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Everything posted by Shattered

  1. 17th Shard Stuff: WoK Spoilers: WoR Spoiler: HoA Spoilers:
  2. I have a problem. Any time I want to change my profile photo from the default image, I get a message that the dimensions are incorrect. At first, I just assumed that it was true, and looked for more suitable images. I researched images that were the accepted dimensions for the profile photo, but was met with the same rejection. It's gotten very frustrating. I have only been using image URLs, and not saving them, but I don't think that makes a difference. Does anyone have any advice?
  3. You know you're a Sanderfan when you're sitting in physics class, wondering why your teacher isn't explaining that gravity is an object's spiritual connection with the ground.
  4. I humbly request to be appointed the position of Theoryweaver. Books before friends. 17th Shard before the real world. Release dates before birthdays. I will speculate even if there is nothing to speculate upon I will ask the questions which have not been asked I will connect that which has not been connected I believe this would grant me control over the Surges of Insanity and Debate.
  5. When you worry if you were transported to Roshar. Why? Because it's about to fall into a near-apocalypse, and I don't have the spoilers to save it yet! Plus, I wouldn't be able to write or speak in any of their languages.
  6. Mistborn (FA, WoA, HoA) Spoilers Elantris/Cosmere Spoilers WoR Spoilers
  7. When someone makes a stupid comment and you take a long hard look at the change in your wallet.
  8. Of course! The Cognitive Realm is all a ruse! Hoid worldhops by using a time and relative dimension in space machine!
  9. The thing I love most about Hoid is that he always has a hidden agenda whenever he pops into a story, so I always imagine him running around the Cosmere, checking things off of his 'to do' list.
  10. Was there any explanation of just what exactly the Moon Scepter is? It must be important, if Hoid did so much to get it, but this is really the first time in a Sanderson book that there's really been anything resembling a 'magical artifact.' Is that what this is? It must be, or there's really no reason to get it.
  11. Well, if that were the case, then it really becomes a matter of outlasting your opponent's powers, which would definitely favor Vin. Stormlight runs out way faster than any metals burn, except maybe atium. So, during that time, Kaladin wouldn't really be able to die, his Stormlight healing his wounds, and Vin would most likely be able to survive indefinitely against Kaladin with her metals. Of course, you'd also have to factor in weapons. If Kaladin has Syl the Shardblade/spear/whatever, then things get a bit more interesting. Pewter does some amazing stuff, but it won't allow you to shrug off a Shardblade wound. With Syl, Kaladin would also be able to block coins easily, and, of course, have access to a dizzying variety of killing tools. In the end, though, in this setting, I'm placing my bets on Vin. Kaladin's Stormlight would run out too fast.
  12. Why not the best Epic name in the universe:
  13. You know you're a Sanderfan when your Phys. Ed. teacher asks the class what activity they want to do for the day and you ask if you can play tarachin...
  14. When you space out in French class and remember that you're supposed to be speaking a different language, so you default to High Imperial...
  15. I love how the way you said that makes it seem like Vasher was dating a sword.
  16. Allow me to be the first in welcoming you to the site! Have an upvote to get you started. I notice that you didn't include Warbreaker or Elantris in your list. If you haven't read them, I highly recommend that you do. They are very important setups for SE. Anyway, have fun here! I personally specialize in acting as the site's Ham, asking unnecessary questions that really have no important answers. But whatever you end up doing, just remember one thing: DO NOT TAKE THE COOKIES.
  17. Is your profile photo Spook? Because it looks absolutely adorable. I have one friend reading the beginning stuff (Warbreaker, Elantris) and another that I've actually spoiled the entire thing to (yes, I'm a horrible person, but I just couldn't help myself), but is still going to read the books anyway.
  18. When you spend the whole time with your friends urging them on to finish the current installments of the Cosmere so that you can rant, theorize, and make awesome inside jokes with them.
  19. When it's impossible to read other fantasy because they never provide enough justification or explanation of the magic system(s).
  20. But you also have to remember that while Vasher is good, Dalinar would probably beat him in a duel, and Adolin definitely would. Neither are classified as Swordmasters. I do believe that it is confirmed that Denth, and by extension all Returned, have superhuman attributes, but probably isn't as simple as it seems. Lightsong didn't display any of these capabilities while fighting the Pahn Kahl (I think that's who they were). Anyway, the only way that I could see Vasher actually being a Swordmaster is if the title only applies to ardents meant to train Lighteyes in the sword, like natc suggested.
  21. To those who are explaining Newtonian physics and the effects of force applied to objects of different mass: I think you misunderstood my question. Yes, a coin Pushed by an Allomancer accelerates much more with the same applied force, but what I was really asking was this: What determines the amount of force applied? Is there a difference depending on the mass of the object Pushed or Pulled? Is the force simply the required amount to accelerate the mass of the Allomancer X meters per second? I haven't been able to figure it out.
  22. Yes, the rest of the fight he was a real boss, running away the whole time and all that.
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