack helicopter" jokes, and it's an uphill battle to explain to them why it's harmful and not funny. But back to you! So I think that the best thing you can do is educate them on the views they hold, and why they are harmful. When they make such a comment, you could explain why this comment in particular is an issue, and at the same time reinforce that you appreciate their support? Hi Enby friend! What are you nerdy about, beyond Sanderson? Yay congrats! Is it brand new and shiny? (the relationship, not the boyfriend)
  10. I really like the way you think. Not Zahel Not Wyndle Not Vin 1. This character is blunt. 2. This character has a child.
  11. Disclaimer: If you're autistic and find the term "autistic meltdown" to be insulting/offensive, please ignore my explanation below. I only speak for myself. It's not. It's an actual thing. Happens when someone is so over-stimulated that they have a literal emotional meltdown. I don't tend to have meltdowns myself (I usually just shut down instead), but 'meltdown' is a pretty accurate term to describe how it feels. "Tantrum" would be the pejorative word in this case.
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